Change of Major (COM)
Thank you for your interest in studying mechanical engineering! This information is intended for currently enrolled CSU students who have begun coursework. If you’re a recently admitted student, but have not yet begun courses, you should contact the Office of Admissions for change of major inquiries.

Automatic change of major requirements
Take this survey to determine whether you are eligible to automatically change your major to Mechanical Engineering.
Credit on an AP test for a course is sufficient for any C or B- or better grade requirement.
If you are currently taking courses to meet the change of major requirements, you will need to wait until your final grades post on RAMweb to confirm your eligibility and start the COM process.
To see an overview of the COM requirements, please view this flowchart. We recommend utilizing the flowchart in conjunction with the survey above since the survey contains additional details and instructions on the COM process.
Change of Major Steps
If, based on the survey or flowchart, you meet the requirements to automatically change your major to Mechanical Engineering, complete the following steps to make the change of major process official:
- Find who your assigned mechanical engineering academic advisor will be on this page.
- Email your future academic advisor from your CSU email with your name, CSU ID, and confirm that you would like to change your major to mechanical engineering and that you have checked that you meet the requirements to COM.
- Once your new academic advisor confirms you meet the COM requirements, they will initiate the COM process via RAMweb.
- You will then get an email to your CSU email account directing you to log into RAMweb to confirm this change. You can find detailed instructions on how to confirm the change of major here.
- Once you have confirmed the major change on RAMweb and the Registrar’s Office has processed it, your advisor will be notified automatically and will reach out to you via email to let you know about the process and timeline for academic advising. This will primarily depend on the timing of the change of major request.
Note: Mechanical Engineering academic advisors are only able to provide major and academic advising for declared Mechanical Engineering students. If you are unsure whether you want to change your major to Mechanical Engineering and would like more information, you should contact the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering or Exploratory Studies Advising.
Appeal Process
If you do not meet the course grade or GPA requirements for an automatic change of major to Mechanical Engineering, we encourage you to submit an COM Appeal Form so we can review your individual situation. This appeal form will not waive the course requirements (if applicable) to change your major. If courses are required for your classification (based off the survey), you must have at least attempted them for any change of major appeal to be considered. You can find the COM Appeal Form here.
If you have not attempted the required math and science course(s) to be considered for an automatic change of major or change of major appeal, but have completed MECH 103 with a C or better, you may be eligible for an exception to take MECH 105 as a non-MECH student. The form to request this exception and detailed requirements can be found here.
Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University is about using our knowledge of materials, energy, and health to solve society’s global engineering challenges.
Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University is about using our knowledge of materials, energy, and health to solve society’s global engineering challenges.
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