Books, Manuals, and Other Reference Material
- Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Korean translation, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, online SmartBook via Connect, McGraw-Hill, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-1-259-89234-9, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems − Solutions Manual, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Chinese translation, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Laboratory Exercises, published online, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Laboratory Exercises, FedEx-Office Custom Publishing, Fort Collins, 2006-2016.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Portuguese language translation, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-85-8055-340-6, 2014.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-0-07-338023-0, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems − Solutions Manual, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2011.
- Billiard Education Foundation (BEF), Coaching Program, contributed illustrations and editing assistance, 2011.
- Billiard Education Foundation (BEF), Club Curriculum Guide, contributed illustrations and editing assistance, 2011.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Korean translation, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-89-5667-424-7, 2008.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Spanish translation, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 970-10-6385-6, 2008.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-296305-0, 2007.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems − Solutions Manual, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Korean translation, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 89-5667-161-3, 2005.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Chinese translation, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-119557-2, published 2005.
- Alciatore, D., The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, Sterling Publishing, ISBN: 1-4027-1428-9, 2004.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Laboratory Exercises, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 007-2978759, 2004.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems − Solutions Manual, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 007-240241-5, 2003.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Laboratory Exercises, Kinkos Custom Publishing, Fort Collins, 1995-2003.
- Alciatore, D., VP-Sculpt User and Reference Manual, Visible Productions, Fort Collins, CO, 1997-2002.
- Histand, M. and Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Korean translation, 1st edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 89-7088-529-3, 2000.
- McCracken, T. (editor), Alciatore, D. and Miranda, H., wrote the software used to generate and edit the illustrated 3-D models, New Atlas of Human Anatomy, Metro Books, 2000.
- Histand, M. and Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems − Solutions Manual, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
- Histand, M. and Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 1st edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-029089-X, 1999.
- Histand, M. and Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2nd preliminary edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-006994-8, 1997.
- Histand, M. and Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, preliminary edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-000971-6, 1996.
- Alciatore, D., SGI GL Graphics Library Reference, reference booklet prepared for CSU Mechanical Engineering Silicon Graphics workstation users, June, 1992-1996.
- Alciatore, D., Harah, R., and Howell, J., “Thermodynamic Properties of Steam,” computer code included on a floppy disk in Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd ed., by J. Howell and R. Buckius, McGraw Hill, 1992.
Journal and Conference Proceeding Articles
- Alciatore, D., Pool and Billiards Physics Principles by Coriolis and Others, submitted to the American Journal of Physics, August, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “How to Create and Use Digital Video Demonstrations in Distance Education,” Telecoop Distance Learning Conference, Colorado Springs, April, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “Using Digital and High-speed Video to Enhance Engineering Student Learning,” Int’l Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) Conference, Fort Collins, October, 2003.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., “Integrating Mechatronics Into a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,” IEEE Robotics and Automation, v. 8, n.2, June, 2001.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., “Integrating Mechatronics Into a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,” International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics, 1999.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., “Integrating Mechatronics Into a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,” 1999 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, May, 1999.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., “Using Mechatronics to Modernize and Integrate a Traditional Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,” Proc. of 1998 Int’l Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 693-696, Skovde, Sweden, September, 1998.
- Alciatore, D., “A Modern View of FORTRAN/Drafting for Mechanical Engineering Freshmen,” Proceedings of the 1998 ASEE Rocky Mountain Annual Conference, Denver, CO, April, 1998.
- McCracken, T., Spurgeon, T., Alciatore, D., and Miranda, R., “Gallery of NLM Visible Human Models,” Journal of Biocommunication, v. 23, n. 1, pp. 18-21, 1996.
- Alciatore, D., “How to Form Groups for Cooperative Group Learning Experiences,” Proc. Of ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Laramie, WY, April 12, 1996.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., “Mechatronics Education at Colorado State University,” Proc. Of ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Laramie, WY, April 12, 1996.
- Alciatore, D. and Wohlers, T., “Importing and Reshaping Digitized Data for use in Rapid Prototyping: A System for Sculpting Polygonal Mesh Surfaces,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, MCB Univ. Press, v. 2, n. 1, pp. 13-23, 1996.
- Alciatore, D. and Traver, A., “Multipulley Belt Drive Mechanics: Creep Theory vs. Shear Theory,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, v. 117, pp. 506-511, 1995.
- Alciatore, D., “Computer Graphics Modeling of Anatomy: From 2D Data Acquisition to 3D Sculpting,” Proc. Of the 1995 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Boston, September, 1995.
- Alciatore, D. and Pasquini, R., “Variable Focus Three-dimensional Laser Digitizing System,” Proc. Of the 1995 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Boston, September, 1995.
- Guess, T., and Alciatore, D., “Model Development and Control Implementation for a Magnetic Levitation Apparatus,” Proc. Of the 1995 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Boston, September, 1995.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., “Mechatronics at Colorado State University”, Mechatronics, v. 5, n. 7, pp. 799-810, Pergamon Press, 1995.
- Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R., “The Best Least-Squares Line Fit“, Graphics Gems V, edited by Alan Paeth, Associated Press Professional, Cambridge, MA, pp. 91-97, 1995.
- Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R., “The Best Least-Squares Line Fit,” Proceedings of 1994 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Minneapolis, September, 1994.
- Alciatore, D., “Determining Manipulator Workspace Boundaries Using the Monte Carlo Method and Least Squares Segmentation,” Proceedings of 23rd ASME Mechanisms Conference, Minneapolis, September, 1994.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., “Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Course at Colorado State University,” Proceedings of the 1994 Workshop on Mechatronics Education, Stanford University, July, 1994.
- Spurgeon, T., McCracken, T., Steward, D., Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R., “Presentation of Dissectible, Anatomical Models by Interactive Videodisk”, poster presentation at Annual Meeting of American Association of Veterinary Anatomists, St. Paul, MN, July, 1993.
- Shivaswamy, K., Alciatore, D. and Burns, P., “CEMPLOT: A Visualization Tool for CEM VII”, Proceedings of the 11th Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing, June, 1993.
- Alciatore, D., “Use of 3-D Computer Graphics Simulation in a Capstone Mechanical Engineering Design Course,” Proceedings of the 1993 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, August, 1993.
- Janna, W., Alciatore, D. and Jakubowski, G., “A Method for Obtaining an Equation for the Velocity-Time History of an Accelerating Sphere,” Proceedings of the 1992 ASME Winter Annual Meeting – Fluids Engineering Vol. 139, November, 1992.
- Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R., “Building Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics Surface Models for Anatomy Education,” Proceedings of The 1992 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, August, 1992.
- Alciatore, D., “A Heuristic Application-Specific Path Planner For Robot Motion Planning,” Proceedings of the 1992 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, August, 1992.
- Alciatore, D., Abraham, L., and Barr, R., “Matrix Solution of Digitized Planar Human Body Dynamics for Biomechanics Laboratory Instruction,” Proceedings of the 1992 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, August, 1992.
