Dr. Thomas G Sanders


Dr.Sanders achievements include, developing a mathematical model for the dewatering of sludge on sand beds, the first comprehensive investigation and research into the design of water quality monitoring networks(terms developed in the research are used in the field today), the design and construction of both an indoor and outdoor rainfall-runoff facility used for research, a mathematical model for nonpoint source movement in overland flow, low-flow research used by the state for managing streams in Colorado, developing the concept of work as a measure of the effectiveness of different erosion control materials, design and construction of an innovative and inexpensive road dust measuring device, the “Colorado State University Dustometer”, for research into the effectiveness of various dust suppressants and developing a methodology for comparing the effectiveness of different water quality monitoring network designs, a concept and procedure many years ahead if its time. I have been the PI or co-PI of 27 research contracts and grants totaling in excess of $5.8 M. Since 1979 I have successfully presented over 85 short courses on Water Quality Monitoring Network Design, Hazardous Waste Management, Activated Sludge Process Control, Environmental Impacts of Water Research Projects, and Hydrology for Transportation Engineers and Hydrometry. The monitoring course has been presented six times overseas and seven times in other states. I have also presented one conference, in 1987, Waste Management Conference- Focus on the West. I have 23 Refereed publications, 20 invited papers, 19 chapters in books and other papers totaling 122. I have over 200 referenced citations (1990). I am the editor and author of three books, Design of Networks for Monitoring Water Quality, Hydrology for Transportation Engineers, and Enter Karate and co-editor of Surface and Subsurface Hydrology and 7th Hydrology Days, 1987.