Books, Manuals, and Other Reference Material

  1. Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Korean translation, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2020.
  2. Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, online SmartBook via Connect, McGraw-Hill, 2019.
  3. Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-1-259-89234-9, 2019.
  4. Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement SystemsSolutions Manual, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2019.
  5. Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Chinese translation, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2018.
  6. Alciatore, D.,  Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Laboratory Exercises, published online, 2017.
  7. Alciatore, D.,  Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Laboratory Exercises, FedEx-Office Custom Publishing, Fort Collins, 2006-2016.
  8. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Portuguese language translation, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-85-8055-340-6, 2014.
  9. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-0-07-338023-0, 2012.
  10. Alciatore, D., Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement SystemsSolutions Manual, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2011.
  11. Billiard Education Foundation (BEF), Coaching Program, contributed illustrations and editing assistance, 2011.
  12. Billiard Education Foundation (BEF), Club Curriculum Guide, contributed illustrations and editing assistance, 2011.
  13. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Korean translation, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-89-5667-424-7, 2008.
  14. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Spanish translation, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 970-10-6385-6, 2008.
  15. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-296305-0, 2007.
  16. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement SystemsSolutions Manual, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
  17. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Korean translation, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 89-5667-161-3, 2005.
  18. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Chinese translation, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-119557-2, published 2005.
  19. Alciatore, D., The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, Sterling Publishing, ISBN: 1-4027-1428-9, 2004.
  20. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Laboratory Exercises, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 007-2978759, 2004.
  21. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement SystemsSolutions Manual, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
  22. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 007-240241-5, 2003.
  23. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Laboratory Exercises, Kinkos Custom Publishing,  Fort Collins, 1995-2003.
  24. Alciatore, D.,  VP-Sculpt User and Reference Manual, Visible Productions,  Fort Collins,  CO, 1997-2002.
  25. Histand, M. and Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Korean translation, 1st edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 89-7088-529-3, 2000.
  26. McCracken, T. (editor), Alciatore, D. and Miranda, H., wrote the software used to generate and edit the illustrated 3-D models,  New Atlas of Human Anatomy,  Metro Books, 2000.
  27. Histand, M. and Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems − Solutions Manual, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
  28. Histand, M. and Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 1st edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-029089-X, 1999.
  29. Histand, M. and Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2nd preliminary edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-006994-8, 1997.
  30. Histand, M. and Alciatore, D.,  Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems,  preliminary edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-000971-6, 1996.
  31. Alciatore, D.,  SGI GL Graphics Library Reference,  reference booklet prepared for CSU Mechanical Engineering Silicon Graphics workstation users,  June, 1992-1996.
  32. Alciatore, D., Harah, R., and Howell, J.,  “Thermodynamic Properties of Steam,” computer code included on a floppy disk in Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics,  2nd ed.,  by J. Howell and R. Buckius,  McGraw Hill, 1992.

Journal and Conference Proceeding Articles

  1. Alciatore, D., Pool and Billiards Physics Principles by Coriolis and Others, submitted to the American Journal of Physics, August, 2008.
  2. Alciatore, D.,  “How to Create and Use Digital Video Demonstrations in Distance Education,”  Telecoop Distance Learning Conference,  Colorado Springs,  April, 2004.
  3. Alciatore, D.,  “Using Digital and High-speed Video to Enhance Engineering Student Learning,”   Int’l Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) Conference,  Fort Collins,  October, 2003.
  4. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  “Integrating Mechatronics Into a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,”  IEEE Robotics and Automation, v. 8, n.2,  June, 2001.
  5. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  “Integrating Mechatronics Into a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,”    International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics, 1999.
  6. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  “Integrating Mechatronics Into a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,”  1999 International Conference on Robotics and Automation,  Detroit,  May, 1999.
  7. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  “Using Mechatronics to Modernize and Integrate a Traditional Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,”  Proc. of 1998 Int’l Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 693-696,  Skovde, Sweden,  September, 1998.
  8. Alciatore, D.,  “A Modern View of FORTRAN/Drafting for Mechanical Engineering Freshmen,”  Proceedings of the 1998 ASEE Rocky Mountain Annual Conference, Denver, CO,  April, 1998.
  9. McCracken, T., Spurgeon, T., Alciatore, D., and Miranda, R.,  “Gallery of NLM Visible Human Models,”  Journal of Biocommunication, v. 23, n. 1,  pp. 18-21, 1996.
  10. Alciatore, D.,  “How to Form Groups for Cooperative Group Learning Experiences,”  Proc. Of ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Meeting,  Laramie, WY,  April 12, 1996.
  11. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  “Mechatronics Education at Colorado State University,”  Proc. Of ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Meeting,  Laramie, WY,  April 12, 1996.
  12. Alciatore, D. and Wohlers, T.,  “Importing and Reshaping Digitized Data for use in Rapid Prototyping:  A System for Sculpting Polygonal Mesh Surfaces,”  Rapid Prototyping Journal,  MCB Univ. Press,  v. 2, n. 1,  pp. 13-23,  1996.
  13. Alciatore, D. and Traver, A.,  “Multipulley Belt Drive Mechanics: Creep Theory vs. Shear Theory,”  ASME Journal of Mechanical Design,  v. 117,  pp. 506-511,  1995.
  14. Alciatore, D.,  “Computer Graphics Modeling of Anatomy: From 2D Data Acquisition to 3D Sculpting,”  Proc. Of the 1995 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,  Boston,  September, 1995.
  15. Alciatore, D. and Pasquini, R.,  “Variable Focus Three-dimensional Laser Digitizing System,”  Proc. Of the 1995 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,  Boston,  September, 1995.
  16. Guess, T., and Alciatore, D.,  “Model Development and Control Implementation for a Magnetic Levitation Apparatus,”  Proc. Of the 1995 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,  Boston,  September, 1995.
  17. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  “Mechatronics at Colorado State University”, Mechatronics, v. 5, n. 7, pp. 799-810,  Pergamon Press,  1995.
  18. Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R.,  “The Best Least-Squares Line Fit“, Graphics Gems V, edited by Alan Paeth, Associated Press Professional, Cambridge, MA, pp. 91-97,  1995.
  19. Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R.,  “The Best Least-Squares Line Fit,” Proceedings of 1994 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,  Minneapolis,  September, 1994.
  20. Alciatore, D.,  “Determining Manipulator Workspace Boundaries Using the Monte Carlo Method and Least Squares Segmentation,”  Proceedings of 23rd ASME Mechanisms Conference,  Minneapolis,  September, 1994.
  21. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  “Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Course at Colorado State University,”  Proceedings of the 1994 Workshop on Mechatronics Education,  Stanford University,  July,  1994.
  22. Spurgeon, T., McCracken, T., Steward, D., Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R.,  “Presentation of Dissectible, Anatomical Models by Interactive Videodisk”,  poster presentation at Annual Meeting of American Association of Veterinary Anatomists,  St. Paul, MN,  July, 1993.
  23. Shivaswamy, K., Alciatore, D. and Burns, P.,  “CEMPLOT: A Visualization Tool for CEM VII”, Proceedings of the 11th Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing,  June, 1993.
  24. Alciatore, D.,  “Use of 3-D Computer Graphics Simulation in a Capstone Mechanical Engineering Design Course,”  Proceedings of the 1993 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,  August, 1993.
  25. Janna, W., Alciatore, D. and Jakubowski, G.,  “A Method for Obtaining an Equation for the Velocity-Time History of an Accelerating Sphere,”  Proceedings of the 1992 ASME Winter Annual Meeting – Fluids Engineering Vol. 139,  November, 1992.
  26. Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R.,  “Building Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics Surface Models for Anatomy Education,”  Proceedings of The 1992 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,  August, 1992.
  27. Alciatore, D.,  “A Heuristic Application-Specific Path Planner For Robot Motion Planning,”  Proceedings of the 1992 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,  August, 1992.
  28. Alciatore, D., Abraham, L., and Barr, R.,  “Matrix Solution of Digitized Planar Human Body Dynamics for Biomechanics Laboratory Instruction,”  Proceedings of the 1992 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,  August, 1992.
  29. Freund, M., Traver, A., and Alciatore, D.,  “Simulation of Multiple Nozzle Surface Finishing Operations,”  ASME Technical Paper No. 91-PET-33,  1991.
  30. Janna, W., El-Nar, T., and Alciatore, D.,  “Heat Transfer From Turbulent Air Flowing Through a Cooled Isothermal Tube,”  Journal of Applied Energy,  Elsevier Science Publishers, v. 38,  pp. 143-156,  1991.
  31. Alciatore, D. and Traver, A.,  “Development of a Heuristic Application-Specific Path Planner for Piping Construction Automation,”  Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction.,  May,  1990.
  32. Alciatore, D.,  “Automation of a Piping Construction Manipulator and Development of a Heuristic Application-Specific Path Planner,”  PhD Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin,  December, 1989.
  33. Hughes, P., Alciatore, D., Traver, A., and O’Connor, J.,  “Construction Manipulator Operation with ‘Ergosticks’,”  Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,  September, 1989.
  34. Alciatore, D., Hughes, P., Traver, A., and O’Connor, J.,  “Using Computer Graphics Simulation to Develop Ways to Automate a Large Piece of Construction Equipment,”  poster presentation at The 3rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,  Boston, MA,  September, 1989.
  35. Alciatore, D., Lipp, S., and Janna, W.,  “Closed Form Solution of the General Three Dimensional Radiation Configuration Factor Problem with Microcomputer Solution,”  Proceedings of The 26th National Heat Transfer Conference and Exhibition,  August, 1989.
  36. Alciatore, D. and Traver, A.,  “Simulation of a Pipe Manipulator Used in Piping Construction,”  Proceedings of The 1989 ASME Computers in Engineering Conference,  July, 1989.
  37. Alciatore, D., Hughes, P., Traver, A., and O’Connor, J.,  “Development and Simulation of an Ergonomic Control System for a Large Construction Manipulator,”  Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction,  June, 1989.
  38. Janna, W., Vrakas, C., and Alciatore, D.,  “Pipe Friction Diagrams for Economic Pipe Diameter Selection,”  Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Freight Pipelines,  May, 1989.
  39. Janna, W., Womak, D., and Alciatore, D.,  “Heat Transfer From Turbulent Water Flow in a Tube to a Cooled Isothermal Wall,”  The International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,  v. 9, no. 2,  1988.
  40. Alciatore, D., Janna, W., and Shamburger, E,  “Microcomputer Solution to the Mathematical Equivalent of the Graphical Method for Finding Radiation Shape Factors,”  ASEE Journal of Engineering Design Graphics,  Winter, Vol. 52, No. 1,  1988.
  41. Alciatore, D. and Janna, W.,  “Modified Pipe Friction Diagrams That Eliminate Trial-and-Error From Traditional Problem Solution Methods,”  Proceedings of The National Fluid Dynamics Congress, Part 2,  July, 1988.
  42. Alciatore, D.,  “Multipulley Belt Drive Mechanics: Creep Theory vs. Shear Theory,”  Masters Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin,  August, 1987.

Magazine Articles

  1. Alciatore, D., “Outside vs. Inside,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2025.
  2. Alciatore, D., “Throw Shots You Need to Know,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2025.
  3. Alciatore, D., “How to Reach Shots Tough to Reach,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2025.
  4. Alciatore, D., “Frozen Proposition Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2025.
  5. Alciatore, D., “Kiss Shot Direction Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2024.
  6. Alciatore, D., “Pro Foul Confusion,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2024.
  7. Alciatore, D., “Draw for Show, Follow for Dough,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2024.
  8. Alciatore, D., “Cross-Table CB Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2024.
  9. Alciatore, D., “Spin Transfer Throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2024.
  10. Alciatore, D., “Bridge Length Effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2024.
  11. Alciatore, D., “Cue Tip Size and Shape Effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2024.
  12. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2024.
  13. Alciatore, D., “Half-Ball Hit Magic,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2024.
  14. Alciatore, D., “Stroke Video Analysis,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2024.
  15. Alciatore, D., “How Pros Aim,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2024.
  16. Alciatore, D., “Improved 2-to-1 System,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2024.
  17. Alciatore, D., “Large-Angle Banks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2023.
  18. Alciatore, D., “Twice Plus Tenths,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2023.
  19. Alciatore, D., “Jump Shots Made Simple,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2023.
  20. Alciatore, D., “Golden Break!,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2023.
  21. Alciatore, D., “Is LD Better?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2023.
  22. Alciatore, D., “Soft vs. Hard Tip Myth Buster,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2023.
  23. Alciatore, D., “How to Easily Find Your Vision Center,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2023.
  24. Alciatore, D., “Bank Shot Reference Tracks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2023.
  25. Alciatore, D., “Magic Spot Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2023.
  26. Alciatore, D., “Sliding Bank ‘Spot on the Wall’ System,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2023.
  27. Alciatore, D., “Amazing Frozen Kiss Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2023.
  28. Alciatore, D., “Is Elbow Drop Bad?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2023.
  29. Alciatore, D., “Air Aiming Techniques,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November and December, 2022.
  30. Alciatore, D., “Air Peace Sign,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2022.
  31. Alciatore, D., “Please Fix League Rules,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2022.
  32. Alciatore, D., “Stalemate, or Smart Way Out?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2022.
  33. Alciatore, D., “10 Ways to AVOID A DOUBLE HIT Foul,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2022.
  34. Alciatore, D., “10 Useful Game Winning Shots – Part 2,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2022.
  35. Alciatore, D., “10 Useful Game Winning Shots – Part 1,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2022.
  36. Alciatore, D., “Good Timing in Pool,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2022.
  37. Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Reasons to Use an Open Bridge,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2022.
  38. Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Reasons for Missing,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2022.
  39. Alciatore, D., “Dr. Dave Schools Neil deGrasse Tyson,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2022.
  40. Alciatore, D., “Pool Friendly Eyeglasses,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2021.
  41. Alciatore, D., “Big-Impact Technique Changes,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2021.
  42. Alciatore, D., “Pool Quizzes,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2021.
  43. Alciatore, D., “Rolling Carom Angle Systems,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2021.
  44. Alciatore, D., “Using Your Cue to Aim,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2021.
  45. Alciatore, D., “Placement Pool Challenge,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2021.
  46. Alciatore, D., “Equipment Care,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2021.
  47. Alciatore, D., “DIY Tip Replacement,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2021.
  48. Alciatore, D., “Pool vs. Cats,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2021.
  49. Alciatore, D., “10 Secrets of a Good Stroke,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2021.
  50. Alciatore, D., “Pattern Play Principles,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2021.
  51. Alciatore, D., “9-Ball Break Strategy,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2021.
  52. Alciatore, D., “Player Ratings,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2020.
  53. Alciatore, D., “Everything You Need to Know About Throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2020.
  54. Alciatore, D., “Runout Drill System (RDS),” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2020.
  55. Alciatore, D., “Safeties You Must Master,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2020.
  56. Alciatore, D., “Pre-Stance Routine,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2020.
  57. Alciatore, D., “$10,000 BU Exam Challenge,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2020.
  58. Alciatore, D., “Speed Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2020.
  59. Alciatore, D., “Stroke/Align/Aim Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2020.
  60. Alciatore, D., “Mental Game,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2020.
  61. Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Draw Shot Tips,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2020.
  62. Alciatore, D., “CB Control Subtleties,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2020.
  63. Alciatore, D., “CB CONTROL … Everything You Need to Know,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2020.
  64. Alciatore, D., “Finding Your Perfect Stance,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2019.
  65. Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 6: Shot Examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2019.
  66. Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 5: BHE/FHE Calibration,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2019.
  67. Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 4: Throw Examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2019.
  68. Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 3: Throw Effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2019.
  69. Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 2: Sidespin Terminology,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2019.
  70. Alciatore, D., “SAWS – Part 1: CB Deflection,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2019.
  71. Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Series – Part 4: Strategy Errors,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2019.
  72. Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Series – Part 3: Shots Played Wrong,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2019.
  73. Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Series – Part 2: Things Players Do Wrong,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2019.
  74. Alciatore, D., “Top 10 Series – Part 1: Shots You Must Know,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2019.
  75. Alciatore, D., “The Carbon Fiber Shaft Craze,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2019.
  76. Alciatore, D., “Chalk Testing Sequel,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2018.
  77. Alciatore, D., “Straight Rail Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2018.
  78. Alciatore, D., “How to Break in 3-Ball,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2018.
  79. Alciatore, D., “Got English?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2018.
  80. Alciatore, D., “Small-Gap Combos,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2018.
  81. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part X: Herd and Compress,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2018.
  82. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part IX: Rail Cut Shot Effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2018.
  83. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part VIII: Ball-In-Hand Options,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2018.
  84. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part VII: Safety Play,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2018.
  85. Alciatore, D., “How to Rack and Break 9-Ball Like a Pro,” feature article, Billiards Digest, March, 2018.
  86. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part VI: End-Game Patterns,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2018.
  87. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part V: Two-Rail Position Plays,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2018.
  88. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part IV: Defensive Strategy,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2018.
  89. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part III: Creative Shot Options,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2017.
  90. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part II: How to Train Your Table,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2017.
  91. Alciatore, D., “VENT – Part I: Corey’s 9-ball Soft Break,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2017.
  92. Alciatore, D., “Pool Myths – Part 4: LD Shafts,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2017.
  93. Alciatore, D., “Pool Myths – Part 3: Open Vs. Closed Bridge,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2017.
  94. Alciatore, D., “Pool Myths – Part 2: The Rest of the List,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2017.
  95. Alciatore, D., “Pool Myths – Part 1: The List,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2017.
  96. Alciatore, D., “Ball Colors and Numbers,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2017.
  97. Alciatore, D., “Peace Sign Subtleties,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2017.
  98. Alciatore, D., “Dr. Dave’s Best YouTube Vids,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2017.
  99. Alciatore, D., “Rail Cut Shot CB Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2017.
  100. Alciatore, D., “Pool by Numbers,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2017.
  101. Alciatore, D., “Corey Deuel’s Famous Draw Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2016.
  102. Alciatore, D., “Legal Fouls,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2016.
  103. Alciatore, D., “Bending, Twisting, and Stiffening Kicks and Banks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2016.
  104. Alciatore, D., “Back-of-the-Ball Aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2016.
  105. Alciatore, D., “How to Break Like a Pro,” feature article, Billiards Digest, September, 2016.
  106. Alciatore, D., “8-Ball Break Stats,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2016.
  107. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part IX: Run-Out Examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2016.
  108. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part VIII: The Break,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2016.
  109. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part VII: End-Game Situations,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2016.
  110. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part VI: Straight-In Shot Options,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2016.
  111. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part V: Coming Into the Line of Blockers,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2016.
  112. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part IV: Throw Hold Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2016.
  113. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part III: Drag-Enhanced Sidespin,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2016.
  114. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part II: Selecting Key Balls,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2015.
  115. Alciatore, D., “VEEB – Part I: Pocket Blockers,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2015.
  116. Alciatore, D., “Optimal Cue Weight,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2015.
  117. Alciatore, D., “Jump Stop/Draw/Follow,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2015.
  118. Alciatore, D., “Swoop Experiment,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2015.
  119. Alciatore, D., “Does the Brand of Chalk Really Matter?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2015.
  120. Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part VIII: Bank Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2015.
  121. Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part VII: Kick Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2015.
  122. Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part VI: Rail Cut Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2015.
  123. Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part V: Combination-Shot Throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2015.
  124. Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part IV: Draw Carom Shot Aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2015.
  125. Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part III: Gearing Outside English,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2015.
  126. Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part II: BHE and FHE,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2014.
  127. Alciatore, D., “HAPS – Part I: Fractional-Ball Aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2014.
  128. Alciatore, D., “Throw Follow-up: Part IV: Follow Cling,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2014.
  129. Alciatore, D., “Throw Follow-up: Part III: Frozen Throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2014.
  130. Alciatore, D., “Throw Follow-up: Part II: More Results,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2014.
  131. Alciatore, D., “An Update on Tom Ross,” Cue Times Billiards News, August, 2014.
  132. Alciatore, D., “Throw Follow-up: Part I: Cling,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2014.
  133. Alciatore, D., “Cue Tip Squirt Testing,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2014.
  134. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part X: The Break Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2014.
  135. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part IX: Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2014.
  136. Alciatore, D., “Checking Your Box Scores,” Instructional Feature, Billiards Digest, p. 42, April, 2014.
  137. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part VIII: Safeties,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2014.
  138. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part VII: 8-Ball Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2014.
  139. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part VI: 9-Ball Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2014.
  140. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part V: Stun Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2013.
  141. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part IV: Table Difficulty,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2013.
