Mahmoud published in Nature as wildfires continue to blaze around the world

Hussam Mahmoud and Nature logoProfessor Hussam Mahmoud has published an article in Nature‘s online journal under the World View section entitled “The causes of wildfires are clear. How they burn through communities is not.”

In the article, Mahmoud calls for community-wide mitigation to reduce damage from wildfires. His own groundbreaking wildfire model is one such way to increase resilience by evaluating risks and predicting outcomes of wildfires in a given community. Mahmoud and his wildfire model have been featured on NPR for Northern Colorado (KUNC) and Colorado’s 11 News (KKTV), in addition to his TEDxMileHigh talk and presentation at the Climate Crossroads Summit 2023. Unfortunately, with fires raging across the globe, wildfires may continue to be a hot topic.

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