Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Graduate Exam Abstract

Savini Samarasinghe
Ph.D. Qualifying
Jan 23, 2017, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Phoenix Design Studio (Room 357), Scott Bio-engine
N/A - qualifying exam
Abstract: qualifying exam
Adviser: Dr. Imme Ebert-Uphoff
Co-Adviser: N/A
Non-ECE Member: Dr. Michael Kirby, Mathematics
Member 3: Dr. Edwin Chong, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Addional Members: Dr. Chuck Anderson, Computer Science
Conference paper in preparation:
S. Samarasinghe, Y. Deng, I. Ebert-Uphoff, "Structure Learning in Spectral Space with Applications in Climate Science", 9 pages.
To be submitted to SIAM SDM Workshop on Mining Big Data in Climate and Environment, Jan 29, 2017.

Publications to be Reviewed:
A.H. Baker, D.M. Hammerling, S.A. Mickleson, H. Xu, M.B. Stolpe, P. Naveau, B. Sanderson, I. Ebert-Uphoff, S. Samarasinghe, F. De Simone, F. Carbone, C.N. Gencarelli, J.M. Dennis, J.E. Kay, and P. Lindstrom, "Evaluating Lossy Data Compression on Climate Simulation Data within a Large Ensemble", Geoscentific Model Development, gmd-2016-146, 2016.

I. Ebert-Uphoff, D. Hammerling, S. Samarasinghe, A. Baker, "Applying Causal Discovery to the Output of Climate Models - What Can We Learn from the Causal Signatures?" Oral presentation, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-18, 2015.

Program of Study:
ECE 514
ECE 512
GRAD 511
MATH 532
CS 480A3
GRAD 544
ECE 516
MATH 560