
6 latest publications

[*]S. Azad, S. R. Khanal, D. R. Herber, G. Jia. 'Concurrent geometry, control, and layout optimization of wave energy converter farms in probabilistic irregular waves using surrogate modeling.' . doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2407.07098 [entry page] [pdf]
[*]S. Azad, D. R. Herber. 'A case study comparing both stochastic and worst-case robust control co-design under different control structures.' . doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.20496 [entry page] [pdf]
[*]S. Rudder, D. R. Herber. 'Importance of ontologies for integration of systems engineering (SE) and human factors engineering (HFE) into system development and design.' In (to appear) International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications, Split, Croatia, Sep 2024. doi: 10.54941/ahfe1005544 [entry page] [pdf]
[T9]A. Sirico Jr. 'Integrating geometric deep learning with a set-based design approach for the exploration of graph-based engineering systems.' Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[T8]D. R. Call. 'Characterizing and improving the adoption rate of model-based systems engineering through an application of the diffusion of innovations theory.' Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[P18]A. K. Sundarrajan, D. R. Herber. 'Comparison of different data-driven modeling approaches for control optimization of floating offshore wind turbines.' ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Washington, DC, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]

Journal Articles

[J18]S. Lawrence, D. R. Herber. 'A model-based systems engineering approach for effective decision support of modern energy systems depicted with clean hydrogen production.' Systems, 12(8), p. 290, Aug 2024. doi: 10.3390/systems12080290 [entry page] [pdf]
Special Issue: Decision Making with Model-Based Systems Engineering [model]
[J17]A. Sirico Jr, D. R. Herber. 'On the use of geometric deep learning for the iterative classification and down-selection of analog electric circuits.' ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 146(5), p. 051703, May 2024. doi: 10.1115/1.4063659 [entry page] [pdf]
Special Issue: Selected Papers from IDETC 2023 [arXiv:2303.09770]
[J16]A. K. Sundarrajan, Y. H. Lee, J. T. Allison, D. S. Zalkind, D. R. Herber. 'Open-loop control co-design of semisubmersible floating offshore wind turbines using linear parameter-varying models.' ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 146(4), p. 041704, Apr 2024. doi: 10.1115/1.4063969 [entry page] [pdf]
[J15]E. Markey, R. Vercellino, B. J. Limb, M. D. Pisciotta, J. Huyett, S. Garland, M. Abarr, P. Psarras, D. R. Herber, J. C. Quinn, T. Bandhauer. 'Economic impact of thermal energy storage on natural gas power with carbon capture in future electricity markets.' International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 133, p. 104098, Mar 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2024.104098 [entry page]
[J14]S. Azad, D. R. Herber. 'An overview of uncertain control co-design formulations.' ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 145(9), p. 091709, Sep 2023. doi: 10.1115/1.4062753 [entry page] [pdf]
[J13]M. Huss, D. R. Herber, J. M. Borky. 'Comparing measured agile software development metrics using an agile model-based software engineering approach versus scrum only.' Software, 2(3), p. 310–331, Jul 2023. doi: 10.3390/software2030015 [entry page] [pdf]
[J12]D. S. Birch, J. B. Narsinghani, D. R. Herber, T. H. Bradley. 'Human factors hazard modeling in the systems modeling language.' Systems Engineering, 26(3), p. 328–343, May 2023. doi: 10.1002/sys.21659 [entry page] [pdf]
[J11]M. Huss, D. R. Herber, J. M. Borky. 'An agile model-based software engineering approach illustrated through the development of a health technology system.' Software, 2(2), p. 234–257, Apr 2023. doi: 10.3390/software2020011 [entry page] [pdf]
[J10]B. J. Limb, E. J. Markey, R. Vercellino, S. D. Garland, M. D. Pisciotta, P. Psarras, D. R. Herber, T. M. Bandhauer, J. C. Quinn. 'Economic viability of using thermal energy storage for flexible carbon capture on natural gas power plants.' Journal of Energy Storage, 55(D), p. 105836, Nov 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.est.2022.105836 [entry page] [pdf]
[J9]D. R. Call, D. R. Herber. 'Applicability of the diffusion of innovation theory to accelerate model-based systems engineering adoption.' Systems Engineering, 25(6), p. 574–583, Nov 2022. doi: 10.1002/sys.21638 [entry page] [pdf]
[J8]C. A. Hejase, K. A. Weitzel, S. C. Stokes, B. M. Grauberger, R. B. Young, M. S. Arias-Paic, M. Kong, S. Chae, T. M. Bandhauer, T. Tong, D. R. Herber, S. Stout, A. Miara, Z. Huang, A. Evans, P. Kurup, M. Talmadge, A. Kandt, J. R. Stokes-Draut, J. Macknick, T. Borch, D. D. Dionysiou. 'Opportunities for treatment and reuse of agricultural drainage in the United States.' ACS ES&T Engineering, 2(3), p. 292–305, 2022. doi: 10.1021/acsestengg.1c00277 [entry page] [pdf]
[J7]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'A problem class with combined architecture, plant, and control design applied to vehicle suspensions.' ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(10), p. 101401, Oct 2019. doi: 10.1115/1.4043312 [entry page] [pdf]
[J6]S. R. T. Peddada, D. R. Herber, H. Pangborn, A. G. Alleyne, J. T. Allison. 'Optimal flow control and single split architecture exploration for fluid-based thermal management.' ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(8), p. 083401, Aug 2019. doi: 10.1115/1.4043203 [entry page] [pdf]
[J5]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Nested and simultaneous solution strategies for general combined plant and control design problems.' ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(1), p. 011402, Jan 2019. doi: 10.1115/1.4040705 [entry page] [pdf]
[J4]C. M. Chilan, D. R. Herber, Y. K. Nakka, S. Chung, J. T. Allison, J. B. Aldrich, O. S. Alvarez-Salazar. 'Co-design of strain-actuated solar arrays for spacecraft precision pointing and jitter reduction.' AIAA Journal, 55(9), p. 3180–3195, Sep 2017. doi: 10.2514/1.J055748 [entry page] [pdf]
[J3]D. R. Herber, T. Guo, J. T. Allison. 'Enumeration of architectures with perfect matchings.' ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 139(5), p. 051403, May 2017. doi: 10.1115/1.4036132 [entry page] [pdf]
[code] [case study 2 graphs] [video]
[J2]D. R. Herber, A. P. Deshmukh, M. E. Mitchell, J. T. Allison. 'Project-based curriculum for teaching analytical design to freshman engineering students via reconfigurable trebuchets.' Education Sciences, 6(1), p. 7, Feb 2016. doi: 10.3390/educsci6010007 [entry page] [pdf]
[J1]J. T. Allison, D. R. Herber. 'Multidisciplinary design optimization of dynamic engineering systems.' AIAA Journal, 52(4), p. 691–710, Apr 2014. doi: 10.2514/1.J052182 [entry page] [pdf]
Special Section on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

Conference Proceedings

[*]S. Rudder, D. R. Herber. 'Importance of ontologies for integration of systems engineering (SE) and human factors engineering (HFE) into system development and design.' In (to appear) International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications, Split, Croatia, Sep 2024. doi: 10.54941/ahfe1005544 [entry page] [pdf]
[C47]A. K. Sundarrajan, T. T. Tran, W. Wiley, H. Ross, D. Zalkind, D. R. Herber. 'Development of an optimal variable-pitch controller for floating axial-flow marine hydrokinetic turbines.' In ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2024-141271, Washington, DC, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[OSTI ID 2371522] [slides]
[C46]S. Azad, Z. Gulumjanli, D. R. Herber. 'A general framework for supporting economic feasibility of generator and storage energy systems through capacity and dispatch optimization.' In ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2024-142667, Washington, DC, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2404.14583] [code] [slides]
[C45]S. Azad, S. R. Khanal, D. R. Herber, G. Jia. 'Integrated design for wave energy converter farms: assessing plant, control, layout, and site selection coupling in the presence of irregular waves.' In ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2024-143179, Washington, DC, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2405.15717] [code] [slides] Nominated as a Paper of Distinction
[C44]S. Bank, D. R. Herber. 'CatalogBank: a structured and interoperable catalog dataset with a semi-automatic annotation tool (DocumentLabeler) for engineering system design.' In ACM 2024 Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), San Jose, CA, USA, Aug 2024. doi: 10.1145/3685650.3685665 [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2408.08238] [CatalogBank] [DocumentLabeler] [slides] [recording] Nominated for Best Paper Award
[C43]S. Azad, D. R. Herber, S. Khanal, G. Jia. 'Site-dependent solutions of wave energy converter farms with surrogate models, control co-design, and layout optimization.' In 2024 American Control Conference, p. 2572–2579, Toronto, Canada, Jul 2024. doi: 10.23919/ACC60939.2024.10644693 [entry page] [pdf]
Invited Session [arXiv:2405.06794] [code] [slides]
[C42]D. R. Call, S. Conrad, D. R. Herber. 'The effects of the assessed perceptions of MBSE on adoption.' In INCOSE 2024 International Symposium, p. 462–478, Dublin, Ireland, Jul 2024. doi: 10.1002/iis2.13157 [entry page]
[slides] [related dissertation T8]
[C41]E. S. Enos, D. R. Herber. 'Using hybrid system dynamics and discrete event simulations to identify high leverage targets for process improvement in a skill-based organizational structure.' In IEEE 2024 International Systems Conference (SysCon), Montreal, QC, Canada, Apr 2024. doi: 10.1109/SysCon61195.2024.10553565 [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2402.14768] [code] [slides]
[C40]J. S. Wheaton, D. R. Herber. 'Digital requirements engineering with an INCOSE-derived SysML meta-model.' In 2024 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, p. 15–26, Tucson, AZ, USA, Mar 2024. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-62554-1_2 [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2401.16330] [slides]
[C39]J. S. Wheaton, D. R. Herber. 'Seamless digital engineering: a grand challenge driven by needs.' In AIAA 2024 Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Orlando, FL, USA, Jan 2024. doi: 10.2514/6.2024-1053 [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2401.02059] [slides]
[C38]A. Sirico Jr, D. R. Herber. 'Geometric deep learning towards the iterative classification of graph-based aircraft thermal management systems.' In AIAA 2024 Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Orlando, FL, USA, Jan 2024. doi: 10.2514/6.2024-0684 [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2312.03270] [code] [slides]
[C37]S. Lawrence, D. R. Herber. 'Towards the integration of hydrogen production with nuclear with model-based systems engineering.' In ANS Winter Meeting and Technology Expo, 129(1), 1, p. 760–763, Washington, D.C., USA, Nov 2023. [entry page]
[C36]A. K. Sundarrajan, D. R. Herber. 'Using high-fidelity time-domain simulation data to construct multi-fidelity state derivative function surrogate models for use in control and optimization.' In ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2023-112316, Nov 2023. doi: 10.1115/IMECE2023-112316 [entry page] [pdf]
[slides] [arXiv:2308.07419]
[C35]D. R. Herber, K. Eftekhari-Shahroudi. 'Building a requirements digital thread from concept to testing using model-based structured requirements applied to thrust reverser actuation system development.' In Recent Advances in Aerospace Actuation Systems and Components, Toulouse, France, Sep 2023. [entry page] [pdf]
[model] [slides]
[C34]S. Azad, D. R. Herber. 'Concurrent probabilistic control co-design and layout optimization of wave energy converter farms using surrogate modeling.' In ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2023-116896, Boston, MA, USA, Aug 2023. doi: 10.1115/DETC2023-116896 [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2308.06418] [slides] Nominated as a Paper of Distinction
