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1. Used to request a Purchase Order (PO) to buy goods or services.
2. Required when a purchase will be $10,000 or greater.
3. An itemized quote is required.
1. Used to request payment to a 3rd party or for personal reimbursement.
2. Not for purchases over $10,000 or for travel expenses.
3. An itemized invoice or receipt showing proof of payment is required.

Need to reserve a CSU Vehicle?
Fill the Purchase/Payment Request Form above and select “CSU Vehicle Reservation (IO)”
Need a Computer?
Engineering Technology Services should be consulted prior to all computer purchases.
Dollar Thresholds
Disbursement Voucher, Automatic Purchase Order, PCard Up to $10k
The Engineering Business Office (EBO) can easily pay vendors and employees using a disbursement voucher for Check, ACH, or Wire transfers when an invoice is provided. EBO can also quickly issue automatic purchase orders for amounts up to $10,000 with a quote. If these options aren’t suitable, a Pcardholder can use their PCard to complete the transaction.
Purchase Order with Price Reasonableness $10k-$100k
A purchase order (PO) is required and must be approved at the discretion of a Purchasing Agent. To establish price reasonableness, two comparison quotes or a reference to a prior purchase of the same item must be provided via Procurement Service's Price Reasonableness Form. EBO helps complete this form and will request your input when necessary.
Purchase Order with Documented Quote Process $100k-$500k
A Purchase Order (PO) is required, and a Documented Quote (DQ) must be processed by an assigned purchasing agent in Procurement Services. The DQ will be prepared, advertised, evaluated, and awarded in accordance with Section V.F. of the Colorado State University Procurement Rules. If the award is given to a vendor other than the lowest bidder, approval from the Director of Procurement Services is necessary.
Purchase Order with Invitation for Bid/Request for Proposal >$500k
A Purchase Order (PO) is required, along with an Invitation for Bid (IFB) or Request for Proposal (RFP). The IFB or RFP will be prepared by the assigned purchasing agent in Procurement Services and will be advertised, evaluated, and awarded in accordance with Section V.G. of the Colorado State University Procurement Rules.