- Freund, M., Traver, A., and Alciatore, D., “Simulation of Multiple Nozzle Surface Finishing Operations,” ASME Technical Paper No. 91-PET-33, 1991.
- Janna, W., El-Nar, T., and Alciatore, D., “Heat Transfer From Turbulent Air Flowing Through a Cooled Isothermal Tube,” Journal of Applied Energy, Elsevier Science Publishers, v. 38, pp. 143-156, 1991.
- Alciatore, D. and Traver, A., “Development of a Heuristic Application-Specific Path Planner for Piping Construction Automation,” Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction., May, 1990.
- Alciatore, D., “Automation of a Piping Construction Manipulator and Development of a Heuristic Application-Specific Path Planner,” PhD Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, December, 1989.
- Hughes, P., Alciatore, D., Traver, A., and O’Connor, J., “Construction Manipulator Operation with ‘Ergosticks’,” Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, September, 1989.
- Alciatore, D., Hughes, P., Traver, A., and O’Connor, J., “Using Computer Graphics Simulation to Develop Ways to Automate a Large Piece of Construction Equipment,” poster presentation at The 3rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Boston, MA, September, 1989.
- Alciatore, D., Lipp, S., and Janna, W., “Closed Form Solution of the General Three Dimensional Radiation Configuration Factor Problem with Microcomputer Solution,” Proceedings of The 26th National Heat Transfer Conference and Exhibition, August, 1989.
- Alciatore, D. and Traver, A., “Simulation of a Pipe Manipulator Used in Piping Construction,” Proceedings of The 1989 ASME Computers in Engineering Conference, July, 1989.
- Alciatore, D., Hughes, P., Traver, A., and O’Connor, J., “Development and Simulation of an Ergonomic Control System for a Large Construction Manipulator,” Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, June, 1989.
- Janna, W., Vrakas, C., and Alciatore, D., “Pipe Friction Diagrams for Economic Pipe Diameter Selection,” Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Freight Pipelines, May, 1989.
- Janna, W., Womak, D., and Alciatore, D., “Heat Transfer From Turbulent Water Flow in a Tube to a Cooled Isothermal Wall,” The International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, v. 9, no. 2, 1988.
- Alciatore, D., Janna, W., and Shamburger, E, “Microcomputer Solution to the Mathematical Equivalent of the Graphical Method for Finding Radiation Shape Factors,” ASEE Journal of Engineering Design Graphics, Winter, Vol. 52, No. 1, 1988.
- Alciatore, D. and Janna, W., “Modified Pipe Friction Diagrams That Eliminate Trial-and-Error From Traditional Problem Solution Methods,” Proceedings of The National Fluid Dynamics Congress, Part 2, July, 1988.
- Alciatore, D., “Multipulley Belt Drive Mechanics: Creep Theory vs. Shear Theory,” Masters Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, August, 1987.
Magazine Articles
- Alciatore, D., “Outside vs. Inside,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2025.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw Shots You Need to Know,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2025.
- Alciatore, D., “How to Reach Shots Tough to Reach,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2025.
- Alciatore, D., “Frozen Proposition Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2025.
- Alciatore, D., “Kiss Shot Direction Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Pro Foul Confusion,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw for Show, Follow for Dough,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Cross-Table CB Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Spin Transfer Throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Bridge Length Effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Cue Tip Size and Shape Effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Half-Ball Hit Magic,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Stroke Video Analysis,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “How Pros Aim,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Improved 2-to-1 System,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2024.
- Alciatore, D., “Large-Angle Banks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Twice Plus Tenths,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Jump Shots Made Simple,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Golden Break!,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Is LD Better?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Soft vs. Hard Tip Myth Buster,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “How to Easily Find Your Vision Center,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Bank Shot Reference Tracks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Magic Spot Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Sliding Bank ‘Spot on the Wall’ System,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Amazing Frozen Kiss Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Is Elbow Drop Bad?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “Air Aiming Techniques,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November and December, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “Air Peace Sign,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “Please Fix League Rules,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “Stalemate, or Smart Way Out?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “10 Ways to AVOID A DOUBLE HIT Foul,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “10 Useful Game Winning Shots – Part 2,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “10 Useful Game Winning Shots – Part 1,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “Good Timing in Pool,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Reasons to Use an Open Bridge,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Reasons for Missing,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “Dr. Dave Schools Neil deGrasse Tyson,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2022.
- Alciatore, D., “Pool Friendly Eyeglasses,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Big-Impact Technique Changes,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Pool Quizzes,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Rolling Carom Angle Systems,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Using Your Cue to Aim,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Placement Pool Challenge,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Equipment Care,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “DIY Tip Replacement,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Pool vs. Cats,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “10 Secrets of a Good Stroke,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Pattern Play Principles,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “9-Ball Break Strategy,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2021.
- Alciatore, D., “Player Ratings,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Everything You Need to Know About Throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Runout Drill System (RDS),” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Safeties You Must Master,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Pre-Stance Routine,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “$10,000 BU Exam Challenge,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Speed Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Stroke/Align/Aim Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Mental Game,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Draw Shot Tips,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “CB Control Subtleties,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “CB CONTROL … Everything You Need to Know,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Finding Your Perfect Stance,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 6: Shot Examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 5: BHE/FHE Calibration,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 4: Throw Examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 3: Throw Effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 2: Sidespin Terminology,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 1: CB Deflection,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Series – Part 4: Strategy Errors,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Series – Part 3: Shots Played Wrong,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Series – Part 2: Things Players Do Wrong,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Series – Part 1: Shots You Must Know,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “The Carbon Fiber Shaft Craze,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2019.
- Alciatore, D., “Chalk Testing Sequel,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “Straight Rail Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “How to Break in 3-Ball,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “Got English?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “Small-Gap Combos,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part X: Herd and Compress,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part IX: Rail Cut Shot Effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part VIII: Ball-In-Hand Options,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part VII: Safety Play,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “How to Rack and Break 9-Ball Like a Pro,” feature article, Billiards Digest, March, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part VI: End-Game Patterns,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part V: Two-Rail Position Plays,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part IV: Defensive Strategy,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2018.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part III: Creative Shot Options,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part II: How to Train Your Table,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part I: Corey’s 9-ball Soft Break,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Pool Myths – Part 4: LD Shafts,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Pool Myths – Part 3: Open Vs. Closed Bridge,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Pool Myths – Part 2: The Rest of the List,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Pool Myths – Part 1: The List,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Ball Colors and Numbers,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Peace Sign Subtleties,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Dr. Dave’s Best YouTube Vids,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Rail Cut Shot CB Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Pool by Numbers,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Corey Deuel’s Famous Draw Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “Legal Fouls,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “Bending, Twisting, and Stiffening Kicks and Banks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “Back-of-the-Ball Aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “How to Break Like a Pro,” feature article, Billiards Digest, September, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “8-Ball Break Stats,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part IX: Run-Out Examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part VIII: The Break,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part VII: End-Game Situations,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part VI: Straight-In Shot Options,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part V: Coming Into the Line of Blockers,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part IV: Throw Hold Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part III: Drag-Enhanced Sidespin,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part II: Selecting Key Balls,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part I: Pocket Blockers,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “Optimal Cue Weight,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “Jump Stop/Draw/Follow,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “Swoop Experiment,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “Does the Brand of Chalk Really Matter?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part VIII: Bank Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part VII: Kick Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part VI: Rail Cut Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part V: Combination-Shot Throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part IV: Draw Carom Shot Aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part III: Gearing Outside English,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part II: BHE and FHE,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part I: Fractional-Ball Aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw Follow-up: Part IV: Follow Cling,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw Follow-up: Part III: Frozen Throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw Follow-up: Part II: More Results,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “An Update on Tom Ross,” Cue Times Billiards News, August, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw Follow-up: Part I: Cling,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Cue Tip Squirt Testing,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part X: The Break Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part IX: Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Checking Your Box Scores,” Instructional Feature, Billiards Digest, p. 42, April, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part VIII: Safeties,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part VII: 8-Ball Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part VI: 9-Ball Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part V: Stun Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part IV: Table Difficulty,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part III: Player Rating,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part II: Skills Exam,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part I: Introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “Fast-Speed Banks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “Is a Pool Ball Smoother Than the Earth?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part XIV: Custom Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part XIII: Safety and Carom Challenge Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part XII: Jump Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part XI: Bank Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part X: Shallow One-rail Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part IX: Safety Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part VIII: 8-Ball Pattern Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part VII: 9-Ball Pattern Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part VI: Line-of-Balls Drill,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part V: Hanger Table-Center Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part IV: Target Practice Card Trick,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part III: Wagon Wheel Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part II: Progressive Practice and Draw Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part I: Introduction and Fundamentals,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “Ball Weight and Size Difference Effects – Part II,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “Ball Weight and Size Difference Effects – Part I,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “Coin Proposition Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2012.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Cue Ball Directions,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “Rolling Cue Ball Deflection Angle Approximations,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “The Lag Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “How High or Low Should You Hit the Cue Ball?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “Aim, Align, Sight – Part III: Sighting,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “Aim, Align, Sight – Part II: Visual Alignment,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “Aim, Align, Sight – Part I: Introduction and Ghost Ball Systems,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XVII: Trick and Proposition Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XVI: The Masse Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XV: The Jump Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XIV: ‘Spot-on-the-Wall’ System,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XIII: Corner-5 System Adjustments,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XII: Corner-5 System Example and Benchmark,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XI: Corner-5 System Intro,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part X: Plus System Examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part IX: Plus System Adjustments,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part VIII: Plus System Intro,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part VII: Contact-Point Mirror Kick,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part VI: One-Rail Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part V: Banks and Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part IV: Safety Play and Strategy,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part III: English and Position Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part II: Basic Shot Making and Position,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part I: Introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part V: miscellaneous fouls,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part IV: Which ball did you hit first?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part III: rail cut shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part II: double hits,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part I: introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Physics – Part IV: cue elevation effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Physic – Part III: spin ratio,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Physics – Part II: examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Physics – Part I: basics,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part VII: speed control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part VI: CB control examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part V: CB position control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part IV: bridge length,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part III: DAM aiming system,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part II: aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part I: MOFUDAT,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Return of the squirt robot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “End-of-game frozen-rail shots – Part II,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Beer-goggle effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2008.
- Alciatore D, and King, M., “Stroke Tuneup – BD Coaching Bonus,” feature article, Billiards Digest, May, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “End-of-game frozen-rail shots – Part I,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt, swerve, and throw wrap-up,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part VIII: squerve effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part VII: cue test machine results,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part VI: tip shape,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part V: low-squirt cues,”, Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles Billiards Digest, December, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part IV: BHE, FHE, and pivot-length calibration,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part III: follow/draw squirt and swerve,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part II: experimental results,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part I: introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part XII: calibration, and hold shots” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part XI: everything you ever wanted to know about throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part X: the big picture,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part IX: spin transfer follow-up,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part VIII: spin transfer,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part VII: CIT/SIT combo,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part VI: inside/outside English,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part V: SIT speed effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part IV: spin-induced throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part III: follow and draw effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part II: results,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part I: introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part VII: tips of English,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part VI: draw shot practice drill,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part V: how to achieve good draw action,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part IV: game examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part III: using the trisect system,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part II: aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part I: physics,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part VI: maximum rolling deflection,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part V: masse shot aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part IV: maximum cue tip offset,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part III: cue ball paths are like satellite dishes,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part II: high-speed video,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part I: introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part V: The Final Chapter ,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part IV: English effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part III: inelasticity and friction effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part II: speed effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part I,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Just How Big are the Pockets, Anyway – Part III,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Just How Big are the Pockets, Anyway – Part II,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “Just How Big are the Pockets, Anyway – Part I,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiards on the Big Screen – Pool Hall Junkies,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiards on the Big Screen – The Color of Money,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “Billiards on the Big Screen – The Hustler,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° rule review,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “The 30° rule: Part III – carom vs. cut,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “The 30° rule: Part II – examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, BilliardsDigest, May, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “The 30° rule: Part I – the basics,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “The 90° rule: Part III – carom and billiard shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “The 90° rule: Part II – breakup and avoidance shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “The 90° rule: Part I – the basics,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2004.
Research Reports
- Alciatore, D., “Small-gap-combination throw effects, Technical Proof B.21, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, January, 2017.
- Alciatore, D., “Peak forces and tip contact distance during a break shot, Technical Proof B.20, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “Comparison of cue ball deflection (squirt) “endmass” and stiffness effects, Technical Proof B.19, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, January, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., “Pendulum Stroke Cue Tip Trajectory, Technical Proof B.18, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “Maximum Drag-Enhanced Sidespin Tip Contact Point, Technical Proof B.17, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw shot cue ball angle approximations, Technical Proof B.14, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, October, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “Rolling cue ball deflection angle approximations, Technical Proof B.13, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, September, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “Optimal tip height for speed/distance control, Technical Proof B.12, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “Shallow-angle contact-point mirror kick system,” Technical Proof B.11, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, May, 2010.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw shot cue elevation effects,” Technical Proof B.10, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, May, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw shot spin vs. spin ratio,” Technical Proof B.9, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, March, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Draw shot physics,” Technical Proof B.8, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, March, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Stroke speed and acceleration vs. distance,” Technical Proof B.4, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, February, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “Throw calibration and contour plots for various cut angles, speeds, English, and roll,” Technical Proof B.3, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Rolling resistance, spin resistance, and ‘ball turn’,” Technical Proof B.2, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Squirt angle, pivot length, and tip size,” Technical Proof B.1, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “The physics of squirt,” Technical Proof A.31, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, August, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “The effect of cue tip offset on cue ball speed and spin,” Technical Proof A.30, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, June, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “The amazing world of billiards physics,” article written for Scientific American magazine (by invitation) but not published, May, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Using throw to limit cue ball motion,” Technical Proof A.29, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, May, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Spin transfer,” Technical Proof A.27, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, January, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “The effects of follow and draw on throw,” Technical Proof A.24, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, August, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “‘Tips’ of English,” Technical Proof A.22, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, May, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “The effect of spin, speed, and cut angle on draw shots,” Technical Proof A.20, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Masse shot aiming method, and curved cue ball paths,” Technical Proof A.19, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, September, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “The effects of cut angle, speed, and spin on object ball throw,” Technical Proof A.14, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Post-impact cue ball trajectory for any cut angle, speed, and spin,” Technical Proof A.4, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, January, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Effective pocket sizes for shots at different speeds and angles,” Technical Proofs 3.5-3.8, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2003.
