Engineering Career Fair Draws Over 60 Employers

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On January 31, over 350 Colorado State undergraduates shook hands with potential employers and handed out resumes in the hopes of earning follow-up calls for on-site interviews. The Engineering Career Fair drew a record 61 companies and agencies from across the U.S.

Students interested in careers in engineering and related fields had the opportunity to gain insights into company culture and ask questions they might not feel free to ask during formal interviews. Traditionally, more juniors and seniors attend these fairs, but first and second year students also see this as a way to get a better idea about future career opportunities early in their college career so they can ensure they have the internships, coursework and research experiences that employers prefer.

Public, private and nonprofit employers see the fair as a unique opportunity to meet and visit with potential employees and interns. The companies report the fair was very successful for them this year, and several companies have already arranged formal interviews with students.

John Haines, engineering career liaison, sees these fairs as an opportunity for students to learn about many different companies and industries in one day and get ideas about what kind of job they might be interested in. "According to a recent report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the job outlook for the class of 2006 is the best it's been in four years," he said. "The report found that employers expect to hire 14.5 percent more new college graduates in 2005-2006."

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