Project File Space


If you are a faculty or staff member, you can apply for a project space on the network by contacting the ETS Help Desk. Please include the full names and engineering network usernames for all those who should have access to the project directory. The full name and purpose of the project is also needed, along with an abbreviation that can be up to 8 characters in length. This abbreviation will be used as the name of the project space, as well as the name in the project’s web address.

Once created, the project space can be found on the Engineering file services network at:

    On Windows:

  • T:\projects\<project name>
  • On Linux:

  • /top/projects/<project name>

Within the project directory, a “www” sub-directory is created by default. Any web files placed within this directory can be viewed via the Internet at this URL:<project name>/<name of the web file>

Managing Access

To add and remove access to your project folder, please use our group management tool found here:

Otherwise, please contact ETS and we can add and remove users as needed.


By default, project drives come with 5GB of space. Please contact ETS to purchase additional quota.

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Engineering Technology Services

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Main Help Desk (Glover 100)
Foothills Campus Help Desk (Atmospheric Science 107)
Academic Village Help Desk (AVB C142, next to the Orion Design Studios)