Why I Decided to Stay In-State for College Hi all! My name is Kate, and I am a third-year student studying Chemical and Biological Engineering. Today I’m happy to share with you why I decided to stay in state for college. First off, I hail from Boulder, Colorado. If you know anything about Colorado schools, you know…Read more
Tag: Rams
Options for an Education in Biomedical Engineering
What options do I have if I want an education in Biomedical Engineering at CSU? Hi, my name is Sarah and I am a 4th year Engineering Ambassador at CSU, studying Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering. Biomedical engineers are responsible for increasing the quality of healthcare, creating novel solutions to improve medicine, and bettering people’s lives. When I learned of biomedical engineering (BME), I…Read more
Tips for First Year Engineers
Tips for First Year Engineers Hi there! Are you a first-year student? If so, welcome to CSU! We’re so happy to welcome you to the RAMily and to the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering! Read on for some handy tips for first-year engineering students. More Ask an Ambassador blogs 12 tips for first year engineers: 1. Get…Read more
Effective Study Tips for Engineers
Effective Study Tips for Engineers Hi my name is Katy, and I am excited to share my most effective study tips! After four years of Environmental Engineering, I have realized that engineering is hard. But it is supposed to be that way. However, with the right study habits, you can make it through any exam or course! 1. Find what time you are…Read more
The Summer Experience at CSU
The Summer Experience at CSU Considering staying in Fort Collins over the summer and taking some classes, but not quite sure whether it’s for you? I was in the same position at the end of my first year at CSU. Read on to learn a little bit about summer session at CSU. Cam the Ram…Read more
How I Studied Abroad as an Engineer
How I Studied Abroad as an Engineer Hi Rams! My name is Kate and I am in my third year studying Chemical and Biological Engineering at Colorado State University. Last Spring (2020), I had the amazing opportunity of studying abroad in Valencia, Spain! I am here to tell you that studying abroad as an engineer can be done. Read…Read more
4 Tips to Have A Fun & Successful Orientation
Ram Orientation has kicked off! Orientation is fun and exciting but can be stressful. Here are our tips on how to have an awesome experience at your Ram Orientation.
Online Ram Orientation: Frequently Asked Questions
Ram Orientation is coming up and you might have questions before you meet with us virtually on your orientation date. Guess what! We have answers. Here are the top eight questions students have before Ram Orientation. #1 Will I register for classes? Absolutely! During Ram Orientation you’ll have the chance to meet with advising staff…Read more
How to Balance Life as an Engineer
How to Balance Life as an Engineer In the “Ask an Ambassador” blog, we showcase the experiences of real CSU students in the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering. Read on to meet Kate, a CSU engineering major, and learn what she recommends to balance life as an engineer. Diving into Engineering Engineering is not…Read more
Plan Your Visit to Campus and the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering
Plan Your Visit to Campus and the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering Whether you are just beginning your college search or finishing up applications, visiting campus is a great way to decide if the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering feels like home! Here are a few fun and informative opportunities to consider as…Read more