- Alciatore, D., “Margin of error based on distance and cut angle,” Technical Proof 3.4, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2003.
- Alciatore, D., “Technical Proofs of Various Pool and Billiards Dynamic Principles“, online analysessupporting The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, 2003-2004.
- Weiner, M. and Alciatore, D., “Modeling and Analysis of a Composite Formula SAE Chassis,” Technical Paper, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University, 1999.
- Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R., “A Winding Number and Point-in-Polygon Algorithm,” Glaxo Virtual Anatomy Project research report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University, January, 1995.
- Wohlers, T. and Alciatore, D., “Evaluation of 3D Scanning Technologies,” research report to the Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C., February, 15, 1994.
- Alciatore, D., O’Connor, J., and Dharwadkar, P., “A Survey of Graphical Simulation in Construction: Software, Usage, & Applications,” Technical Report to the Advanced Technological Systems Task Force of the Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX, June, 1991.
Software and Videos
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc I – Introduction to the Game,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc II – Offensive Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc III – Defensive Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc IV – Bank and Kick Systems,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc V – End Game, Up-Table Game, Miscellaneous,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
- Alciatore, D., “System for Aiming With Sidespin (SAWS),” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2019.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc I – The Break,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc II – Basic Strategy,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc III – Position Play and English,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc IV – Safety Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc V – Advanced Principles, Shots, Strategies,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc V – Run-Out Examples,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc IV – Advanced Play and Strategy,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc III – Safety Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc II – Position Play and Shot Types,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc I – Game Strategy,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) – Disc III – Aiming Kick and Bank Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2014.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) – Disc II – Aiming Specialty Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2014.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) – Disc I – Aiming Systems, Aiming with Sidespin,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2014.
- Alciatore, D. and Russell, R., “Billiard University (BU) Instructional Series – Disc III – Exam II: Skills,” instructional video DVD, Billiard University Press, 2013.
- Alciatore, D. and Russell, R., “Billiard University (BU) Instructional Series – Disc II – Exam I: Fundamentals,” instructional video DVD, Billiard University Press, 2013.
- Alciatore, D. and Russell, R., “Billiard University (BU) Instructional Series – Disc I – Basics and the BU Process,” instructional video DVD, Billiard University Press, 2013.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc V – Challengs, Games, and Advice,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc IV – Banks, Kicks, and Advanced Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc III – Patterns and Safety Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc II – Position Control and English,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
- Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc I – Fundamentals and Basic Position Control,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
- Ross, T., and Alciatore, D., “The Complete Instructional Works of Tom Ross – Volume II – Mental Aspects,” instructional CDROM, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2011.
- Ross, T., and Alciatore, D., “The Complete Instructional Works of Tom Ross – Volume I – Mechanics, Shots, Drills,” instructional CDROM, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2011.
- Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc V – Skill and Specialty Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2010.
- Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc IV – Banks, Kicks, and Advanced Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2010.
- Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc III – Safety Play and Strategy ,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2010.
- Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc II – Basic Shot Making and Position,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2009.
- Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc I – Basic Shot Making and Position,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “High-speed Video Magic … billiards and the world in super slow motion,” instructional video DVD, DGA Press, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards CD-ROM – version 2, contains narrated digital video demonstrations, high-frame-rate video clips, and technical proofs of pool and billiards principles, DGA Press, 2007.
- Wolfson, R., “Physics in Your Life,” 3 DVD set (contributed high-speed video clips for the series), The Teaching Company, Chantilly, VA, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards DVD, interactive, instructional video DVD for learning how to play pool and billiards, DGA Press, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards CD-ROM, contains narrated digital video demonstrations, high-frame-rate video clips, and technical proofs of pool and billiards principles, DGA Press, 2003.
- Alciatore, D., VP-Sculpt, PC software for computer-aided sculpting and editing of 3D polygonal mesh surfaces, 35,000 lines of C++ and OpenGL, 1997-2002.
- Alciatore, D., “CySculpt,” SGI software for computer-aided sculpting and editing of 3D polygonal mesh surfaces, 22,000 lines of C and GL, 1995-1999.
- Spurgeon T., McCracken, T., Miranda, R., and Alciatore, D., Glaxo Virtual Anatomy Project Video Overview: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, Colorado State University, 1993.
- Alciatore, D., “Tiffart,” SGI software for computer-assisted tracing of features in TIFF images of anatomical cross-sections, 6,500 lines of C and GL, 1993.
- Alciatore, D. and Harah, R., “Thermodynamic Properties of Steam,” PC computer code included on a floppy disk in Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd ed., by J. Howell and R. Buckius, McGraw Hill, 1992.
- Alciatore, D. and others, “Dataplot,” PC 2-D data analysis and graphing package written in BASIC, University of New Orleans, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1984.
Presentations and Seminars
- Alciatore, D., Russell, R., and Diep, S., “Billiard University (BU) Boot Camp,” Denver, CO, July 1-3, 2016.
- Alciatore, D., Russell, R., and Diep, S., “Billiard University (BU) Boot Camp,” Denver, CO, July 10-12, 2015.
- Alciatore, D., Russell, R., and Diep, S., “Billiard University (BU) Boot Camp,” Denver, CO, July 4-6, 2014.
- Alciatore, D., Russell, R., and Jewett, B., “Billiard University (BU) Boot Camp,” Denver, CO, July 5-7, 2013.
- Alciatore, D., “The Physics and Engineering of Billiards,” CSU Alumni Night Out presentation, November 8, 2011.
- Alciatore, D., “High-speed Video Magic … The World in Super Slow Motion,” Putnam Elementary Science Carnival, Fort Collins, CO, March 6, 2010.
- Alciatore, D. and Gross, D., “Pool and Billiards Fundamentals,” City of Fort Collins Recreator program, April 4-25, 2009.
- Alciatore, D., “The Magic of High-speed Video,” Putnam Elementary Science Carnival, Fort Collins, CO, February 28, 2009.
- Alciatore, D. and Gross, D., “Pool and Billiards Fundamentals,” City of Fort Collins Recreator program, October 25 – November 15, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards,” keynote address, Lockheed Martin Mechanical Analysis Conference, Orlando, FL, October 22, 2008.
