Herber Research Group

Welcome to Dr. Daniel Herber's research group website!

The Herber Research Group at Colorado State University, headed by Dr. Daniel Herber, focuses on design optimization, model-based systems engineering, system architecture synthesis, combined physical and control system design (control co-design), and numerical optimal control concentrated around the development of novel theory and tools for integrated design methods conducive to emerging and dynamic engineering systems.

The group works in several engineering application domains, including recent projects in offshore wind/wave energy systems, carbon capture combined with thermal storage and natural gas plants, aero-actuation systems, and thermal management networks for aircraft, and continues to expand.


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4 latest publications

[*]S. Azad, S. R. Khanal, D. R. Herber, G. Jia. 'Concurrent geometry, control, and layout optimization of wave energy converter farms in probabilistic irregular waves using surrogate modeling.' . doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2407.07098 [entry page] [pdf]
[*]S. Azad, D. R. Herber. 'A case study comparing both stochastic and worst-case robust control co-design under different control structures.' . doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.20496 [entry page] [pdf]
[*]S. Rudder, D. R. Herber. 'Importance of ontologies for integration of systems engineering (SE) and human factors engineering (HFE) into system development and design.' In (to appear) International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications, Split, Croatia, Sep 2024. [entry page]
[*]S. Bank, D. R. Herber. 'CatalogBank: a structured and interoperable catalog dataset with a semi-automatic annotation tool DocumentLabeler for engineering system design.' In (to appear) ACM 2024 Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), San Jose, CA, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page]