  142. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part III: Player Rating,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2013.
  143. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part II: Skills Exam,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2013.
  144. Alciatore, D., “Billiard University (BU) – Part I: Introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2013.
  145. Alciatore, D., “Fast-Speed Banks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2013.
  146. Alciatore, D., “Is a Pool Ball Smoother Than the Earth?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2013.
  147. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part XIV: Custom Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2013.
  148. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part XIII: Safety and Carom Challenge Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2013.
  149. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part XII: Jump Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2013.
  150. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part XI: Bank Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2013.
  151. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part X: Shallow One-rail Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2013.
  152. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part IX: Safety Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2012.
  153. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part VIII: 8-Ball Pattern Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2012.
  154. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part VII: 9-Ball Pattern Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2012.
  155. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part VI: Line-of-Balls Drill,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2012.
  156. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part V: Hanger Table-Center Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2012.
  157. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part IV: Target Practice Card Trick,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2012.
  158. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part III: Wagon Wheel Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2012.
  159. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part II: Progressive Practice and Draw Drills,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2012.
  160. Alciatore, D., “VEPP – Part I: Introduction and Fundamentals,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2012.
  161. Alciatore, D., “Ball Weight and Size Difference Effects – Part II,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2012.
  162. Alciatore, D., “Ball Weight and Size Difference Effects – Part I,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2012.
  163. Alciatore, D., “Coin Proposition Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2012.
  164. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Cue Ball Directions,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2011.
  165. Alciatore, D., “Rolling Cue Ball Deflection Angle Approximations,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2011.
  166. Alciatore, D., “The Lag Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2011.
  167. Alciatore, D., “How High or Low Should You Hit the Cue Ball?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2011.
  168. Alciatore, D., “Aim, Align, Sight – Part III: Sighting,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2011.
  169. Alciatore, D., “Aim, Align, Sight – Part II: Visual Alignment,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2011.
  170. Alciatore, D., “Aim, Align, Sight – Part I: Introduction and Ghost Ball Systems,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2011.
  171. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XVII: Trick and Proposition Shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2011.
  172. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XVI: The Masse Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2011.
  173. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XV: The Jump Shot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2011.
  174. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XIV: ‘Spot-on-the-Wall’ System,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2011.
  175. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XIII: Corner-5 System Adjustments,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2011.
  176. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XII: Corner-5 System Example and Benchmark,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2010.
  177. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part XI: Corner-5 System Intro,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2010.
  178. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part X: Plus System Examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2010.
  179. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part IX: Plus System Adjustments,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2010.
  180. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part VIII: Plus System Intro,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2010.
  181. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part VII: Contact-Point Mirror Kick,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2010.
  182. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part VI: One-Rail Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2010.
  183. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part V: Banks and Kicks,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2010.
  184. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part IV: Safety Play and Strategy,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2010.
  185. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part III: English and Position Control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2010.
  186. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part II: Basic Shot Making and Position,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2010.
  187. Alciatore, D., “VEPS GEMS – Part I: Introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2010.
  188. Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part V: miscellaneous fouls,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2009.
  189. Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part IV: Which ball did you hit first?,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2009.
  190. Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part III: rail cut shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2009.
  191. Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part II: double hits,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2009.
  192. Alciatore, D., “Rules – Part I: introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2009.
  193. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Physics – Part IV: cue elevation effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2009.
  194. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Physic – Part III: spin ratio,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2009.
  195. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Physics – Part II: examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2009.
  196. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Physics – Part I: basics,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2009.
  197. Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part VII: speed control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2009.
  198. Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part VI: CB control examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2009.
  199. Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part V: CB position control,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2009.
  200. Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part IV: bridge length,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2008.
  201. Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part III: DAM aiming system,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2008.
  202. Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part II: aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2008.
  203. Alciatore, D., “Fundamentals – Part I: MOFUDAT,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2008.
  204. Alciatore, D., “Return of the squirt robot,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2008.
  205. Alciatore, D., “End-of-game frozen-rail shots – Part II,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2008.
  206. Alciatore, D., “Beer-goggle effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2008.
  207. Alciatore D, and King, M., “Stroke Tuneup – BD Coaching Bonus,” feature article, Billiards Digest, May, 2008.
  208. Alciatore, D., “End-of-game frozen-rail shots – Part I,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2008.
  209. Alciatore, D., “Squirt, swerve, and throw wrap-up,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2008.
  210. Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part VIII: squerve effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2008.
  211. Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part VII: cue test machine results,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2008.
  212. Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part VI: tip shape,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2008.
  213. Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part V: low-squirt cues,”, Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles Billiards Digest, December, 2007.
  214. Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part IV: BHE, FHE, and pivot-length calibration,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2007.
  215. Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part III: follow/draw squirt and swerve,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2007.
  216. Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part II: experimental results,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2007.
  217. Alciatore, D., “Squirt – Part I: introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2007.
  218. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part XII: calibration, and hold shots” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2007.
  219. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part XI: everything you ever wanted to know about throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2007.
  220. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part X: the big picture,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2007.
  221. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part IX: spin transfer follow-up,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2007.
  222. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part VIII: spin transfer,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2007.
  223. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part VII: CIT/SIT combo,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2007.
  224. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part VI: inside/outside English,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2007.
  225. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part V: SIT speed effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2006.
  226. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part IV: spin-induced throw,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2006.
  227. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part III: follow and draw effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2006.
  228. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part II: results,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2006.
  229. Alciatore, D., “Throw – Part I: introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2006.
  230. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part VII: tips of English,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2006.
  231. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part VI: draw shot practice drill,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2006.
  232. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part V: how to achieve good draw action,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2006.
  233. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part IV: game examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2006.
  234. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part III: using the trisect system,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2006.
  235. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part II: aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2006.
  236. Alciatore, D., “Draw Shot Primer – Part I: physics,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2006.
  237. Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part VI: maximum rolling deflection,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2005.
  238. Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part V: masse shot aiming,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2005.
  239. Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part IV: maximum cue tip offset,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2005.
  240. Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part III: cue ball paths are like satellite dishes,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2005.
  241. Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part II: high-speed video,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2005.
  242. Alciatore, D., “Coriolis was brilliant … but he didn’t have a high-speed camera – Part I: introduction,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2005.
  243. Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part V: The Final Chapter ,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2005.
  244. Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part IV: English effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, May, 2005.
  245. Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part III: inelasticity and friction effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2005.
  246. Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part II: speed effects,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2005.
  247. Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° Rule Follow-up – Part I,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2005.
  248. Alciatore, D., “Just How Big are the Pockets, Anyway – Part III,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2005.
  249. Alciatore, D., “Just How Big are the Pockets, Anyway – Part II,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, December, 2004.
  250. Alciatore, D., “Just How Big are the Pockets, Anyway – Part I,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, November, 2004.
  251. Alciatore, D., “Billiards on the Big Screen – Pool Hall Junkies,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, October, 2004.
  252. Alciatore, D., “Billiards on the Big Screen – The Color of Money,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, September, 2004.
  253. Alciatore, D., “Billiards on the Big Screen – The Hustler,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, August, 2004.
  254. Alciatore, D., “90° and 30° rule review,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, July, 2004.
  255. Alciatore, D., “The 30° rule: Part III – carom vs. cut,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, June, 2004.
  256. Alciatore, D., “The 30° rule: Part II – examples,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, BilliardsDigest, May, 2004.
  257. Alciatore, D., “The 30° rule: Part I – the basics,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, April, 2004.
  258. Alciatore, D., “The 90° rule: Part III – carom and billiard shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, March, 2004.
  259. Alciatore, D., “The 90° rule: Part II – breakup and avoidance shots,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, February, 2004.
  260. Alciatore, D., “The 90° rule: Part I – the basics,” Dr. Dave’s Illustrated Principles, Billiards Digest, January, 2004.

