Each department and many business groups within the college have a separate space with a default quota of 50 GB. This space contains three folders, “GroupFiles”, public, and “Student Employees” (which is also mounted as the Z: drive). If you have hired a student employee, please contact ETS so the correct permissions can be applied.
V: Drive. Your Group Network Space
Only faculty or staff will have access to the V: drive. This drive is set aside for the department or group you work in. It can be found on the network at:
T:\<academic or admin>\<Department abbreviation>
The shortcut to this location is your V: drive. Under this drive you will find three directories: GroupFiles, public, and Student-Employees.
- GroupFiles – This folder will contain any number of directories or files meant to be used by the group as a whole.
- public – This directory is set aside for any files that would need to be shared with someone outside of your Department.
- Student-Employees – Also mounted as the Z: drive. This folder is shared space where administrative staff can share documents with their student employees.
Z: Drive. Your Student Employee Network Space
This drive is set aside for the department or group you work in to share files with Student Employees. Please email us at help@engr.colostate.edu to get access for your student employee. If the Z: drive does not automatically map, it can be found under the T: drive at:
T:\<academic or admin>\<Department abbreviation>\Student-Employees
Managing Access
V drive access is assigned when creating your engineering account. The student employee Z: drive access is only given when requested. Please contact ETS if you do not have access to the correct drive space.
By default, each department is given 50 GB. This is for the entire space, both V and Z drives. Please contact ETS to purchase more space.