[C33]A. Sirico Jr, D. R. Herber. 'On the use of geometric deep learning towards the evaluation of graph-centric engineering systems.' In ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2023-114592, Boston, MA, USA, Aug 2023. doi: 10.1115/DETC2023-114592 [entry page] [pdf]
[arXiv:2303.09770] [code] [slides]
[C32]D. R. Call, D. R. Herber. 'A case for model-based systems engineering in an agile world and principles for growth.' In INCOSE 2023 Annual International Symposium, p. 1612–1626, Honolulu, HI, USA, Jul 2023. doi: 10.1002/iis2.13102 [entry page] [pdf]
[C31]D. R. Herber, D. Dierker, S. S. Patnaik. 'Advancing model-based engineering through improved integration of domain-specific simulation and analysis using SysML-based models for unmanned aerial vehicles.' In AIAA 2023 Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA 2023-0256, National Harbor, MD, USA, Jan 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-0256 [entry page] [pdf]
[slides] [recording]
[C30]S. Azad, D. R. Herber. 'Investigations into uncertain control co-design implementations for stochastic in expectation and worst-case robust.' In ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2022-95229, Columbus, OH, USA, Nov 2022. doi: 10.1115/IMECE2022-95229 [entry page] [pdf]
[slides] [recording]
[C29]H. Ross, M. Hall, D. R. Herber, J. Jonkman, A. K. Sundarrajan, T. T. Tran, A. Wright, D. Zalkind, N. Johnson. 'Development of a control co-design modeling tool for marine hydrokinetic turbines.' In ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2022-94483, Columbus, OH, USA, Nov 2022. doi: 10.1115/IMECE2022-94483 [entry page] [pdf]
[C28]B. J. Limb, E. J. Markey, R. Vercellino, J. Huyett, S. D. Garland, M. D. Pisciotta, P. Psarras, E. Meuleman, N. Fine, M. Abarr, D. R. Herber, J. C. Quinn, T. M. Bandhauer. 'Evaluating the economic viability of NGCC-SWITCC: natural gas combined cycle system with integrated thermal storage and carbon capture.' In 2022 Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference, Lyon, France, Oct 2022. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4295563 [entry page] [pdf]
[C27]S. Azad, D. R. Herber. 'Control co-design under uncertainties: formulations.' In ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2022-89507, St. Louis, MO, USA, Aug 2022. doi: 10.1115/DETC2022-89507 [entry page] [pdf]
[slides] [recording]
[C26]R. Vercellino, E. J. Markey, B. J. Limb, M. D. Pisciotta, J. Huyett, S. D. Garland, T. M. Bandhauer, J. C. Quinn, P. Psarras, D. R. Herber. 'Control co-design optimization of natural gas power plants with carbon capture and thermal storage.' In ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2022-90021, St. Louis, MO, USA, Aug 2022. doi: 10.1115/DETC2022-90021 [entry page] [pdf]
[slides] [recording]
[C25]D. R. Herber, J. B. Narsinghani, K. Eftekhari-Shahroudi. 'Model-based structured requirements in SysML.' In IEEE 2022 International Systems Conference (SysCon), Apr 2022. doi: 10.1109/SysCon53536.2022.9773813 [entry page] [pdf]
[model] [slides] [recording]
[C24]L. T. Starr, J. C. de Baca, D. R. Herber. 'Sewing the digital transformation thread: a deeper look into model-based Six Sigma (MBSS) and the model‐based systems architecture processes (MBSAP).' In AIAA 2022 Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA-2022-0095, San Diego, CA, USA, Jan 2022. doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0095 [entry page] [pdf]
[C23]A. R. Miller, D. R. Herber. 'Digital engineering transformation of requirements analysis within model-based systems engineering.' In World Conference of the Society for Industrial and Systems Engineering, Sep 2021. [entry page] [pdf]
[slides] [recording]
[C22]A. K. Sundarrajan, Y. H. Lee, J. T. Allison, D. R. Herber. 'Open-loop control co-design of floating offshore wind turbines using linear parameter-varying models.' In ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2021-67573, Aug 2021. doi: 10.1115/DETC2021-67573 [entry page] [pdf]
[slides] [recording]
[C21]R. Buettner, D. R. Herber, P. Abolmoali, S. S. Patnaik. 'An automated design tool for the generation and selection of optimal aircraft thermal management system architectures.' In AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, AIAA 2021-3718, Aug 2021. doi: 10.2514/6.2021-3718 [entry page] [pdf]
[C20]A. K. Sundarrajan, D. R. Herber. 'Towards a fair comparison between the nested and simultaneous control co-design methods using an active suspension case study.' In American Control Conference, May 2021. doi: 10.23919/ACC50511.2021.9482687 [entry page] [pdf]
Invited Session [code] [slides] [recording]
[C19]J. Jonkman, A. Wright, G. Barter, M. Hall, J. T. Allison, D. R. Herber. 'Functional requirements for the WEIS toolset to enable controls co-design of floating offshore wind turbines.' In International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, IOWTC2021-3533, Feb 2021. doi: 10.1115/IOWTC2021-3533 [entry page] [pdf]
[C18]D. R. Herber, A. K. Sundarrajan. 'On the uses of linear-quadratic methods in solving nonlinear dynamic optimization problems with direct transcription.' In ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2020-23885, Nov 2020. doi: 10.1115/IMECE2020-23885 [entry page] [pdf]
[code] [slides] [recording]
[C17]D. R. Herber. 'Enhancements to the perfect matching approach for graph enumeration-based engineering challenges.' In ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2020-22774, Aug 2020. doi: 10.1115/DETC2020-22774 [entry page] [pdf]
[code] [slides] [recording]
[C16]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison, R. Buettner, P. Abolmoali, S. S. Patnaik. 'Architecture generation and performance evaluation of aircraft thermal management systems through graph-based techniques.' In AIAA 2020 Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA 2020-0159, Orlando, FL, USA, Jan 2020. doi: 10.2514/6.2020-0159 [entry page] [pdf]
[C15]T. Guo, D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Circuit synthesis using generative adversarial networks (GANs).' In AIAA 2019 Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA 2019-2350, San Diego, CA, USA, Jan 2019. doi: 10.2514/6.2019-2350 [entry page] [pdf]
Invited Paper
[C14]T. Guo, D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Reducing evaluation cost for circuit synthesis using active learning.' In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2018-85654, p. V02AT03A011, Quebec City, Canada, Aug 2018. doi: 10.1115/DETC2018-85654 [entry page] [pdf]
[C13]S. R. T. Peddada, D. R. Herber, H. Pangborn, A. G. Alleyne, J. T. Allison. 'Optimal flow control and single split architecture exploration for fluid-based thermal management.' In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2018-86148, p. V02AT03A005, Quebec City, Canada, Aug 2018. doi: 10.1115/DETC2018-86148 [entry page] [pdf]
[C12]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'A problem class with combined architecture, plant, and control design applied to vehicle suspensions.' In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2018-86213, p. V02AT03A006, Quebec City, Canada, Aug 2018. doi: 10.1115/DETC2018-86213 [entry page] [pdf]
[C11]C. Lin, D. R. Herber, Vedant, Y. H. Lee, A. Ghosh, R. H. Ewoldt, J. T. Allison. 'Attitude control system complexity reduction via tailored viscoelastic damping co-design.' In AAS 2018 Guidance & Control Conference, AAS 18-103, Breckenridge, CO, USA, Feb 2018. [entry page] [pdf]
[C10]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Unified scaling of dynamic optimization design formulations.' In ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2017-67676, p. V02AT03A003, Cleveland, OH, USA, Aug 2017. doi: 10.1115/DETC2017-67676 [entry page] [pdf]
[C9]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Nested and simultaneous solution strategies for general combined plant and controller design problems.' In ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2017-67668, p. V02AT03A002, Cleveland, OH, USA, Aug 2017. doi: 10.1115/DETC2017-67668 [entry page] [pdf]
[C8]D. R. Herber, T. Guo, J. T. Allison. 'Enumeration of architectures with perfect matchings.' In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2016-60212, p. V02AT03A005, Charlotte, NC, USA, Aug 2016. doi: 10.1115/DETC2016-60212 [entry page] [pdf]
