USACE Honors Guillermo Riveros for Using CFRP Method Based on Research Collaboration with CEE

The United States Army Corps of Engineers awarded Dr. Guillermo Riveros the USACE Sustainability Hero Award for his Overton Lock and Dam Pintle Socket Repair project.  “The USACE Sustainability Award Program recognizes significant contributions in the fields of energy efficiency, sustainable solutions, reduced impacts to the natural environment, and preserving and enhancing our natural resources. ”   The CRFP method is used to repair steel structure fatigue cracks using fiber-reinforced polymer, allowing locks to remain in service until major repairs occur.  The CFRP method has also been applied to Old Hickory Lock, the Pickwick Lok and Dam, and the Smithland Lock and Dam.  Team leaders of this research include Christine Lozano, who will be joining CSU as a Ph.D. candidate starting Fall 2021, Hussam Mahmoud, Professor, CEE, and interns from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.