Week 1
- syllabus and group selection survey sheet handouts from the first day of class
- formula sheet
- Dynamics Video Demonstrations
- Chapter 2 homework assignment copied from the book
Week 2(F) or 3(S)
- class locomotive example (MathCAD file, PDF file)
- Example 3-4: damped projectile motion (MathCAD file, PDF file)
Week 3
- Woodward Governor fly-weight speed controllers
- SG fly-weight governor (PDF file)
- animations:
- flyball governor (WMV file)
- flyweight governor (WMV file)
- flyweight governor instability (WMV file)
- video demonstration of flyball governor replica (4.6 MB WMV file)
- flyball governor solution (MathCAD file, PDF file)
- how to solve differential equations (will be handed out in class)
- dynamics problem solving procedure (will be handed out in class)
Week 4
- 3-24 solution
- 3-24 plots for different radius ratios (MathCAD file, PDF file)
- 3-19 Matlab failed attempt at solving DE
Week 5
- 3-11 DE solution and results (MathCAD file, PDF file)
- 4-23b solution
Week 6
- from Dr. Dave’s billiards website:
- HSV 3.1 – Stop shot showing loss of bottom spin over distance and “stun” at impact
- 90-degree rule
- 30-degree rule
- Newton’s Amplifier in super slow motion
Week 7
Week 10(F) or 11(S)
- Lagrange’s Equations problem solving procedure (will be handed out in class)
Week 12(F) or 13(S)
- Mathcad trig solution for 6.21
- from Dr. Dave’s billiards website:
- video showing ball spin changing from backspin to stun and forward roll
- TP 2.1 – Minimum cue tip friction required for no-slip horizontal impact
- TP 4.2 – Center of percussion of the cue ball
- TP 4.1 – Distance required for normal roll to develop with a stun shot
- TP A.30 – The effects of cue tip offset on cue ball speed and spin
Week 13(F) or 14(S)
- stability homework problem (will be handed out in class)
Week 15
- Euler Angle visualization tool
- Euler Angle Angular Velocity Rotation Matrix Derivation
- Powerball Gyro exercise toy world record
- see “gyroscopic effects” videos
- Chapter 8 sample problems
- group evaluation form (will be handed out in class)
Week 16
- from Dr. Dave’s billiards website:
- Final Exam formula sheet and inertial properties
- zero-G T-handle rotational stability and conservation of angular momentum example
- Tipse Top