[code] [case study 2 graphs] [video]
[C7]C. M. Chilan, D. R. Herber, Y. K. Nakka, S. Chung, J. T. Allison. 'Co-design of strain-actuated solar arrays for precision pointing and jitter reduction.' In AIAA 2016 Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA-2016-0162, San Diego, CA, USA, Jan 2016. doi: 10.2514/6.2016-0162 [entry page] [pdf]
[C6]A. P. Deshmukh, D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Bridging the gap between open-loop and closed-loop control in co-design: A framework for complete optimal plant and control architecture design.' In 2015 American Control Conference, p. 4916–4922, Chicago, IL, USA, Jul 2015. doi: 10.1109/ACC.2015.7172104 [entry page] [pdf]
[C5]J. T. Allison, D. R. Herber, A. P. Deshmukh. 'Integrated design of dynamic sustainable energy systems.' In 2015 International Conference on Engineering Design, Vol. 1, p. 299–308, Milan, Italy, Jul 2015. [entry page] [pdf]
[C4]D. R. Herber, J. W. McDonald, O. S. Alvarez-Salazar, G. Krishnan, J. T. Allison. 'Reducing spacecraft jitter during satellite reorientation maneuvers via solar array dynamics.' In AIAA/ISSMO 2014 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, AIAA2014-3278, p. 1–17, Atlanta, GA, USA, Jun 2014. doi: 10.2514/6.2014-3278 [entry page] [pdf]
[C3]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Wave energy extraction maximization in irregular ocean waves using pseudospectral methods.' In ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2013-12600, p. V03AT03A018, Portland, OR, USA, Aug 2013. doi: 10.1115/DETC2013-12600 [entry page] [pdf]
Nominated as a Paper of Distinction
[C2]J. T. Allison, D. R. Herber. 'Multidisciplinary design optimization of dynamic engineering systems.' In AIAA 2013 Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, AIAA 2013-1462, p. 1–30, Boston, MA, USA, Apr 2013. doi: 10.2514/6.2013-1462 [entry page] [pdf]
[C1]J. T. Allison, A. Kaitharath, D. R. Herber. 'Wave energy extraction maximization using direct transcription.' In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2012-86619, p. 485–495, Houston, TX, USA, Nov 2012. doi: 10.1115/IMECE2012-86619 [entry page] [pdf]

Theses and Dissertations

[T9]A. Sirico Jr. 'Integrating geometric deep learning with a set-based design approach for the exploration of graph-based engineering systems.' Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[T8]D. R. Call. 'Characterizing and improving the adoption rate of model-based systems engineering through an application of the diffusion of innovations theory.' Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[T7]M. Huss. 'Development and quasi-experimental study of the scrum model-based system architecture process (sMBSAP) for agile model-based software engineering.' Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Dec 2023. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
[T6]R. Vercellino. 'Analysis and control co-design optimization of natural gas power plants with carbon capture and thermal energy storage.' M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Jun 2022. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
[T5]A. R. Miller. 'Applying model-based systems engineering in search of quality by design.' Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, May 2022. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
[slides] [recording]
[T4]J. B. Narsinghani. 'Towards a model-based implementation in technology/platform life cycle development processes applied to a thrust reverser actuation system (TRAS) concept.' M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Oct 2021. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
[T3]A. K. Sundarrajan. 'Some efficient open-loop control solution strategies for dynamic optimization problems and control co-design.' M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Jun 2021. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
[T2]D. R. Herber. 'Advances in combined architecture, plant, and control design.' Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA, Dec 2017. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
