We are here for you. At each step of your academic journey, our advisors will partner with you to guide your learning experience and help you accomplish your goals.
Jenni Prior
Who she supports:
ECE prospective students, new and transfer students, change of major, and Computer Engineering minor last names A-M.
Lucy Krips
Who she supports: 2nd year through senior year and Computer Engineering minor last names N-Z.
Office Hours
The ECE office (Engineering B104) is open for general inquiries and to schedule advising appointments
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MDT
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MDT
Schedule an appointment with an advisor
Current students: Click the orange button below to schedule an advising appointment.
Not a current student? Call us at (970) 491-6600 or ece@engr.colostate.edu -- or stop by the ECE office to make an appointment.
Not a current student? Call us at (970) 491-6600 or ece@engr.colostate.edu -- or stop by the ECE office to make an appointment.
Waivers and Substitutions
Request a waiver or substitution of ECE graduation requirements
Establishing Independent Study
Join Us.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Colorado State University is built on innovation, creativity, and impact.