Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Graduate Exam Abstract

Robert Beauchamp
Ph.D. Final
Jul 26, 2016, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
B4 Engineering
Dual-Polarization Radar Characterization of Wind Turbines with Implications for Suppression
Abstract: Wind turbines present large, dynamic targets for radar systems and result in interference that can inhibit normal radar operation for observation volumes in and beyond ranges occupied by the wind turbines. As a result of this interference, also referred to as "wind turbine clutter", the construction and location of wind turbines is restricted, or radar operations are limited to sub-optimal performance for contaminated areas. With the exponential growth of wind energy production using wind turbines, reducing the interference cause by wind turbines for radar systems is critical to maintaining the performance of radar systems. Weather radar applications are considered and as such, the characterization of precipitation, ground clutter, and wind turbines are presented using dual-polarization radar observations. The physical characteristics of the wind turbine, namely its cyclostationarity, are exploited to implement a temporal suppression method to mitigate wind turbine interference.
Adviser: Dr. V. Chandrasekar
Co-Adviser: N/A
Non-ECE Member: Dr. Paul Mielke, Statistics
Member 3: Dr. Margaret Cheney
Addional Members: Dr. Anura Jayasumana
Program of Study:
STAT 525
ECE 651
CS 545
ECE 742
ECE 513