(errata attached) [source code]
[T1]D. R. Herber. 'Dynamic system design optimization of wave energy converters utilizing direct transcription.' M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA, May 2014. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
(errata attached)

Technical Reports

[R10]L. Fegenbush. 'Combining federated UAF and SysML models for a bomb live unit, optimizing objectives with compartmentalization.' SYSE 695 Independent Study Report, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, May 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[R9]M. Heath. 'Model-based structured requirements for an electronic actuation testbed: Introduction on non-functional MBSR format.' SYSE 695 Independent Study Report, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, May 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[R8]M. Pipan. 'Analysis of integration of modeling tools through model based systems engineering practices to the development of an inverted pendulum.' SYSE 695 Independent Study Report, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, May 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[model] [video]
[R7]M. Ombogo. 'Analyzing lifecycle requirements of marine hydrokinetic energy systems.' SYSE 695 Independent Study Report, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Dec 2022. [entry page] [pdf]
[R6]D. Fox. 'Architecting an enterprise (system of systems) for a managed service provider to develop, deploy, and support cloud-based solutions using systems engineering and MBSE.' SYSE 695 Independent Study Report, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Aug 2022. [entry page] [pdf]
[R5]T. Borch, D. D. Dionysiou, L. Katz, P. Xu, T. M. Bandhauer, R. Breckenridge, S. Chae, K. Ellison, J. Fox, B. M. Grauberger, C. A. Hejase, D. R. Herber, M. Kong, J. Macknick, D. Sedlak, S. C. Stokes, J. Stokes-Draut, T. Tong, K. A. Weitzel, R. B. Young. 'National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) technology roadmap: agriculture sector.' Technical Report, NAWI, DOE/GO-102021-5564, May 2021. doi: 10.2172/1782447 [entry page] [pdf]
[R4]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Approximating arbitrary impulse response functions with Prony basis functions.' Technical Report, Engineering System Design Lab, UIUC-ESDL-2019-01, Urbana, IL, USA, Oct 2019. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
[R3]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Enhancements to the perfect matching-based tree algorithm for generating architectures.' Technical Report, Engineering System Design Lab, UIUC-ESDL-2017-02, Urbana, IL, USA, Dec 2017. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
[R2]D. R. Herber. 'Basic implementation of multiple-interval pseudospectral methods to solve optimal control problems.' Technical Report, Engineering System Design Lab, UIUC-ESDL-2015-01, Urbana, IL, USA, Jun 2015. [entry page] [url] [pdf]
[R1]D. R. Herber. 'Solving optimal control problems using Simscape models for state derivatives.' Technical Report, Engineering System Design Lab, UIUC-ESDL-2014-01, Urbana, IL, USA, Jul 2014. [entry page] [url] [pdf]

Presentations and Posters

[P18]A. K. Sundarrajan, D. R. Herber. 'Comparison of different data-driven modeling approaches for control optimization of floating offshore wind turbines.' ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Washington, DC, USA, Aug 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[P17]S. Lawrence, D. R. Herber. 'MBSE to support decisions for energy systems.' Digital Engineering Conference, Idaho Falls, ID, USA, May 2024. [entry page] [pdf]
[P16]L. Marion. 'Is it time for ship design to align with model based systems engineering?.' Technology, Systems, & Ships and Combat Systems Symposia, Arlington, VA, USA, Nov 2023. [entry page] [pdf]
Selected as a Top Technical Paper Presenter
[P15]J. S. Wheaton, D. R. Herber. 'Digital requirements engineering using model-based structured requirements.' AIAA 2023 Rocky Mountain Annual Technical Symposium (Poster), Fort Collins, CO, USA, Sep 2023. [entry page] [pdf]
