Faculty Friday: Greg Marzolf

Indoor photo of Gregory Marzolf, assistant professor of systems engineering.
Gregory Marzolf, assistant professor of systems engineering.

Colonel Gregory Marzolf (USAF retired) is an assistant professor in systems engineering. He started teaching for the department in 2017, primarily teaching SYSE 501: Foundations of Systems Engineering and SYSE 603: Introduction to Systems Test and Evaluation.

Have you developed any fun “quarantine hobbies”?

No – I’m doing the same things I always do. Working out, mountain biking, taking care of the house and yard.  That’s enough!

What is a typical weekday like you for?

Up by 7, quiet time/devotions until 7:30, then breakfast, downstairs to the office – class work and consulting (when needed) – then off to workout.  Evenings are spent playing guitar or teaching classes.

What are your research areas and what drew you to this research?

My Ph.D. dissertation drew me to my research areas: emergency response, and DoD systems—particularly those related to air power/warfighting.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

Hike, bike, play guitar, hunt, play with my dog Boomer.

Who inspires you?

I have quite a few mentors that inspire me.  Most of these came from serving almost 30 years in the Air Force.  These people continue to help me…even though I retired over 3 years ago.  My family is also a big source of inspiration for me.

Anything else you want to share?

I have an identical twin brother – and I have twin daughters! I love the Star Wars movies – and I think CSU and its people are wonderful…I think this is an awesome place to contribute.