- Alciatore, D. and Gross, D., “Pool and Billiards Fundamentals,” City of Fort Collins Recreator program, April 5 – May 3, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “The Magic of High-speed Video,” Putnam Elementary Science Carnival, Fort Collins, CO, April 12, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “The Magic of High-speed Video,” Beet Street Science Cafe, Fort Collins, CO, March 12, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “Transitions and Opportunities after Engineering School,” ASME Industry and Student Banquet presentation and panel discussion, Fort Collins, February, 2008.
- Alciatore, D., “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards,” Central Chapter of the Professional Engineers of Colorado, Denver, CO, January 24, 2008.
- Alciatore, D. and Gross, D., “Pool and Billiards Fundamentals,” City of Fort Collins Recreator program, October 20 – November 17, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “How to Create and Use Online Video Content to Benefit Student Learning,” The Institute for Teaching and Learning (TILT) seminar, CSU, Fort Collins, CO, September 25, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Online Video Demos and Course Websites,” Master Teacher Initiative (MTI) workshop, College of Engineering, CSU, Fort Collins, CO, March 27, 2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Principles of Pool and The Magic of High-speed Video,” presentation for the ASME Centennial Section, Fort Collins, CO, September 21, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards”
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME District E Spring Student Conference, Fort Collins, CO, March 25, 2006.
- presentation to the CSU Durrel Center dormitory, Fort Collins, CO, March 7, 2006.
- Big Boy Toy Expo presentations, demonstrations, and book signings, The Ranch, Loveland, CO, May 21, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the The University of Texas at Tyler ASME Student Section, Tyler, TX, April 22, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME New Orleans Section and the University of New Orleans Student Section, April 20, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME West Texas Section, April 19, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Ontario Section, Toronto, Canada, April 14, 2005.
- presentation for the Spring Creek LDS Institute, Fort Collins, CO, February 24, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Canaveral Section, Cocoa Beach, FL, February 18, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Florida Section, Orlando, FL, February 17, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Arizona Section, Phoenix, AZ, February 10, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Palm Beach Section, West Palm Beach, FL, January 13, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT, January 11, 2005.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Holston Section and Northeast State Technical Community College, Kingsport, TN, November 11, 2004.
- book sale and signing at the Read, Colorado! book fair, West Club Lounge, Envesco Field, Denver, CO, November 6, 2004.
- ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Baltimore Section, Baltimore, MD, October 21, 2004.
- presentation and book signing at the CSU Lory Student Center Bookstore, Fort Collins, CO, October 20, 2004.
- presentation to the CSU College of Engineering Alumni Reception, Denver, CO, March, 2004.
- seminar presented to the CSU Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fort Collins, CO, December, 2003.
- presentation to the ASME Centennial Section, Fort Collins, CO, September, 2003.
- Alciatore, D., “The Magic of High-speed Video,” SERTOMA meeting program presentation, Fort Collins, February, 2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Transitions and Opportunities after Engineering School,” ASME Industry and Student Banquet presentation and panel discussion, Fort Collins, February, 2005.
- Alciatore, D., “Digital Video for the Web Made Simple,” CSU Professional Development Institute, Fort Collins, January, 2004.
- Alciatore, D., “Computer Graphics Modeling and Animation of the Human,” seminar presented to the Office of Technical Services, 1999.
- Alciatore, D., “Virtual Anatomy”
- seminar presented to the CSU Department of Computer Science, March, 1997.
- Seminar presented to the CSU Society of Women Engineers (SWE), February, 1996.
- Gulden, J., Fedde, C., Alciatore, D., Spurgeon, T., and Miranda, R., “Glaxo Virtual Anatomy,” two slides included in the 1995 SIGGRAPH Technical Slide Set, 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Los Angeles, August, 1995.
- Alciatore, D. and Histand, M., “Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Education,” seminar presented to the Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, April, 1995.
- Alciatore, D., “Glaxo Virtual Anatomy”
- seminar presented to the Department of Computer Science seminar series, Colorado State University, March, 1995.
- Seminar presented to the Department of Mechanical Engineering seminar series, Colorado State University, March, 1995.
- Seminar presented to a meeting of the ASME Centennial Section, Fort Collins, CO, December, 1994.
- Seminar presented to a meeting of the Colorado State University Sigma Xi Chapter, October, 1994.
- Alciatore, D., “Computer Graphics, CAD/CAM, and 3D Printing”, seminar presented to the Colorado State University ASME Student Section, February, 1994.
- Alciatore, D., “Unwrapping Images of the Unseeable: Building 3D Computer Graphics Surface Models From Cross-sectional Data”, seminar for the Colorado State University Fluid Dynamics, Hydraulics, and Wind Engineering Seminar Program, December, 1993.
- Alciatore, D., “The Vesalius Project – Computer Graphics Applications in Biotechnology,” seminar presented at the Colorado State University College of Engineering Industry Day, October, 1991.
- Alciatore, D., “Construction Automation and Simulation,” seminar presented to the Colorado State University Manufacturing Excellence Center, April, 1991.
- Alciatore, D., “Automation of a Pipe Manipulator,” seminar presented to the Colorado State University ASME Student Section, January, 1991.
- Contributed to “The Pipe Manipulator,” video presented at The 6th International Symposium on Robotics and Automation in Construction, San Francisco, CA, June, 1989.
- Alciatore, D. and Hughes, P., “Pipe Construction Automation,” seminar presented to The University of Texas Mechanical Engineering Department, September, 1988.
- Contributed to “The University of Texas,” NCAA promotional video tape, August, 1988.
- Alciatore, D. and Juhasz, S., “Radiation Shape Factors and Descriptive Geometry,” seminar presented to The University of Texas Mechanical Engineering Department, July, 1988.
- Contributed to “Pipe Construction Automation,” video presented at The 5th International Symposium on Robotics and Automation in Construction, Tokyo, Japan, June, 1988.
Invention Disclosures and Patents
- Alciatore, D., “Gyro Disc: Flying Disc Design Modification,” disclosed to CSU Research Foundation, 1998.
- Alciatore, D., “Variable Focus 3D Laser Digitizing System,” disclosed to CSU Research Foundation, 1994.
- Alciatore, D., Troxell, W., Segelhorst, T., Shogrin, B., Eisenbach, L., and Eckman, R., “Shoulder Continuous Passive Motion Device,” disclosed to CSU Research Foundation, 1991.
Web Pages
- Alciatore, D., “YouTube video collection,”, 2007-present.
- Alciatore, D., “Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products,”, 2005-present.
- Alciatore, D., “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards,”, 2003-present.
- Alciatore, D., “Video Demonstrations,”, 2002-present.
- Alciatore, D., “High-speed Video Clips,”, 2002-present.
- Alciatore, D., “Mechatronics and Measurement Systems,”, 1995-present.
- Alciatore, D., “David G. Alciatore Home Page,”, 1995-present.
- Alciatore, D., “Mechatronics Resources,”, 1998-2020.
- Alciatore, D., “MECH307 – Mechatronics and Measurement Systems,”, 1995-2020.
- Alciatore, D., “MECH417 – Control Systems,”, 2006-2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Microchip PIC Microcontroller Resources,”, 2000-2020.
- Alciatore, D., “Useful Local Vendors,”, 1996-2020.
- Alciatore, D., “MECH524 – Principles of Mechanics (Advanced Dynamics),”, 1995-2020.
- Alciatore, D., “MECH424 – Principles of Dynamics (Advanced Dynamics),”, 2013-2019.
- Alciatore, D., “MECH325 – Machine Design,”, 2000-2019.
- Alciatore, D., “MECH105 – Mechanical Engineering Problem Solving,”, 2007-2016.
- Alciatore, D., “Visible Productions Computer Aided Sculpting,”, 1995-2015.
- Alciatore, D., “Computer Aided Sculpting,”, 1995-2015.
- Alciatore, D., “Computer Aided Sculpting Reference Manual,”, 1995-2015.
- Alciatore, D., “ADEPT Robot Reference Guide,”, 1996-2012.
- Alciatore, D., “MECH564 – Fundamentals of Robot Mechanics and Control,”, 1996-2012.
- Alciatore, D., “Internet Search Engines, Portals, Indexes and References,”, 1996-2012.
- Alciatore, D., “MECH324 – Dynamics of Machines,”, 2002-2007.
- Alciatore, D., “Product and Design Information,”, 1996-2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Creating a Personal Home Page on ENGR,”, 1996-2006.
- Alciatore, D., “Career and Job Sites,”, 1996-2006.
- Alciatore, D., “ME250 – Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering,”, 2003-2005.
- Alciatore, D., “CSU Mechanical Engineering Department,”, 2001-2002.
- Alciatore, D., “Software Online Help,”, 1996-2000.
- Alciatore, D., “Student Contests and Competitions,”, 1996-1998.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Student Design Contest,”, 1995-1999.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Region XII,”, 1995-1999.
- Alciatore, D., “ME102 – Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design and Manufacturing,”, 1996-1998.
- Alciatore, D., “ME101 – Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Computing,”, 1996-1998.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME 1998 Student Design Contest,”, 1996-1998.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Student Sections Committee,”, 1996-1998.
- Alciatore, D., “Computer Aided Sculpting Overview,”, 1995-1998.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Centennial Section,”, 1995-1998.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME 1997 Allied Signal Rules,”, 1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Contests and Competitions,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME 1997 Student Design Contest,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Acronyms,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Impromptu Design Contests,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Western Region Office,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Regions and Vice Presidents,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Regional Offices,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “CSU ME Awards Committee,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “CSU ME Laboratory Equipment Committee,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ME304 – Engineering Design I,”, 1996-1997.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME 1996 Student Design Contest,”, 1995-1996.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Council on Member Affairs,”, 1996.
- Alciatore, D., “CSU ME Strategic Planning Committee,”, 1996.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Major Benefits,”, 1996.
- Alciatore, D., “CSU ME Photograph Sampling,”, 1996.
- Sarmast, S., Alciatore, D., and Fitzhorn, P., “CSU Department of Mechanical Engineering,”, 1996.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Small Business Survey,”, 1996.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME Arizona Section,”, 1996.
- Alciatore, D., “ASME 1995 Student Design Contest,”, 1995.
- Alciatore, D. and Vos, B., “ASME CSU Student Section,”, 1995.
Press Coverage and Citations of Work
- Ultimate English Billiards, Goodwill, M. and Morgan, R.., Press, p. 280, 2022.
- “YouTube University,” N. Leider, Billiards Digest, pp. 46-50, March, 2022.
- “Mechanical Engineer Turned Media Darling Award,” BD Staff, Billiards Digest, p. 48, February, 2022.
- “Dr. Dave Appears as Featured Guest on Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Podcast: StarTalk Sports Edition,” Billiards Buzz, pp. 42-46, November, 2021.
- “Dr. Dave Alciatore Takes Home Jerry Briesath Instructor of the Year Award,” BCA Insider, Holiday Edition, pp. 46-49, November, 2021.
- “Game On!,” BD Staff, Billiards Digest, pp. 32-36, August, 2021.
- “Dr. Dave Receives Jerry Briesath Instructor of the Year Award” BD in Brief, and “Boardwalk Empire and More” From the Publisher, Billiards Digest, pp. 10, 13, July, 2021.
- “57 is Magic,” B. Jewett, Billiards Digest, pp. 24-25, September, 2020.
- “Above Average,” K. Paradise, Billiards Digest, pp. 38-43, September, 2020.
- “Mechatronics Resources,” Featured Site of the Day, Engineers’ Tribune, June 17, 2020.
- “Social Cues,” BD Staff, Billiards Digest, p. 42, May, 2020.
- “Using the AimRight,” booklet with aiming templates, AimPro Billiards, 2018.
- “Trick Shots – A Prehistory,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, p. 50, October, 2018.
- “Can you earn a higher grade than Shane Van Boening?,” ABR online radio interview with Dr. Dave about the $4000 BU Exam I 100 Challenge (4/5/2018).
- “Half Ball, Revisited,” B. Jewett, Billiards Digest, March, 2018.
- “Empiricist and Ratioinalist Approaches to the Design of Concrete Structures,” Boothby, T. and Coough, S., Journal of Preservation Technology, Vol. XLVIII, No. 1, 2017.
- “How Much of the Earth Can You See at Once?,” YouTube video, July, 2017.
- “Protect Your Smarts, Build a Smart Motorcycle Helmet,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2017.
- Banking and Kicking Made Simple, Elfers, M., eBook, p. 3, 2017.
- “A Motorized Time-Lapse Camera Slider,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, March, 2017.
- “Why You’re Better at Beer Pong After a Few Drinks,” Ossola A., Vice Tonic, March, 2017.
- “Skip Marlow’s Opus,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, March, 2017.
- “Progressive Follow Drills,” Jewett, B., On The Break News, March, 2017.
- “The Mind-Bending Physics of Trick-Shot Pool,” Florio, J. and Shapiro, O., The Atlantic, November, 2016.
- “A ‘Portal’ Sentry Turret to Guard Your DIY Lab,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, August, 2016.
- Aiming With Friction, Ballenger, R., p. 16,, 2016.
- “Things My Father Taught Me,” pp. 90-95, Popular Mechanics, June, 2016.
- “How to Build a Homemade CNC Laser Engraver,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, June, 2016.
- “A $2000 Bank Bend Challenge,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 26-27, May, 2016.
- “CSU mechanical engineering students gain hands-on experience in unique mechatronics lab,” Hoag, S., The Rocky Mountain Collegian, March 31, 2016.
- “The Yearn to Learn,” Leider, N., Billiards Digest, pp. 42-44, March, 2016.
- “Random Rules Review,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 26-27, February, 2016.
- “A Self-Playing Guitar,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, February, 2016.
- “You Make the Call: Hit me Again,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, p. 13, December, 2015.
- “Battling Maxo,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 50-53, November, 2015.
- “Portable Weather Station,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, October, 2015.
- “The Attack Dyno,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, September, 2015.