Research Reports

  1. Alciatore, D., “Small-gap-combination throw effects, Technical Proof B.21, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, January, 2017.
  2. Alciatore, D., “Peak forces and tip contact distance during a break shot, Technical Proof B.20, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2016.
  3. Alciatore, D., “Comparison of cue ball deflection (squirt) “endmass” and stiffness effects, Technical Proof B.19, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, January, 2016.
  4. Alciatore, D., “Pendulum Stroke Cue Tip Trajectory, Technical Proof B.18, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2015.
  5. Alciatore, D., “Maximum Drag-Enhanced Sidespin Tip Contact Point, Technical Proof B.17, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2015.
  6. Alciatore, D., “Draw shot cue ball angle approximations, Technical Proof B.14, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, October, 2011.
  7. Alciatore, D., “Rolling cue ball deflection angle approximations, Technical Proof B.13, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, September, 2011.
  8. Alciatore, D., “Optimal tip height for speed/distance control, Technical Proof B.12, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2011.
  9. Alciatore, D., “Shallow-angle contact-point mirror kick system,” Technical Proof B.11, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, May, 2010.
  10. Alciatore, D., “Draw shot cue elevation effects,” Technical Proof B.10, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, May, 2009.
  11. Alciatore, D., “Draw shot spin vs. spin ratio,” Technical Proof B.9, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, March, 2009.
  12. Alciatore, D., “Draw shot physics,” Technical Proof B.8, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, March, 2009.
  13. Alciatore, D., “Stroke speed and acceleration vs. distance,” Technical Proof B.4, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, February, 2009.
  14. Alciatore, D., “Throw calibration and contour plots for various cut angles, speeds, English, and roll,” Technical Proof B.3, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2008.
  15. Alciatore, D., “Rolling resistance, spin resistance, and ‘ball turn’,” Technical Proof B.2, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2007.
  16. Alciatore, D.,  “Squirt angle, pivot length, and tip size,” Technical Proof B.1, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2007.
  17. Alciatore, D.,  “The physics of squirt,” Technical Proof A.31, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, August, 2007.
  18. Alciatore, D.,  “The effect of cue tip offset on cue ball speed and spin,” Technical Proof A.30, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, June, 2007.
  19. Alciatore, D., “The amazing world of billiards physics,” article written for Scientific American magazine (by invitation) but not published, May, 2007.
  20. Alciatore, D., “Using throw to limit cue ball motion,” Technical Proof A.29, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, May, 2007.
  21. Alciatore, D., “Spin transfer,” Technical Proof A.27, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, January, 2007.
  22. Alciatore, D., “The effects of follow and draw on throw,” Technical Proof A.24, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, August, 2006.
  23. Alciatore, D., “‘Tips’ of English,” Technical Proof A.22, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, May, 2006.
  24. Alciatore, D., “The effect of spin, speed, and cut angle on draw shots,” Technical Proof A.20, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, November, 2005.
  25. Alciatore, D., “Masse shot aiming method, and curved cue ball paths,” Technical Proof A.19, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, September, 2005.
  26. Alciatore, D., “The effects of cut angle, speed, and spin on object ball throw,” Technical Proof A.14, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2005.
  27. Alciatore, D., “Post-impact cue ball trajectory for any cut angle, speed, and spin,” Technical Proof A.4, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, January, 2005.
  28. Alciatore, D., “Effective pocket sizes for shots at different speeds and angles,” Technical Proofs 3.5-3.8, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2003.
  29. Alciatore, D., “Margin of error based on distance and cut angle,” Technical Proof 3.4, The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards, July, 2003.
  30. Alciatore, D.,  “Technical Proofs of Various Pool and Billiards Dynamic Principles“,  online analysessupporting The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards,  2003-2004.
  31. Weiner, M. and Alciatore, D.,  “Modeling and Analysis of a Composite Formula SAE Chassis,”  Technical Paper, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University, 1999.
  32. Alciatore, D. and Miranda, R.,  “A Winding Number and Point-in-Polygon Algorithm,”  Glaxo Virtual Anatomy Project research report,  Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University,  January, 1995.
  33. Wohlers, T. and Alciatore, D.,  “Evaluation of 3D Scanning Technologies,”  research report to the Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.,  February, 15, 1994.
  34. Alciatore, D., O’Connor, J., and Dharwadkar, P.,  “A Survey of Graphical Simulation in Construction:  Software, Usage, & Applications,”  Technical Report to the Advanced Technological Systems Task Force of the Construction Industry Institute,  Austin, TX,  June, 1991.

