Colorado State Hosts Drought Conference in December

On December 4, 2002, Colorado State is hosting the Colorado Drought Conference featuring the topic “Managing Water Supply and Demand in the Time of Drought.” The conference has three purposes: to examine efforts in 2002 to match water supply with water demand, to examine the state-of-the-art science that underpins management of droughts and to overview Colorado citizens and water managers’ options to match available water supply with demand during 2003 and beyond.

Organized in the tradition of the Governor’s Flood and Drought Conference of 1999 and the Fort Collins Flood Conference of 1997, the Drought Conference will analyze current water management issues and future hydrological options. Proceedings of the event will be published.

The event will also consider topics such as “lessons learned while managing water during the 2002 drought” and “options for short and long-term drought preparedness.” Poster paper abstracts on these and other drought-management topics may be submitted to the Colorado Water Resources Research Institute. Those selected will be displayed in the registration and break rooms during the event.

The conference is sponsored by the Colorado State DroughtLab, the Colorado Water Conservation Board, the Colorado State Western Center for Integrated Resource Management, the Colorado Water Congress, the Colorado Division of Water Resources and U.S. Geological Survey.

For more information, contact Marian Flanagan or Shirley Miller at 970/491-6308.

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