- “The Leaky Tree,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, August, 2015.
- “The Doctor Is In,” ABR online radio interview with Dr. Dave about the Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB), August 20, 2015.
- “The Handy Rival,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, June, 2015.
- Attribute Training for Sports – Pool & Billiards, Miller, J., pp. 154, 258, 333, Attribute Training, 2015.
- “Progressive Development,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 24-26, March, 2015.
- “Gadget of the Year Won’t Spill Your Drinks,” Spiegel, R., Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, January, 2015.
- “How to Win at Bar Games,” Anderson, K., Popular Mechanics, January, 2015.
- Bullseye Billiards, Gage, J., pp. 13, 235, Razor Pool, 2014.
- “10M Visites to the Doctor,” BD in Brief, Billiards Digest, p. 15, December, 2014.
- “Drink Delivery Vehicle – Inverted Pendulum,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, October, 2014.
- “Billiards Graduates … Association of college unions competition kept the game alive during difficult times,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 46-49, October, 2014.
- “Dr. Seuss Themed Target Game,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, August, 2014.
- “Non-Dependency … There are things that impact a shot that you simply cannot control,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 24-26, June, 2014.
- “Team USA Profile #3,” ABR online radio interview with Dr. Dave about the Billiard University and the Billiard Education Foundation, May 2, 2014.
- “Follow Foundation … How to develop a more precise feel for the cue ball’s path,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 22-23, April, 2014.
- Play Great Pool, Wilson, M. and Wardell, D., pp. 75, 94, 156, Blue Book Publications, 2013.
- “The Billiard University,” On The Break News, p. 10, August, 2013.
- “MR Shock Improves Biking,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, July, 2013.
- “Speed, Angle & Size … A Look at the Factors that Influence a Pocket’s Effective Size,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 24-25, June, 2013.
- “Gloved Hand Controls Airplane’s Flight,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2013.
- “Through the Centuries … A Lot Happened in Billiards in 1913 Away From the Table,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 44-47, May, 2013.
- “Where’s the Pocket … The Table’s Pockets are Stationary, But They Can Still Change Size,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 24-25, May, 2013.
- “Real It In,” Simpson, T., Inside Pool Magazine, November, 2012.
- “Smart Toolbox Finds the Right Tool,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, July, 2012.
- “Show Jumping .. The Jump Shot Has Spectacular Exhibition Potential,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 44-47, May, 2012.
- “Robotics Unleashed with Glove-Operated Hand,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2012.
- “Colorado Smart Bike Shifts Itself,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, February, 2012.
- “Smart Recycle Can,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, January, 2012.
- “Mayan Water Sound Fountain,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, October, 2011.
- “Test Your Knowledge, Win a Gumball!,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, July, 2011.
- “Automation Comes to the Harmonica,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, March, 2011.
- “Side Pocket Science … Prof Teaches Physics with Billiards,” Riley, C., front-page article, The Rocky Mountain Collegian, Wed., March 9, 2011.
- Aim is the Game in Pool, Kelly, R., pp. 69, 139, 169,, 2011.
- “Help Improve Your Favorite Pool Player’s Game With a Gift of the Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots,” Crump, K. and Honeman, C., Cue Times, p. 5, December, 2010.
- “Creating a Sensory Input Bio-Prosthetic Prototype,” Pace, A. et al, Design News, feature article, pp. M12-M14, September, 2010.
- “Secret Safe Drill Revealed,” Reddick, M., Angle of Reflection, October, 2010.
- “Two Important Kiss Shots,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,12, September, 2010.
- “Mike Massey Power Draw: Here’s How,” Capelle, P., Pool and Billiards, p.18, August, 2010.
- “Shallow Angle Rail-First Shot,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,15, June, 2010.
- “Sneak Peeks – Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots,” Fels, G., Billiards Digest, p. 34, June, 2010.
- “Let an MCU Feed Your Pets,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2010.
- “Magic Fingers Tickle the Ivories,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, April, 2010.
- “Golfers Go Green with Envy,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, March, 2010.
- “Avoiding Scratches,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,13, March, 2010.
- “Peace Baby,” Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,9, February, 2010.
- “Kicking Safe,” Ross, T., Ozone Billiards, February, 2010.
- “Two Good Caroms,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,17, January, 2010.
- “Competitive Practice,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 26-27, January, 2010.
- Pool & Billiards for Dummies, Leider, N., p.67, Wiley Publishing, 2010.
- “30-Degree Rule for Caroms,” Ross, T., Ozone Billiards, December, 2009.
- “Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis,” Lahart, J., The Wall Street Journal, November 13, 2009.
- “Robot Inventor Gets National Attention,” Timby, M., CTV Campus Television News, November 4, 2009.
- “Avoiding Scratches,” Ross, T., Ozone Billiards, November, 2009.
- “CSU graduate student alters spherical robot,” Crespin, V., Rocky Mountain Collegian, October 27, 2009.
- “Spherical Robot Can Climb Over Obstacles,” Ackerman, E., BotJunkie, October 15, 2009.
- “CSU Student Named ‘Most Brilliant Innovator’,” Warner, R., Colorado Public Radio, October 14, 2009.
- “A CSU grad student’s rolling robot is turning heads, but what the hell do we do with it?,” Fisher, R., Westword, October 13, 2009.
- “Science magazine awards N.J. native top innovators prize for ‘spherical robot’,” Manachio, M., Gannett Jew Jersey, October 13, 2009.
- “10 Most Brilliant Innovators of 2009: The Ball-Shaped Robot,” Ward, L., Popular Mechanics, November, 2009.
- “Engineering graduate student honored with Popular Mechanics Next Generation Award,” Wilmsen, E., Today @ Colorado State, October 12, 2009.
- “CSU graduate student’s robot ball is rolling in ingenuity,” Whaley, M., Denver Post, October, 10, 2009.
- “CSU grad student, robot he invented honored by Popular Mechanics,” Chodak, A., Fort Collins Coloradoan, October 8, 2009.
- “Innovator to Watch: CSU Grad Student Greg Schroll,” Yoanna, M., 5280 – Denver’s Magazine, October 8, 2009.
- “Round robot rolls out big things for CSU student,” Chodak, A., Denver 9-News, TV broadcast on October 7, 2009.
- “Peace Baby,” Ross, T., Ozone Billiards, October, 2009.
- “Eying Combinations,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 50-53, September, 2009.
- “5 Great Sites To Watch Things Blowing Up,” Guy McDowell,, Aug. 26th, 2009.
- “Perfect Wake-up Machine Jolts All Five Senses,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, August, 2009.
- “Robotic Hand Teaches Sign Language and ‘Rocks on’,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 64, July, 2009.
- “Tesla Turbine Creates Liquid Electricity,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, June, 2009.
- “Motorized Mountainboard,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2009.
- “Security Robot Roams, Shrieks at Intruders,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 64, May, 2009.
- “The Autonomous Blimp,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, April, 2009.
- “Just for Kicks,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 28-29, May, 2009.
- “Secrets,” Fels, G., Billiards Digest, p. 64, April, 2009.
- “Dr. Dave’s Super Slow Motion Lab,” featured videos online, created and posted January, 2009.
- “Ask Mr. Modem,” – Dallas-Fort Worth News, November 28, 2008.
- “CSU graduate student wins major national competition for invention,” Today at Colorado State, November 21, 2008.
- “CSU professor brings engineering background to his billiards classes,” Johnson, J., Loveland Reporter-Herald, October 13, 2008.
- “Close calls … Split hits can be sticky situations for players and refs,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 32-33, October, 2008.
- “Gadget Keeps Suspension Even,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 92, October 6, 2008.
- “Jumping Back … Drawing more conclusions with the help of video,” Ross, T., Billiards Digest, p. 34, August, 2008.
- “Who Owns Mechatronics,” Brown, A., Mechanical Engineering magazine feature article, June, 2008.
- “Robot Can Read Terrain and Adjust,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 104, June 2, 2008.
- “Want to Play Better? Here’s ‘How To’,” Fels, G., instructional product review, Billiards Digest, pp. 42-46, June, 2008.
- “Racking up the physics of pool,” Miller, P., Colorado State University Magazine, Fort Collins, CO, Spring, 2008.
- “Put a Bounce in Your Step,” Fels, G., book review article, Billiards Digest, p. 72, May, 2008.
- “Gadget Cares for Your Best Friend,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 104, April 17, 2008.
- “CSU class searches for perfect cue,” Ferrier, P., Coloradoan, Business section lead article, Fort Collins, CO, April 8, 2008.
- “‘Dr. Dave’ teaches mechanical engineering principles through billiards,” Today @ Colorado State, April 4, 2008.
- “CSU quest: perfect pool cue,” Scanlon, B., Rocky Mountain News, Denver, CO, April 3, 2008.
- “Billiards a great teaching tool for mechanical engineering students, says ‘Dr. Dave’,” Wilmsen, E., Colorado State University News and Information, April 3, 2008.
- “Pool Mythology … What you accept as truth just might deserve a second look,” Ross, T., Billiards Digest, p. 36, April, 2008.
- “How Can I Improve My Break Shot in 8-ball?,” Men’s Health, Essential Guy Skill of the Month, p. 28, January/February, 2008.
- “Mechanical Students Develop Cue Testing Machine,” Colorado State University, College of Engineering News, November, 2007.
- “The Ghostly Truth … It may sound easy, but the simplest aiming system is an illusion,” Ross, T., Billiards Digest, pp.34-35, September, 2007.
- “The French Fryin’ Legion’s New Secret Weapon,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 132, June 4, 2007.
- “Engineers from Diverse Backgrounds Discuss Mechatronics,” Dodge, J., Design News, Mechatronics Supplement, April 30, 2007.
- “A Practical Guide to Mechatronics,” podcast interview with John Dodge, Design News,, March, 2007.
- “Big Shot – With the help of physics, a teenage pool player goes pro,” Klein, A., Science World, v.63, n. 9, February, 2007.
- “CSU engineering professor helps game, students with studies of billiards physics,” McGraw, C., Colorado Springs Gazette, February 17, 2007.
- “WebSights – Physics of Sports,” MacIsaac, D. The Physics Teacher, Vol. 44, November 2006.
- “Forgotten Lessons … Why can’t we remember playing techniques learned long ago?,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 66-71, June, 2006.
- “A Deadly Kiss,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiards & Game News, p. 3, January, 2006.
- “Christina and the Dangerous Duck Slalom,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 90, November 21, 2005.
- “Jared’s Ride Isn’t Fly, but the Steering’s Perfect,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 86, November 7, 2005.
- “Ryan Demonstrated the Basics of Torsion Mechanics,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 114, June 6, 2005.
- “Richard and Jen Ace Stochastics,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 150, May 16, 2005.
- “Give My Mascot LIFE,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 94, April 18, 2005.
- “Luckily, Dimitri Never Inhaled,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 118, April 4, 2005.
- “Ryan Pooh-Poohed Those Low-Carb Diets,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 110, June, 2004.
- “Additional Parts Required: Duct Tape and Baling Wire!,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 114, April, 2004.
- “The Human Body,” National Geographic episode showing several 3-D animations of Visible Productions’ anatomy models created with our anatomy modeling software (triangulator and VP-Sculpt), 2/26/02, PBS, 2002.
- “Reshape the Way You Edit 3D Models,” 3D Developments, v. 1, n. 9, Cyberware, Monterey, CA, Spring/Summer, 1997.
- “The Challenge of 3D Digitizing,” Wohlers, T., Computer Graphics World, pp. 21-22, November, 1995.
- “Classroom as Virtual Workplace,” Engineering Review, v. 8, n. 1, College of Engineering, Colorado State University, summer, 1995.
- “Glaxo Virtual Anatomy – Presenting an Atlas of Human Anatomy on Your Computer,” Vector, v. 12, n. 5, Academic Computing and Networking Services, Colorado State University, summer, 1995.
- “Cadavers are Brought to Life on the Computer Screen With Virtual Anatomy Program in 3-D,” ASME News, v. 14, n. 10, February, 1995.
- “A Cut Above,” Brisbane Sunday Mail, Australian Newspaper, September, 8, 1994.
- “Virtual Anatomy,” Ram Page Newspaper, Colorado State University, v. 13, n. 2, September, 1994.
- “Abra Cadaver: It’s a Virtual Corpse,” John Webster, Computer Graphics World, pg. 13, August, 1994.
- “The Cadaver in the Computer,” Regina Oliver, North Carolina, pg. 6, August, 1994.
- “Cadavers to be Carved by Computer,” Vicki Cheng, Associated Press, The Washington Times Newspaper, Science and Technology Section, June, 26, 1994.
- “Virtual Reality Comes to Anatomy,” Vicki Cheng, Associated Press, The Herald Sun Newspaper, Raleigh, pp. G1, G3, June 26, 1994.
- “CSU Researching the Future With Virtual Anatomy,” Nick Hoyer, Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian Newspaper, pg. 2, June 24, 1994.
- “Computer Used in Medicine,” Associated Press HeadsUp News Service, Cambridge, MA, Story No. 757640, June 20, 1994.
- “Glaxo Virtual Anatomy,” Bart Ritner, Triangle Computer News, Raleigh, pp. 11-12, June, 1994.
- “Gross Anatomy,” Jana Miller, Fort Collins Coloradoan, Choice Section, pg. B1, June 7, 1994.
- “Abracadaver! Dissection by Computer Magic,” David Ranii, The News & Observer, Raleigh, pp. D1-D2, June, 4, 1994.
- “With a Push of a Mouse: Dissection,” Associated Press, Fayetteville Observer-Times, May, 30, 1994.
- “Applied Reality”, David Churbuck, Forbes, September, 14, 1992.
- “Equipment Gets More User-Friendly,” Engineering News Record, Construction 2000 Feature, June 14, 1990.