Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Graduate Exam Abstract

Jason Fritz
Ph.D. Final
Oct 27, 2010, 1600
Engr B105
Precipitation observations from high frequency spaceborne polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar and ground-based radar: theory and model validation
Abstract: Global weather monitoring is a very useful tool to better understand the Earth's hydrological cycle and provide critical information for emergency and warning systems in severe cases. Developed countries have installed numerous ground-based radars for this purpose, but they obviously are not global in extent.
While the primary Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) application is surface monitoring, strong precipitation induces propagation and backscatter effects in the data. Before attempted to solve the inverse problem for SAR data, however, the forward problem must be addressed to gain knowledge on exactly how precipitation impacts SAR imagery.

This is accomplished by simulating storms in SAR data starting from real measurements of a storm by ground-based polarimetric radar. In addition, real storm observations by current SAR platforms are also quantitatively analyzed by comparison to theoretical results using simultaneous acquizition by ground radars even in single polarization.
Adviser: V. Chandrasekar
Co-Adviser: N/A
Non-ECE Member: Paul Mielke, Statistics
Member 3: Branislov Notaros, ECE
Addional Members: N/A
Program of Study: