Student Violations
Violations of the Engineering Lab Policies, Loaner Item Policies, and CSU’s Acceptable Use Policy, will result in the following actions:
- The first violation will result in the locking of the user’s account until the user meets in person with the ETS Client Services Manager, Lab Manager or Director. Users will receive an email about the violation.
- The second violation will result in:
- The locking of the user’s account per #1 above;
- A meeting with the Assistant Dean for Operations and an ETS staff member;
- A notification sent to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
- The third violation will result in:
- The locking of the user’s account as in #1 above;
- A combined meeting with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, the ETS Director, and the student’s academic advisor.
Faculty and Staff Violations
Violations of the Engineering Lab Policies, Loaner Item Policies, and CSU’s Acceptable Use Policy, will result in the following actions: