ESTC Membership 2020-2021


Per the college code, the ESTC has 26 members (18 students, 7 faculty, & 1 staff):

  • Four representatives from each engineering department (three from Atmospheric Science and Systems Engineering), all of which are appointed by the chair of the department
    • two undergraduates (none from Atmospheric Science or Systems Engineering)
    • one graduate (two from Atmospheric Science and Systems Engineering)
    • one faculty member
  • Two representatives from intra-departmental majors, appointed by the coordinator for the majors
  • One graduate representative from the School of Biomedical Engineering
  • The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
  • The Director of Engineering Technology Services

Each department representative serves a two year term.

NamePositionDepartmentTerm Expires
Prof. Anthony MarcheseAssociate DeanAcademic Affairsex officio
Kelley BransonDirectorEngineering Technology Servicesex officio
Lee BrentgraduateAtmospheric Science2022
Kevin YanggraduateAtmospheric Science2022
Prof. Michael BellfacultyAtmospheric Science2021
Will RaymondgraduateBiomedical Engineering2021
Mason VessundergraduateChem. & Bio. Engineering2022
Lauren RobertsonundergraduateChem. & Bio. Engineering2022
Yan WanggraduateChem. & Bio. Engineering2021
Prof. Jean PeccoudfacultyChem. & Bio. Engineering2022
Claire PaschkeundergraduateCivil & Env. Engineering2022
Lily Drum-ParceundergraduateCivil & Env. Engineering2022
Danny WhitegraduateCivil & Env. Engineering2022
Prof. Ryan MorrisonfacultyCivil & Env. Engineering2021
Drew RackowundergraduateElec. & Comp. Engineering2021
Peter WalshundergraduateElec. & Comp. Engineering2022
Yifan YanggraduateElec. & Comp. Engineering2022
Prof. Ryan KimfacultyElec. & Comp. Engineering2021
Sydney McDonaldundergraduateMechanical Engineering2021
Olivia BrownundergraduateMechanical Engineering2022
Michael SartinigraduateMechanical Engineering2021
Prof. Haile EndeshawfacultyMechanical Engineering2021
Hamza AhmedgraduateSystems Engineering2022
Jayesh NarsinghanigraduateSystems Engineering2021
Prof. Jim CalefacultySystems Engineering2021

ESTC Membership in Other Years