Sergio Graniello
M.S. FinalJun 21, 2021, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Characterizing the performance of spaceborne weather radars for observations of precipitation and clouds
Abstract: This thesis explores a new antenna configuration for accurately obtaining Doppler measurements from a spaceborne weather radar. Spaceborne weather radars have the potential to observe the dynamic process of the atmosphere at a global scale. Unlike ground and airborne radars, spaceborne radars have a unique challenge due to high orbital velocities of the platforms, which result in a decorrelation of successive pulses, adversely affecting the ability to accurately measure the vertical Doppler velocity of clouds and precipitation. A Displaced phase center antenna (DPCA) configuration has been proposed to mitigate the effects that high platform velocities have on single antenna system on a spaceborne weather radar. This thesis evaluates the performance for Doppler velocity estimation from DPCA.
Adviser: Dr. V Chandrasekar
Co-Adviser: N/A
Non-ECE Member: Dr. Jose Chavez, Civil/Environmental Engineering
Member 3: Dr. Margaret Cheney, Mathematics/Electrical Engineering
Addional Members: N?A
Co-Adviser: N/A
Non-ECE Member: Dr. Jose Chavez, Civil/Environmental Engineering
Member 3: Dr. Margaret Cheney, Mathematics/Electrical Engineering
Addional Members: N?A
Program of Study:
ECE 421
ECE 452
ECE 512
ECE 514
ECE 521
ECE 561
ECE 580B4
ECE 699
ECE 421
ECE 452
ECE 512
ECE 514
ECE 521
ECE 561
ECE 580B4
ECE 699