Software and Videos

  1. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc I – Introduction to the Game,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
  2. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc II – Offensive Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
  3. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc III – Defensive Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
  4. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc IV – Bank and Kick Systems,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
  5. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of One Pocket (VEOP) – Disc V – End Game, Up-Table Game, Miscellaneous,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2023.
  6. Alciatore, D., “System for Aiming With Sidespin (SAWS),” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2019.
  7. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc I – The Break,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
  8. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc II – Basic Strategy,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
  9. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc III – Position Play and English,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
  10. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc IV – Safety Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
  11. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT) – Disc V – Advanced Principles, Shots, Strategies,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2018.
  12. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc V – Run-Out Examples,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
  13. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc IV – Advanced Play and Strategy,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
  14. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc III – Safety Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
  15. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc II – Position Play and Shot Types,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
  16. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB) – Disc I – Game Strategy,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2016.
  17. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) – Disc III – Aiming Kick and Bank Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2014.
  18. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) – Disc II – Aiming Specialty Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2014.
  19. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) – Disc I – Aiming Systems, Aiming with Sidespin,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2014.
  20. Alciatore, D. and Russell, R., “Billiard University (BU) Instructional Series – Disc III – Exam II: Skills,” instructional video DVD, Billiard University Press, 2013.
  21. Alciatore, D. and Russell, R., “Billiard University (BU) Instructional Series – Disc II – Exam I: Fundamentals,” instructional video DVD, Billiard University Press, 2013.
  22. Alciatore, D. and Russell, R., “Billiard University (BU) Instructional Series – Disc I – Basics and the BU Process,” instructional video DVD, Billiard University Press, 2013.
  23. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc V – Challengs, Games, and Advice,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
  24. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc IV – Banks, Kicks, and Advanced Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
  25. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc III – Patterns and Safety Play,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
  26. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc II – Position Control and English,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
  27. Alciatore, D. and Jewett, B., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Practice (VEPP) – Disc I – Fundamentals and Basic Position Control,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2012.
  28. Ross, T., and Alciatore, D., “The Complete Instructional Works of Tom Ross – Volume II – Mental Aspects,” instructional CDROM, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2011.
  29. Ross, T., and Alciatore, D., “The Complete Instructional Works of Tom Ross – Volume I – Mechanics, Shots, Drills,” instructional CDROM, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2011.
  30. Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc V – Skill and Specialty Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2010.
  31. Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc IV – Banks, Kicks, and Advanced Shots,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2010.
  32. Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc III – Safety Play and Strategy ,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2010.
  33. Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc II – Basic Shot Making and Position,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2009.
  34. Alciatore, D. and Ross, T., “Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS) – Disc I – Basic Shot Making and Position,” instructional video DVD, Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products, 2009.
  35. Alciatore, D., “High-speed Video Magic … billiards and the world in super slow motion,” instructional video DVD, DGA Press, 2007.
  36. Alciatore, D., The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards CD-ROM – version 2, contains narrated digital video demonstrations, high-frame-rate video clips, and technical proofs of pool and billiards principles,  DGA Press, 2007.
  37. Wolfson, R., “Physics in Your Life,” 3 DVD set (contributed high-speed video clips for the series), The Teaching Company, Chantilly, VA, 2005.
  38. Alciatore, D., The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards DVD,  interactive, instructional video DVD for learning how to play pool and billiards,  DGA Press, 2004.
  39. Alciatore, D., The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards CD-ROM, contains narrated digital video demonstrations, high-frame-rate video clips, and technical proofs of pool and billiards principles,  DGA Press,  2003.
  40. Alciatore, D.,  VP-Sculpt,  PC software for computer-aided sculpting and editing of 3D polygonal mesh surfaces,  35,000 lines of C++ and OpenGL,  1997-2002.
  41. Alciatore, D.,  “CySculpt,”  SGI software for computer-aided sculpting and editing of 3D polygonal mesh surfaces,  22,000 lines of C and GL,  1995-1999.
  42. Spurgeon T., McCracken, T., Miranda, R., and Alciatore, D., Glaxo Virtual Anatomy Project Video Overview: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, Colorado State University, 1993.
  43. Alciatore, D.,  “Tiffart,”  SGI software for computer-assisted tracing of features in TIFF images of anatomical cross-sections,  6,500 lines of C and GL,  1993.
  44. Alciatore, D. and Harah, R., “Thermodynamic Properties of Steam,”  PC computer code included on a floppy disk in Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics,  2nd ed.,  by J. Howell and R. Buckius,  McGraw Hill,  1992.
  45. Alciatore, D. and others,  “Dataplot,”  PC 2-D data analysis and graphing package written in BASIC,  University of New Orleans, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1984.

Presentations and Seminars

  1. Alciatore, D., Russell, R., and Diep, S., “Billiard University (BU) Boot Camp,” Denver, CO, July 1-3, 2016.
  2. Alciatore, D., Russell, R., and Diep, S., “Billiard University (BU) Boot Camp,” Denver, CO, July 10-12, 2015.
  3. Alciatore, D., Russell, R., and Diep, S., “Billiard University (BU) Boot Camp,” Denver, CO, July 4-6, 2014.
  4. Alciatore, D., Russell, R., and Jewett, B., “Billiard University (BU) Boot Camp,” Denver, CO, July 5-7, 2013.
  5. Alciatore, D., “The Physics and Engineering of Billiards,” CSU Alumni Night Out presentation, November 8, 2011.
  6. Alciatore, D., “High-speed Video Magic … The World in Super Slow Motion,” Putnam Elementary Science Carnival, Fort Collins, CO, March 6, 2010.
  7. Alciatore, D. and Gross, D., “Pool and Billiards Fundamentals,” City of Fort Collins Recreator program, April 4-25, 2009.
  8. Alciatore, D., “The Magic of High-speed Video,” Putnam Elementary Science Carnival, Fort Collins, CO, February 28, 2009.
  9. Alciatore, D. and Gross, D., “Pool and Billiards Fundamentals,” City of Fort Collins Recreator program, October 25 – November 15, 2008.
  10. Alciatore, D., “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards,” keynote address, Lockheed Martin Mechanical Analysis Conference, Orlando, FL, October 22, 2008.
  11. Alciatore, D. and Gross, D., “Pool and Billiards Fundamentals,” City of Fort Collins Recreator program, April 5 – May 3, 2008.
  12. Alciatore, D., “The Magic of High-speed Video,” Putnam Elementary Science Carnival, Fort Collins, CO, April 12, 2008.
  13. Alciatore, D., “The Magic of High-speed Video,” Beet Street Science Cafe, Fort Collins, CO, March 12, 2008.
  14. Alciatore, D., “Transitions and Opportunities after Engineering School,” ASME Industry and Student Banquet presentation and panel discussion, Fort Collins, February, 2008.
  15. Alciatore, D., “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards,” Central Chapter of the Professional Engineers of Colorado, Denver, CO, January 24, 2008.
  16. Alciatore, D. and Gross, D., “Pool and Billiards Fundamentals,” City of Fort Collins Recreator program, October 20 – November 17, 2007.
  17. Alciatore, D., “How to Create and Use Online Video Content to Benefit Student Learning,” The Institute for Teaching and Learning (TILT) seminar, CSU, Fort Collins, CO, September 25, 2007.
  18. Alciatore, D., “Online Video Demos and Course Websites,” Master Teacher Initiative (MTI) workshop, College of Engineering, CSU, Fort Collins, CO, March 27, 2007.
  19. Alciatore, D., “Principles of Pool and The Magic of High-speed Video,” presentation for the ASME Centennial Section, Fort Collins, CO, September 21, 2006.
  20. Alciatore, D., “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards”
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME District E Spring Student Conference, Fort Collins, CO, March 25, 2006.
    • presentation to the CSU Durrel Center dormitory, Fort Collins, CO, March 7, 2006.
    • Big Boy Toy Expo presentations, demonstrations, and book signings, The Ranch, Loveland, CO, May 21, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the The University of Texas at Tyler ASME Student Section, Tyler, TX, April 22, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME New Orleans Section and the University of New Orleans Student Section, April 20, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME West Texas Section, April 19, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Ontario Section, Toronto, Canada, April 14, 2005.
    • presentation for the Spring Creek LDS Institute, Fort Collins, CO, February 24, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Canaveral Section, Cocoa Beach, FL, February 18, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Florida Section, Orlando, FL, February 17, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Arizona Section, Phoenix, AZ, February 10, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Palm Beach Section, West Palm Beach, FL, January 13, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT, January 11, 2005.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Holston Section and Northeast State Technical Community College, Kingsport, TN, November 11, 2004.
    • book sale and signing at the Read, Colorado! book fair, West Club Lounge, Envesco Field, Denver, CO, November 6, 2004.
    • ASME Distinguished Lecturer Program presentation for the ASME Baltimore Section, Baltimore, MD, October 21, 2004.
    • presentation and book signing at the CSU Lory Student Center Bookstore, Fort Collins, CO, October 20, 2004.
    • presentation to the CSU College of Engineering Alumni Reception, Denver, CO, March, 2004.
    • seminar presented to the CSU Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fort Collins, CO, December, 2003.
    • presentation to the ASME Centennial Section, Fort Collins, CO, September, 2003.
  21. Alciatore, D., “The Magic of High-speed Video,” SERTOMA meeting program presentation, Fort Collins, February, 2006.
  22. Alciatore, D., “Transitions and Opportunities after Engineering School,” ASME Industry and Student Banquet presentation and panel discussion, Fort Collins, February, 2005.
  23. Alciatore, D., “Digital Video for the Web Made Simple,” CSU Professional Development Institute, Fort Collins, January, 2004.
  24. Alciatore, D.,  “Computer Graphics Modeling and Animation of the Human,”  seminar presented to the Office of Technical Services, 1999.
  25. Alciatore, D.,  “Virtual Anatomy”
    • seminar presented to the CSU Department of Computer Science,  March, 1997.
    • Seminar presented to the CSU Society of Women Engineers (SWE),  February, 1996.
  26. Gulden, J., Fedde, C., Alciatore, D., Spurgeon, T., and Miranda, R.,  “Glaxo Virtual Anatomy,”  two slides included in the 1995 SIGGRAPH Technical Slide Set, 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques,  Los Angeles,  August, 1995.
  27. Alciatore, D. and Histand, M.,  “Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Education,”  seminar presented to the Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series,  University of Wyoming,  Laramie, WY,  April, 1995.
  28. Alciatore, D.,  “Glaxo Virtual Anatomy”
    • seminar presented to the Department of Computer Science seminar series,  Colorado State University,  March, 1995.
    • Seminar presented to the Department of Mechanical Engineering seminar series,  Colorado State University,  March, 1995.
    • Seminar presented to a meeting of the ASME Centennial Section,  Fort Collins, CO,  December, 1994.
    • Seminar presented to a meeting of the Colorado State University Sigma Xi Chapter,  October, 1994.
  29. Alciatore, D.,  “Computer Graphics, CAD/CAM, and 3D Printing”,  seminar presented to the Colorado State University ASME Student Section, February, 1994.
  30. Alciatore, D.,  “Unwrapping Images of the Unseeable:  Building 3D Computer Graphics Surface Models From Cross-sectional Data”,  seminar for the Colorado State University Fluid Dynamics, Hydraulics, and Wind Engineering Seminar Program,  December, 1993.
  31. Alciatore, D.,  “The Vesalius Project – Computer Graphics Applications in Biotechnology,”  seminar presented at the Colorado State University College of Engineering Industry Day,  October, 1991.
  32. Alciatore, D.,  “Construction Automation and Simulation,”  seminar presented to the Colorado State University Manufacturing Excellence Center,  April, 1991.
  33. Alciatore, D.,  “Automation of a Pipe Manipulator,”  seminar presented to the Colorado State University ASME Student Section,  January, 1991.
  34. Contributed to “The Pipe Manipulator,”  video presented at The 6th International Symposium on Robotics and Automation in Construction,  San Francisco, CA,  June, 1989.
  35. Alciatore, D. and Hughes, P.,  “Pipe Construction Automation,”  seminar presented to The University of Texas Mechanical Engineering Department,  September, 1988.
  36. Contributed to “The University of Texas,”  NCAA promotional video tape,  August, 1988.
  37. Alciatore, D. and Juhasz, S.,  “Radiation Shape Factors and Descriptive Geometry,”  seminar presented to The University of Texas Mechanical Engineering Department,  July, 1988.
  38. Contributed to “Pipe Construction Automation,”  video presented at The 5th International Symposium on Robotics and Automation in Construction,  Tokyo, Japan,  June, 1988.