[P14]D. R. Herber. 'What you should know and portrait of CCD research.' NSF Workshop on Control Co-Design (CCD), Champaign, IL, USA, May 2023. [entry page] [pdf]
[P13]D. R. Herber. 'Enabling improved digital transformation of requirements and simulation through SysML and MBSE.' Digital Engineering Conference, Idaho Falls, ID, USA, Apr 2023. [entry page] [pdf]
[P12]D. R. Herber. 'Model-based structured requirements in SysML.' INCOSE Requirements Working Group, Virtual, Mar 2023. [entry page] [pdf]
[P11]S. S. Patnaik, D. Dierker, D. R. Herber, B. Raczkowski, M. Boyd. 'Digital Twin Prototype & Digital Thread for Aircraft Power & Thermal Design and Selection.' 2022 Turbine Engine Technology Symposium, Dayton, OH, USA, Sep 2022. [entry page]
[P10]R. Vercellino, E. J. Markey, B. J. Limb, M. D. Pisciotta, J. Huyett, S. D. Garland, T. M. Bandhauer, J. C. Quinn, P. Psarras, D. R. Herber. 'Realizing profitable carbon capture on natural gas plants with thermal energy storage through optimization-based decision support.' 2022 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (Poster), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Jun 2022. [entry page] [pdf]
Student Poster Competition Award
[P9]E. J. Markey, R. Vercellino, B. J. Limb, M. D. Pisciotta, J. Huyett, S. D. Garland, P. Psarras, D. R. Herber, J. C. Quinn, T. M. Bandhauer. 'Economic viability of natural gas power plants with carbon capture and electrically charged thermal energy storage.' 2022 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Jun 2022. [entry page]
[P8]B. J. Limb, E. J. Markey, R. Vercellino, S. D. Garland, M. D. Pisciotta, P. Psarras, D. R. Herber, T. M. Bandhauer, J. C. Quinn. 'Economic viability of thermal energy storage to support flexible operation of natural gas power plants with carbon capture.' 2022 Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, May 2022. [entry page]
[P7]D. R. Call. 'When you build it and they do not come.' INCOSE International Workshop, Jan 2022. [entry page] [pdf]
[P6]B. J. Limb, E. J. Markey, S. D. Garland, R. Vercellino, M. D. Pisciotta, P. Psarras, J. Wilcox, D. R. Herber, T. M. Bandhauer, J. C. Quinn. 'Economic viability of flexible carbon capture for natural gas power plants.' TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, Oct 2021. [entry page]
[P5]B. J. Limb, E. J. Markey, S. D. Garland, R. Vercellino, A. K. Sundarrajan, M. D. Pisciotta, J. Wilcox, D. R. Herber, T. M. Bandhauer, J. C. Quinn. 'The future of carbon capture: A story of the tortoise and the hare.' International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Jun 2021. [entry page] [pdf]
[P4]D. R. Herber, A. K. Sundarrajan. 'Using the nested control co-design strategy for designing floating offshore wind turbines.' Wind Energy Science Conference, May 2021. [entry page] [pdf]
[P3]D. R. Herber, J. T. Allison. 'Control co-design: Achieving new functionality and performance via integrated physical and control system design.' ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Aug 2020. [entry page] [pdf]
[P2]D. R. Herber. 'Control co-design direct transcription solution strategies: Overview and challenges.' NSF IDADS Online Workshop, Virtual, Mar 2020. [entry page] [pdf]
[P1]J. T. Allison, D. R. Herber. 'Control co-design: Achieving new functionality and performance via integrated physical and control system design.' ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 2019. [entry page] [pdf]


[*]S. Azad, S. R. Khanal, D. R. Herber, G. Jia. 'Concurrent geometry, control, and layout optimization of wave energy converter farms in probabilistic irregular waves using surrogate modeling.' . doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2407.07098 [entry page] [pdf]
[*]S. Azad, D. R. Herber. 'A case study comparing both stochastic and worst-case robust control co-design under different control structures.' . doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.20496 [entry page] [pdf]


Theses and Dissertations,
Presentations and Posters,

List of All Authors