Scanning Stations
There are four “scanning stations” throughout the ETS labs, located in the Phoenix Design Studio, Magellan Design Studio, the Anderson Computer Lab and the Orion Design Studios.
Instructions are posted on the computer for logging in and scanning. You may save files to your U: drive, or use a USB drive. However, because these scanning stations are computers with limited capabilities and the scanners are a limited resource, please only use these stations for scanning and then move to another general-use computer to do other work.
Digital Senders
Using a HP Digital Sender, you can scan documents as PDF files directly to your email. Instructions for using the Digital Senders are posted next to the devices themselves.
The Digital Senders are located in the following labs and rooms: Academic Village Reception Desk (next to the Orion Design Studios), Anderson Computer Lab, BC Infill, Cassini Design Studio, Internet Cafe, Magellan Design Studio, and ERC Design Studio 1.