Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Lasers and Photonics

Harnessing light and its energy to create world-changing solutions

ECE is home to internationally recognized leaders in lasers and photonics – a field that pushes the frontiers of light to enable technologies of the future, from lasers for advanced medical devices to fiber optics for global communications. Boasting one of the most powerful lasers in the world, known as ALEPH, we are proud to be a part of LaserNetUS – a network of facilities operating high-power lasers.

Faculty and Research Interests

Research is primarily focused on creating ultrahigh energy density plasmas by interacting highly relativistic short pulse lasers with high aspect ratio nanowire arrays.

Krapf’s profile

Interests: Single-Molecule Biophysics, Stochastic Processes, Membrane Dynamics, Anomalous Diffusion, Superresolution Imaging, Single-Particle Tracking

Lear’s profile

Interests: Photonic Biosensors, Microsystems Integration Including Microfluids, Bioinstrumentation, Optoelectronic Devices Including Laser Diodes, Waveguides and Photodetectors, Optical Interconnects and Communications Systems, Semiconductor Devices and Fabrication

Marconi’s profile

Interests: EUV and SXR (Soft X-Ray), Lasers and Applications, Nano-Lithography, Nano-Imaging

Menoni’s profile

Interests: Extreme ultraviolet/soft x-Ray photonics, Nano-microscopy and nano-spectrometry, Ion beam sputtering, Optical interference coatings

Nikdast’s profile

Nikdast’s research interests are at the intersection of integrated photonics, design automation and optimization, and high-performance computing systems. 

Notaros’ profile

Interests: Computational Electromagnetics, Higher Order Methods, RF/Antennas, Scattering, Remote Sensing of Snow/Rain, Weather Radar, MRI, Transformation Optics, EM Education

Rocca’s profile

Interests: Lasers, Plasmas, X-Ray Generation, Quantum Electronics

Wilson’s profile

Interests: Biomedical Optics, In Vivo Multiphoton Histology and Pathology , Nonlinear and Ultrafast Optics, Digital Signal Processing for Biomedical Imaging and Microscopy, Metabolic Spectroscopy and Imaging, Cancer Metabolism

LaserNetUS Map

Colorado State University is part of LaserNetUS, a scientific ecosystem established by the U.S. Department of Energy to advance Intense Ultrafast Laser Science and applications.

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