Chávez gives keynote address at Irrigation International Symposium in Uruguay

Chávez gives keynote address at Irrigation International Symposium in Uruguay Earlier this month, Professor José L. Chávez delivered a keynote address at an International Irrigation Management Symposium in Colonia, Uruguay. The symposium was a gathering of experts in irrigation and agriculture sharing innovations for improving irrigation water management in Latin America and the Caribbean. Chávez spoke…Read more

Tong recognized as Super Reviewer by Environmental Science & Technology

This week, the American Chemical Society selected Associate Professor Tiezheng Tong for a Super Reviewer Award for Environmental Science & Technology. Of 7,350 total reviewers worldwide, only eight were given the Super Reviewer Award. In addition to his exceptional service as a peer reviewer, Tong is also a prolific researcher. Tong is the leading author…Read more

PhD student wins best presentation at International Water Association conference

In July, PhD student Yiqun Yao attended the International Water Association’s 10th Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in St. Louis, Missouri. Advised by Associate Professor Tiezheng Tong, Yao’s research focuses on developing novel electrodialysis desalination technology for brine treatment and the design of antiscalants for membrane desalination. Yao…Read more

Nelson’s research on riverbed roughness featured in Eos article

Associate Professor Peter Nelson co-authored two papers in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface on the role of bedrock riverbed roughness in the formation of sediment patches. Nelson provides a model for riverbeds with both bedrock and alluvial segments to determine how the texture of the riverbed and the presence or absence of sediment…Read more

Tong receives honorable mention for James J. Morgan Early Career Award from ACS

Associate Professor Tiezheng Tong will receive the James J. Morgan Early Career Award honorable mention from the American Chemical Society next month at the Spring National Meeting in New Orleans. The award recognizes “imaginative early career colleagues who are making waves in environmental science and technology.” Tong is involved in ground-breaking research on achieving zero-liquid…Read more

Graduate student participates in shake-table testing in San Diego

This January, CEE graduate research assistant Prashanna Mishra and Professor John van de Lindt participated in the second phase of the NSF-funded Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Converging Design project. This phase tested the structural integrity of a full-scale six-story timber building using a shake-table to simulate earthquake level force at the University of…Read more