Invention Disclosures and Patents

  1. Alciatore, D.,  “Gyro Disc: Flying Disc Design Modification,”  disclosed to CSU Research Foundation, 1998.
  2. Alciatore, D.,  “Variable Focus 3D Laser Digitizing System,”  disclosed to CSU Research Foundation, 1994.
  3. Alciatore, D., Troxell, W., Segelhorst, T., Shogrin, B., Eisenbach, L., and Eckman, R.,  “Shoulder Continuous Passive Motion Device,”  disclosed to CSU Research Foundation, 1991.

Web Pages

  1. Alciatore, D.,  “YouTube video collection,”, 2007-present.
  2. Alciatore, D.,  “Dr. Dave Billiards Instructional Products,”, 2005-present.
  3. Alciatore, D.,  “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards,”, 2003-present.
  4. Alciatore, D.,  “Video Demonstrations,”,  2002-present.
  5. Alciatore, D.,  “High-speed Video Clips,”,  2002-present.
  6. Alciatore, D.,  “Mechatronics and Measurement Systems,”,  1995-present.
  7. Alciatore, D.,  “David G. Alciatore Home Page,”,  1995-present.
  8. Alciatore, D.,  “Mechatronics Resources,”,  1998-2020.
  9. Alciatore, D.,  “MECH307 – Mechatronics and Measurement Systems,”,  1995-2020.
  10. Alciatore, D.,  “MECH417 – Control Systems,”,  2006-2020.
  11. Alciatore, D.,  “Microchip PIC Microcontroller Resources,”,  2000-2020.
  12. Alciatore, D.,  “Useful Local Vendors,”,  1996-2020.
  13. Alciatore, D.,  “MECH524 – Principles of Mechanics (Advanced Dynamics),”,  1995-2020.
  14. Alciatore, D.,  “MECH424 – Principles of Dynamics (Advanced Dynamics),”,  2013-2019.
  15. Alciatore, D.,  “MECH325 – Machine Design,”,  2000-2019.
  16. Alciatore, D.,  “MECH105 – Mechanical Engineering Problem Solving,”,  2007-2016.
  17. Alciatore, D.,  “Visible Productions Computer Aided Sculpting,”,  1995-2015.
  18. Alciatore, D.,  “Computer Aided Sculpting,”,  1995-2015.
  19. Alciatore, D.,  “Computer Aided Sculpting Reference Manual,”,  1995-2015.
  20. Alciatore, D.,  “ADEPT Robot Reference Guide,”,  1996-2012.
  21. Alciatore, D.,  “MECH564 – Fundamentals of Robot Mechanics and Control,”,  1996-2012.
  22. Alciatore, D.,  “Internet Search Engines, Portals, Indexes and References,”,  1996-2012.
  23. Alciatore, D.,  “MECH324 – Dynamics of Machines,”,  2002-2007.
  24. Alciatore, D.,  “Product and Design Information,”,  1996-2006.
  25. Alciatore, D.,  “Creating a Personal Home Page on ENGR,”,  1996-2006.
  26. Alciatore, D.,  “Career and Job Sites,”,  1996-2006.
  27. Alciatore, D.,  “ME250 – Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering,”,  2003-2005.
  28. Alciatore, D.,  “CSU Mechanical Engineering Department,”,  2001-2002.
  29. Alciatore, D.,  “Software Online Help,”,  1996-2000.
  30. Alciatore, D.,  “Student Contests and Competitions,”,  1996-1998.
  31. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Student Design Contest,”,  1995-1999.
  32. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Region XII,”,  1995-1999.
  33. Alciatore, D.,  “ME102 – Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design and Manufacturing,”,  1996-1998.
  34. Alciatore, D.,  “ME101 – Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Computing,”,  1996-1998.
  35. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME 1998 Student Design Contest,”,  1996-1998.
  36. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Student Sections Committee,”,  1996-1998.
  37. Alciatore, D.,  “Computer Aided Sculpting Overview,”,  1995-1998.
  38. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Centennial Section,”,  1995-1998.
  39. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME 1997 Allied Signal Rules,”,  1997.
  40. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Contests and Competitions,”,  1996-1997.
  41. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME 1997 Student Design Contest,”,  1996-1997.
  42. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Acronyms,”,  1996-1997.
  43. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Impromptu Design Contests,”,  1996-1997.
  44. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Western Region Office,”,  1996-1997.
  45. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Regions and Vice Presidents,”,  1996-1997.
  46. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Regional Offices,”,  1996-1997.
  47. Alciatore, D.,  “CSU ME Awards Committee,”,  1996-1997.
  48. Alciatore, D.,  “CSU ME Laboratory Equipment Committee,”,  1996-1997.
  49. Alciatore, D.,  “ME304 – Engineering Design I,”,  1996-1997.
  50. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME 1996 Student Design Contest,”,  1995-1996.
  51. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Council on Member Affairs,”,  1996.
  52. Alciatore, D.,  “CSU ME Strategic Planning Committee,”,  1996.
  53. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Major Benefits,”,  1996.
  54. Alciatore, D.,  “CSU ME Photograph Sampling,”,  1996.
  55. Sarmast, S., Alciatore, D., and Fitzhorn, P.,  “CSU Department of Mechanical Engineering,”,  1996.
  56. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Small Business Survey,”,  1996.
  57. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME Arizona Section,”,  1996.
  58. Alciatore, D.,  “ASME 1995 Student Design Contest,”,  1995.
  59. Alciatore, D. and Vos, B.,  “ASME CSU Student Section,”,  1995.

