Desert Research Institute hires CEE postdoc as research faculty

Desert Research Institute hires CEE postdoc as research faculty

Postdoctoral fellow Sayantan “Monty” Majumdar was hired as an assistant research professor by the Desert Research Institute (DRI) in June 2023. Majumdar earned his PhD from Missouri University of Science and Technology and came to CSU as a postdoc in September 2022.

CEE Assistant Professor Ryan Smith, previously a faculty member at Missouri, served as Majumdar’s PhD advisor. “Monty was my first PhD student, and I was so lucky to have him in our group. He did a great job both with his research and mentoring the other students in the group. We’re sad to see him leave but so excited for his next opportunity with DRI,” Smith shared.

A branch of the Nevada System of Higher Education, DRI is a leader in global environmental research.

Congratulations to Monty!

Man posing in front of mountain and body of water
Photo credit: Arindam Khanda