Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

BME Combined with Chemical & Biological Engineering (CBE)

Colorado State University Bachelor of Science degree in biomedical engineering (BME) combined with a chemical and biological engineering (CBE) degree, typically draws students interested in using biology and chemistry in engineering to improve human and/or animal health.

Our BME+CBE pathway has an emphasis on process engineering and also prepares students in diagnosing and/or treating diseases (e.g. cell therapy technologies, bioprocessing, momentum transfer and material separations) and developing skills in computational and quantitative biology to better understand , predict, and control complex biological behaviors.

Research areas include low-cost diagnostics for biological targets (e.g., paper-based microfluidics and biosensors), tissue engineering, metabolic engineering, and cellular biomechanics.


What is biomedical engineering?

Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering and biology principles to improve human health. Here at Colorado State University, the School of Biomedical Engineering combines strengths in veterinary medicine, engineering, and the sciences to provide an interdisciplinary focus on improving health, fighting disease, and aiding persons with disabilities. Our research areas and interests focus on three areas: medical devices and therapeutics, imaging and diagnostics, and regenerative and rehabilitative medicine.

What is the difference between a major and the minor in biomedical engineering?

The Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering will provide much more depth and breadth than majoring in one area and getting the minor in biomedical engineering. If you would rather have a major course of study in one area (this could be engineering or a non-engineering major) and have a taste of biomedical engineering, the minor route may be the best way for you to go. Your advisor can help guide you properly.

What is the difference between the BME degree program and getting a bachelor’s degree in a traditional engineering major and a master’s degree in biomedical engineering?

The Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering is designed to be very transdisciplinary and to integrate the traditional engineering major with biomedical engineering. There are many hands-on applications in the classes and labs. Your senior design project will bring all this together in a team-project environment that will give you more hands-on and integrated experiences with the BME bachelor’s degree. At the master’s level, students traditionally pursue research based on the adviser’s projects, which also provides depth. This option leaves it up to you to integrate your courses of study. Either way you go, you would be well-prepared to apply for a PhD program.

What is the difference between biomedical engineering and biomedical sciences?

The short answer is that biomedical engineers take and use more math. There is, however, more to it than that. The two fields are very similar in that they are both transdisciplinary and apply scientific principles to healthcare.

How do I request an override for an engineering course?

See How to Request Overrides for Engineering Courses

Petition for Substitution Classes

Petition for Substitution of BME Classes
Be sure to submit a clear, concise, and compelling reason for your request.

Petition for Substitution of Mechanical Engineering Classes

Override for Engineering Courses

Instructions on How to Request Overrides for Engineering Courses.

Override Request Form (PDF)

Practicum / Independent Study Packet

Practicum/Independent Study Packet (PDF)

Practicum/Independent Study Packet (DOC)
Must be approved prior to semester for which you want credit. Allow 2 months for review.

Chase JacksonUndergraduate Advisor Last Names A-N & Prospective StudentsPhone (970) 491-3778E-mail:

Erin MeierUndergraduate Advisor Last Names I-Z Biomedical Engineering Minor studentsPhone (970) 491-2397Email:


BME Technical Electives

3-5 credits from approved list (check DARS for exact requirement)

CBE Technical Electives for BME+CBE

5-6 credits from approved list (check DARS for exact requirement)

BME Broad Electives

3 credits from approved list

The BME+CBE pathway at CSU provides students with two bachelor's degrees within 5 years.

Learn more