Press Coverage and Citations of Work

  1. Ultimate English Billiards, Goodwill, M. and Morgan, R.., Press, p. 280, 2022.
  2. “YouTube University,” N. Leider, Billiards Digest, pp. 46-50, March, 2022.
  3. “Mechanical Engineer Turned Media Darling Award,” BD Staff, Billiards Digest, p. 48, February, 2022.
  4. Dr. Dave Appears as Featured Guest on Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Podcast: StarTalk Sports Edition,” Billiards Buzz, pp. 42-46, November, 2021.
  5. Dr. Dave Alciatore Takes Home Jerry Briesath Instructor of the Year Award,” BCA Insider, Holiday Edition, pp. 46-49, November, 2021.
  6. “Game On!,” BD Staff, Billiards Digest, pp. 32-36, August, 2021.
  7. “Dr. Dave Receives Jerry Briesath Instructor of the Year Award” BD in Brief, and “Boardwalk Empire and More” From the Publisher, Billiards Digest, pp. 10, 13, July, 2021.
  8. “57 is Magic,” B. Jewett, Billiards Digest, pp. 24-25, September, 2020.
  9. “Above Average,” K. Paradise, Billiards Digest, pp. 38-43, September, 2020.
  10. “Mechatronics Resources,” Featured Site of the Day, Engineers’ Tribune, June 17, 2020.
  11. “Social Cues,” BD Staff, Billiards Digest, p. 42, May, 2020.
  12. “Using the AimRight,” booklet with aiming templates, AimPro Billiards, 2018.
  13. “Trick Shots – A Prehistory,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, p. 50, October, 2018.
  14. Can you earn a higher grade than Shane Van Boening?,” ABR online radio interview with Dr. Dave about  the $4000 BU Exam I 100 Challenge (4/5/2018).
  15. “Half Ball, Revisited,” B. Jewett, Billiards Digest, March, 2018.
  16. “Empiricist and Ratioinalist Approaches to the Design of Concrete Structures,” Boothby, T. and Coough, S., Journal of Preservation Technology, Vol. XLVIII, No. 1, 2017.
  17. How Much of the Earth Can You See at Once?,” YouTube video, July, 2017.
  18. Protect Your Smarts, Build a Smart Motorcycle Helmet,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2017.
  19. Banking and Kicking Made Simple, Elfers, M., eBook, p. 3, 2017.
  20. A Motorized Time-Lapse Camera Slider,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, March, 2017.
  21. “Why You’re Better at Beer Pong After a Few Drinks,” Ossola A., Vice Tonic, March, 2017.
  22. “Skip Marlow’s Opus,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, March, 2017.
  23. “Progressive Follow Drills,” Jewett, B., On The Break News, March, 2017.
  24. The Mind-Bending Physics of Trick-Shot Pool,” Florio, J. and Shapiro, O., The Atlantic, November, 2016.
  25. A ‘Portal’ Sentry Turret to Guard Your DIY Lab,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, August, 2016.
  26. Aiming With Friction, Ballenger, R., p. 16,, 2016.
  27. “Things My Father Taught Me,” pp. 90-95, Popular Mechanics, June, 2016.
  28. How to Build a Homemade CNC Laser Engraver,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, June, 2016.
  29. “A $2000 Bank Bend Challenge,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 26-27, May, 2016.
  30. “CSU mechanical engineering students gain hands-on experience in unique mechatronics lab,” Hoag, S., The Rocky Mountain Collegian, March 31, 2016.
  31. “The Yearn to Learn,” Leider, N., Billiards Digest, pp. 42-44, March, 2016.
  32. “Random Rules Review,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 26-27, February, 2016.
  33. “A Self-Playing Guitar,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, February, 2016.
  34. “You Make the Call: Hit me Again,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, p. 13, December, 2015.
  35. “Battling Maxo,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 50-53, November, 2015.
  36. “Portable Weather Station,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, October, 2015.
  37. “The Attack Dyno,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, September, 2015.
  38. The Leaky Tree,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, August, 2015.
  39. The Doctor Is In,” ABR online radio interview with Dr. Dave about the Video Encyclopedia of Eight Ball (VEEB), August 20, 2015.
  40. The Handy Rival,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, June, 2015.
  41. Attribute Training for Sports – Pool & Billiards, Miller, J., pp. 154, 258, 333, Attribute Training, 2015.
  42. “Progressive Development,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 24-26, March, 2015.
  43. “Gadget of the Year Won’t Spill Your Drinks,” Spiegel, R., Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, January, 2015.
  44. How to Win at Bar Games,” Anderson, K., Popular Mechanics, January, 2015.
  45. Bullseye Billiards, Gage, J., pp. 13, 235, Razor Pool, 2014.
  46. “10M Visites to the Doctor,” BD in Brief, Billiards Digest, p. 15, December, 2014.
  47. Drink Delivery Vehicle – Inverted Pendulum,Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, October, 2014.
  48. “Billiards Graduates … Association of college unions competition kept the game alive during difficult times,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 46-49, October, 2014.
  49. Dr. Seuss Themed Target Game,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, August, 2014.
  50. “Non-Dependency … There are things that impact a shot that you simply cannot control,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 24-26, June, 2014.
  51. Team USA Profile #3,” ABR online radio interview with Dr. Dave about the Billiard University and the Billiard Education Foundation, May 2, 2014.
  52. “Follow Foundation … How to develop a more precise feel for the cue ball’s path,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 22-23, April, 2014.
  53. Play Great Pool, Wilson, M. and Wardell, D., pp. 75, 94, 156, Blue Book Publications, 2013.
  54. “The Billiard University,” On The Break News, p. 10, August, 2013.
  55. “MR Shock Improves Biking,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, July, 2013.
  56. “Speed, Angle & Size … A Look at the Factors that Influence a Pocket’s Effective Size,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 24-25, June, 2013.
  57. “Gloved Hand Controls Airplane’s Flight,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2013.
  58. “Through the Centuries … A Lot Happened in Billiards in 1913 Away From the Table,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 44-47, May, 2013.
  59. “Where’s the Pocket … The Table’s Pockets are Stationary, But They Can Still Change Size,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 24-25, May, 2013.
  60. “Real It In,” Simpson, T., Inside Pool Magazine, November, 2012.
  61. “Smart Toolbox Finds the Right Tool,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, July, 2012.
  62. “Show Jumping .. The Jump Shot Has Spectacular Exhibition Potential,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 44-47, May, 2012.
  63. “Robotics Unleashed with Glove-Operated Hand,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2012.
  64. “Colorado Smart Bike Shifts Itself,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, February, 2012.
  65. “Smart Recycle Can,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, January, 2012.
  66. Mayan Water Sound Fountain,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, October, 2011.
  67. “Test Your Knowledge, Win a Gumball!,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, July, 2011.
  68. Automation Comes to the Harmonica,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, March, 2011.
  69. “Side Pocket Science … Prof Teaches Physics with Billiards,” Riley, C., front-page article, The Rocky Mountain Collegian, Wed., March 9, 2011.
  70. Aim is the Game in Pool, Kelly, R., pp. 69, 139, 169,, 2011.
  71. “Help Improve Your Favorite Pool Player’s Game With a Gift of the Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots,” Crump, K. and Honeman, C., Cue Times, p. 5, December, 2010.
  72. “Creating a Sensory Input Bio-Prosthetic Prototype,” Pace, A. et al, Design News, feature article, pp. M12-M14, September, 2010.
  73. Secret Safe Drill Revealed,” Reddick, M., Angle of Reflection, October, 2010.
  74. “Two Important Kiss Shots,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,12, September, 2010.
  75. “Mike Massey Power Draw: Here’s How,” Capelle, P., Pool and Billiards, p.18, August, 2010.
  76. “Shallow Angle Rail-First Shot,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,15, June, 2010.
  77. “Sneak Peeks – Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots,” Fels, G., Billiards Digest, p. 34, June, 2010.
  78. “Let an MCU Feed Your Pets,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2010.
  79. Magic Fingers Tickle the Ivories,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, April, 2010.
  80. Golfers Go Green with Envy,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, March, 2010.
  81. “Avoiding Scratches,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,13, March, 2010.
  82. “Peace Baby,” Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,9, February, 2010.
  83. Kicking Safe,” Ross, T., Ozone Billiards, February, 2010.
  84. “Two Good Caroms,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiard News, pp. 3,17, January, 2010.
  85. “Competitive Practice,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 26-27, January, 2010.
  86. Pool & Billiards for Dummies, Leider, N., p.67, Wiley Publishing, 2010.
  87. 30-Degree Rule for Caroms,” Ross, T., Ozone Billiards, December, 2009.
  88. Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis,” Lahart, J., The Wall Street Journal, November 13, 2009.
  89. “Robot Inventor Gets National Attention,” Timby, M., CTV Campus Television News, November 4, 2009.
  90. Avoiding Scratches,” Ross, T., Ozone Billiards, November, 2009.
  91. “CSU graduate student alters spherical robot,” Crespin, V., Rocky Mountain Collegian, October 27, 2009.
  92. “Spherical Robot Can Climb Over Obstacles,” Ackerman, E., BotJunkie, October 15, 2009.
  93. “CSU Student Named ‘Most Brilliant Innovator’,” Warner, R., Colorado Public Radio, October 14, 2009.
  94. A CSU grad student’s rolling robot is turning heads, but what the hell do we do with it?,” Fisher, R., Westword, October 13, 2009.
  95. “Science magazine awards N.J. native top innovators prize for ‘spherical robot’,” Manachio, M., Gannett Jew Jersey, October 13, 2009.
  96. “10 Most Brilliant Innovators of 2009: The Ball-Shaped Robot,” Ward, L., Popular Mechanics, November, 2009.
  97. “Engineering graduate student honored with Popular Mechanics Next Generation Award,” Wilmsen, E., Today @ Colorado State, October 12, 2009.
  98. CSU graduate student’s robot ball is rolling in ingenuity,” Whaley, M., Denver Post, October, 10, 2009.
  99. “CSU grad student, robot he invented honored by Popular Mechanics,” Chodak, A., Fort Collins Coloradoan, October 8, 2009.
  100. “Innovator to Watch: CSU Grad Student Greg Schroll,” Yoanna, M., 5280 – Denver’s Magazine, October 8, 2009.
  101. “Round robot rolls out big things for CSU student,” Chodak, A., Denver 9-News, TV broadcast on October 7, 2009.
  102. Peace Baby,” Ross, T., Ozone Billiards, October, 2009.
  103. “Eying Combinations,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 50-53, September, 2009.
  104. “5 Great Sites To Watch Things Blowing Up,” Guy McDowell,, Aug. 26th, 2009.
  105. Perfect Wake-up Machine Jolts All Five Senses,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, August, 2009.
  106. Robotic Hand Teaches Sign Language and ‘Rocks on’,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 64, July, 2009.
  107. Tesla Turbine Creates Liquid Electricity,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, June, 2009.
  108. Motorized Mountainboard,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, May, 2009.
  109. Security Robot Roams, Shrieks at Intruders,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 64, May, 2009.
  110. The Autonomous Blimp,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, April, 2009.
  111. “Just for Kicks,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 28-29, May, 2009.
  112. “Secrets,” Fels, G., Billiards Digest, p. 64, April, 2009.
  113. “Dr. Dave’s Super Slow Motion Lab,” featured videos online, created and posted January, 2009.
  114. “Ask Mr. Modem,” – Dallas-Fort Worth News, November 28, 2008.
  115. “CSU graduate student wins major national competition for invention,” Today at Colorado State, November 21, 2008.
  116. “CSU professor brings engineering background to his billiards classes,” Johnson, J., Loveland Reporter-Herald, October 13, 2008.
  117. “Close calls … Split hits can be sticky situations for players and refs,” Jewett, B., Billiards Digest, pp. 32-33, October, 2008.
  118. Gadget Keeps Suspension Even,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 92, October 6, 2008.
  119. Jumping Back … Drawing more conclusions with the help of video,” Ross, T., Billiards Digest, p. 34, August, 2008.
  120. “Who Owns Mechatronics,” Brown, A., Mechanical Engineering magazine feature article, June, 2008.
  121. Robot Can Read Terrain and Adjust,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 104, June 2, 2008.
  122. “Want to Play Better? Here’s ‘How To’,” Fels, G., instructional product review, Billiards Digest, pp. 42-46, June, 2008.
  123. Racking up the physics of pool,” Miller, P., Colorado State University Magazine, Fort Collins, CO, Spring, 2008.
  124. Put a Bounce in Your Step,” Fels, G., book review article, Billiards Digest, p. 72, May, 2008.
  125. Gadget Cares for Your Best Friend,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 104, April 17, 2008.
  126. “CSU class searches for perfect cue,” Ferrier, P., Coloradoan, Business section lead article, Fort Collins, CO, April 8, 2008.
  127. ‘Dr. Dave’ teaches mechanical engineering principles through billiards,” Today @ Colorado State, April 4, 2008.
  128. “CSU quest: perfect pool cue,” Scanlon, B., Rocky Mountain News, Denver, CO, April 3, 2008.
  129. Billiards a great teaching tool for mechanical engineering students, says ‘Dr. Dave’,” Wilmsen, E., Colorado State University News and Information, April 3, 2008.
  130. Pool Mythology … What you accept as truth just might deserve a second look,” Ross, T., Billiards Digest, p. 36, April, 2008.
  131. “How Can I Improve My Break Shot in 8-ball?,” Men’s Health, Essential Guy Skill of the Month, p. 28, January/February, 2008.
  132. Mechanical Students Develop Cue Testing Machine,” Colorado State University, College of Engineering News, November, 2007.
  133. “The Ghostly Truth … It may sound easy, but the simplest aiming system is an illusion,” Ross, T., Billiards Digest, pp.34-35, September, 2007.
  134. The French Fryin’ Legion’s New Secret Weapon,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 132, June 4, 2007.
  135. “Engineers from Diverse Backgrounds Discuss Mechatronics,” Dodge, J., Design News, Mechatronics Supplement, April 30, 2007.
  136. “A Practical Guide to Mechatronics,” podcast interview with John Dodge, Design News,, March, 2007.
  137. Big Shot – With the help of physics, a teenage pool player goes pro,” Klein, A., Science World, v.63, n. 9, February, 2007.
  138. “CSU engineering professor helps game, students with studies of billiards physics,” McGraw, C., Colorado Springs Gazette, February 17, 2007.
  139. WebSights – Physics of Sports,” MacIsaac, D. The Physics Teacher, Vol. 44, November 2006.
  140. “Forgotten Lessons … Why can’t we remember playing techniques learned long ago?,” Shamos, M., Billiards Digest, pp. 66-71, June, 2006.
  141. “A Deadly Kiss,” Ross, T., Cue Times Billiards & Game News, p. 3, January, 2006.
  142. Christina and the Dangerous Duck Slalom,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 90, November 21, 2005.
  143. Jared’s Ride Isn’t Fly, but the Steering’s Perfect,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 86, November 7, 2005.
  144. Ryan Demonstrated the Basics of Torsion Mechanics,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 114, June 6, 2005.
  145. Richard and Jen Ace Stochastics,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 150, May 16, 2005.
  146. Give My Mascot LIFE,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 94, April 18, 2005.
  147. Luckily, Dimitri Never Inhaled,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 118, April 4, 2005.
  148. Ryan Pooh-Poohed Those Low-Carb Diets,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 110, June, 2004.
  149. Additional Parts Required: Duct Tape and Baling Wire!,” Design News, MECH307 student project appearing in Gadget Freak Files, p. 114, April, 2004.
  150. “The Human Body,” National Geographic episode showing several 3-D animations of Visible Productions’ anatomy models created with our anatomy modeling software (triangulator and VP-Sculpt), 2/26/02, PBS, 2002.
  151. “Reshape the Way You Edit 3D Models,” 3D Developments, v. 1, n. 9, Cyberware, Monterey, CA, Spring/Summer, 1997.
  152. “The Challenge of 3D Digitizing,”  Wohlers, T.,  Computer Graphics World,  pp. 21-22,  November, 1995.
  153. “Classroom as Virtual Workplace,”  Engineering Review,  v. 8, n. 1,  College of Engineering, Colorado State University,  summer, 1995.
  154. “Glaxo Virtual Anatomy – Presenting an Atlas of Human Anatomy on Your Computer,” Vector,   v.  12, n. 5,  Academic Computing and Networking Services, Colorado State University,  summer, 1995.
  155. “Cadavers are Brought to Life on the Computer Screen With Virtual Anatomy Program in 3-D,”  ASME News, v. 14, n. 10, February, 1995.
  156. “A Cut Above,”  Brisbane Sunday Mail,  Australian Newspaper, September, 8, 1994.
  157. “Virtual Anatomy,”  Ram Page Newspaper,  Colorado State University, v. 13, n. 2,  September, 1994.
  158. “Abra Cadaver: It’s a Virtual Corpse,”  John Webster,  Computer Graphics World,  pg. 13,  August, 1994.
  159. “The Cadaver in the Computer,”  Regina Oliver,  North Carolina,  pg. 6, August, 1994.
  160. “Cadavers to be Carved by Computer,”  Vicki Cheng,  Associated Press,  The Washington Times Newspaper,  Science and Technology Section,  June, 26, 1994.
  161. “Virtual Reality Comes to Anatomy,”  Vicki Cheng,  Associated Press,  The Herald Sun Newspaper, Raleigh,   pp. G1, G3,  June 26, 1994.
  162. “CSU Researching the Future With Virtual Anatomy,”  Nick Hoyer,  Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian Newspaper, pg. 2,  June 24, 1994.
  163. “Computer Used in Medicine,”  Associated Press HeadsUp News Service,  Cambridge, MA,  Story No. 757640,  June 20, 1994.
  164. “Glaxo Virtual Anatomy,”  Bart Ritner,  Triangle Computer News,  Raleigh,  pp. 11-12,  June, 1994.
  165. “Gross Anatomy,”  Jana Miller,  Fort Collins Coloradoan,  Choice Section, pg. B1,  June 7, 1994.
  166. “Abracadaver!  Dissection by Computer Magic,”  David Ranii,  The News & Observer,  Raleigh,  pp. D1-D2,  June, 4, 1994.
  167. “With a Push of a Mouse: Dissection,”  Associated Press,  Fayetteville Observer-Times,  May, 30, 1994.
  168. “Applied Reality”,  David Churbuck,  Forbes,  September, 14, 1992.
  169. “Equipment Gets More User-Friendly,”  Engineering News Record,  Construction 2000 Feature,  June 14, 1990.