John “Mike” Borky
Professor of Practice (retired)
Dr. Borky has over 48 years of experience in the Aerospace and Defense (A&D) community, primarily in leadership positions, including research, system and technology development, and operations. He is an expert in systems architecture and engineering with emphasis on information- and software-intensive systems and enterprises.
He is the developer of the Model-Based System Architecture Process (MBSAP) and has applied Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) using this methodology to a wide range of systems. He recently completed five years as a Visiting Professor of Aerospace Engineering at UCLA, where he developed and taught the core course on System Architecture in the online Master of Science in System Engineering program.
He also has extensive experience in electronic technologies and systems, integrated modular avionics, logistics, program management, and strategic planning. He served for seven years, three as Vice Chairman, of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, and participated in studies by the Army Science Board, the Naval Studies Board, and other senior advisory bodies providing technology and programmatic support to the leadership of the Department of Defense (DoD).
Following a diverse Air Force career, he has held executive technical and management positions with five A&D companies, including Raytheon, TRW, and Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies. He was an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology, taught at Wright State University, and has lectured on Systems Engineering at the United States Air Force Academy and National Defense University.
He is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a Life Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. His recognitions include the United States Air Force Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service.
Ph.D. 1977, The University of Michigan – Electrical Engineering
M.S. 1969, MIT – Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineer (E.E) 1969, MIT
B.E.E. 1967, The Catholic University of America – Electrical Engineering
Research Interests
- Systems Architecture
- Model-Based Systems Architecture
Honors and Awards
- 2018 – Recipient of the Online Innovator Educator (OLIE) award as the outstanding teacher in CSU Online
- Co-author of “Effective Model-Based Systems Engineering”
- Digital Avionics Award of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Air Force Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service
- Air Force Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster
- VHSIC Pioneer Award
- Associate Fellow of AIAA
- Life Senior Member of IEEE