Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Graduate Exam Abstract

Patricia Barbosa
Ph.D. Final
Apr 05, 2010, 2-4pm
ECE Conference Room
Target Tracking with Distributed Sensing: Information-Theoretic Bounds and Closed-Loop Scheduling for Urban Terrain
Abstract: We address both theoretical and practical aspects of target tracking in a distributed sensing environment. Fist, we consider the problem of tracking a target that moves according to a Markov chain in a sensor network. We define different degrees of tracking, and provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the number of queries to track a target under each definition. We then address target tracking in urban terrain. Specifically, we investigate the integration of detection, signal processing, tracking, and scheduling by exploiting spatial, waveform, and motion model diversity modes. Finally, we propose a scheduling scheme that adaptively selects the sequence of transmitters and waveforms that maximizes the overall tracking accuracy, while maintaining the sensing system's covertness in a hostile environment.
Adviser: Prof. Edwin K. P. Chong
Co-Adviser: N/A
Non-ECE Member: Prof. Chihoon Lee, Statistics
Member 3: Prof. Louis L. Scharf, ECE
Addional Members: N/A
Program of Study: