Effective Study Tips for Engineers
Hi my name is Katy, and I am excited to share my most effective study tips! After four years of Environmental Engineering, I have realized that engineering is hard. But it is supposed to be that way. However, with the right study habits, you can make it through any exam or course!

1. Find what time you are most productive! Most people are not meant to pull an all-nighter, I certainly never have. My brain works better at 5:00am than it does 9:00pm, so I would rather get up early to study than I would to stay up late to study. All people have different hours of the day (or night) when their brain is most active, so don’t force yourself to stay up late to study just because you feel like you should. Find what time that is for you and capitalize on it for maximum productivity!

2. Take breaks! Studying for hours on end starts to become less effective. Taking small breaks in order to refocus your mind will help you stay on task. If you need to study for a long time, set timers to remind yourself to get up, stretch your legs, and get a snack to refuel.

3. Use your resources and create a study group! Engineering is meant to be collaborative. Don’t be afraid to use your resources like Academic Village tutoring, TILT tutoring, or the Engineering Success Center. Visiting tutoring hours and doing homework with a group of friends is very beneficial so that you can get exposure to the material from many different perspectives.

4. Don’t be too hard on yourself! As a fourth-year student in Environmental Engineering, I cannot think of a single person who has not failed an exam. It will happen to everyone. Take that as a good opportunity to reevaluate your time management skills and studying habits so that you can do better next time. Don’t forget that we are all in this together.

5. Treat yourself! Like I said, engineering is hard. After a long day of studying or taking an exam, be sure to reward your hard work with watching your favorite movie, cooking yourself a good meal, or taking a long shower. Rewarding your hard work is just more incentive to continue studying and doing better!

Author: Katy Rodriguez
Katy Rodriguez is a fourth-year student from Bakersfield, California and is studying Environmental Engineering with a minor in International Development. She loves her job as an Engineering Student Ambassador, as well as her current internship with Water Supply and Storage Company. She hopes to have a future career in water resources for an international engineering firm that allows her to continue to travel and do her humanitarian work in underdeveloped countries.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the engineering ambassador team at explore@engr.colostate.edu!