Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Did you know? A sleeve can be provided to store your PCard in to help avoid accidental purchases. Sign your monthly Transaction Report by the end of the month or a violation may be issued. Tax charges over $20.00 MUST be refunded, either by the vendor or cardholder. 

Questions? Contact us at

Procurement Card

The Procurement Card (PCard), a commercial MasterCard, is used by authorized University employees to make small dollar purchases. 

The authorized Cardholder purchases on behalf of Colorado State University, with tax-exempt status, and transactions are paid directly by the University to the issuing bank.

PCARD is used for the purchase of both goods and services when the use of a Purchase Request, Payment Request, or Kuali Shop Catalogs purchase is not viable.

PCard Program Handbook

Employee use of the Procurement Card is governed by the Procurement Card Program Handbook.

Cardholder Responsibilities

Actions Required Immediately After Purchase*:

  • Provide your reallocator the following via email:
    • A justification for how the purchase benefits the University or Sponsored Project (if split among multiple accounts, allocation rationale must also be provided).
    • A receipt including
      • Vendor identification (merchant name).
      • Date of purchase.
      • Description of purchase, including quantity if applicable.
      • Per item cost, if applicable.
      • Total cost of the order.
      • Cardholder name.
    • CSU Account number

*If a receipt, account, and justification is not provided within 15 days of the transaction date, a violation may be issued. Your PCard will be revoked after three violations.

Actions Required Monthly:

  • Cardholders are required to sign a statement of transactions monthly. The statement must be signed within 5 business days of receipt, otherwise a violation may be issued.
    • By signing the statement, you are certifying that the transactions in the given spending cycle are correct.
    • Statements are routed through DocuSign (notification sent via email).
    • This statement reflects accounting details that were present in the financial system of record when this statement was generated. The accounting details may not reflect the final accounting information when the transaction status is “ENROUTE.” For the most up to date accounting information, the transaction should be reviewed in the Kuali Financial System (system of record).

PCard Contacts

Joe Fattor
Business Operations Manager

PCard Applications

Limit Increase Requests

Lu Ann Herin
PCard Support