Beyond the Classroom: Dr. Evans Preserves the Past

Dr. Evans

Originally a military post, established to protect the Cherokee Trail and guard the Overland Stage line, Fort Collins' unique past is preserved in the historic buildings and properties of the present. Though retired, Professor Emeritus Norman Evans is actively involved with the Poudre Landmarks Foundation, where according to their mission statement, members work to "preserve, restore, protect and interpret the architectural and cultural heritage of the Fort Collins area." Serving on the Board of Directors of the foundation, Dr. Evans is engaged in the historic preservation of several properties in and around Fort Collins.

Built only a few years after the town's incorporation, The Avery House, constructed by Franklin and Sara Avery, represents the success of the original founders that pioneered an existence in what is now the city of Fort Collins. Like The Avery House, The John and Inez Romero House also embodies Fort Collins' rich history. This adobe dwelling encapsulates the Hispanic heritage that helped characterized the development of the community we live in today. Finally, the Poudre Landmarks Foundation has worked to preserve the 1883 City Water Works site. It was here that the first water delivery system was created in Fort Collins. With extensive background in the water resources of Colorado, it is no surprise that this site is of special interest to Dr. Evans.

Beginning in 1958, when he became head of the new Department of Agricultural Engineering, civil engineer Dr. Norman Evans began a long, distinguished career at CSU. Under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964, legislation that provided funding for state water research institutes, Colorado State became headquarters for the Colorado Water Research Institute (CWRRI). Subsequently, direction of the new Institute came under the directorship of Dr. Evans, allowing Colorado State to emerge as a focal point for research into state and regional water problems. Though technically retired, Dr. Evan's preservation work has proved to be not only a full-time activity, but also a passion, which serves to maintain Fort Collins' past for future generations.

Avery House
Avery House

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