Information About Your Computer


From time to time ETS may ask you for information about the computer you are using, to help troubleshoot problems or for other support services. Here is information on how to find the information ETS asks for.

Your IP Address is: and is NOT on the CSU Network.

Computer Name

Every ETS lab computer (including the thin client Windows Desktop and the Virtual Lab) has the computer name on the desktop, at the top left of the screen. Where it normally shows "Computer", we have changed it so that it shows the computer name, followed by the user name in parentheses. For example, it may read "MDS1C1 (joeuser)". We just need to know the computer name, which is the part before the parantheses.

NOTE: If your PC is CSU owned and was setup by ETS, your computer name will be display on the desktop in the upper
left corner of your screen where it normally shows the computer icon. We have changed it so that it shows the
computer name there. If this is your own personal computer then follow the steps below:

Windows 10

  1. Click Start button and select Settings
  2. Click System
  3. Click About. Your PC name will appear next to the PC name

Mobile Desktop

Your Mobile Desktop has the computer name on the desktop, at the top left of the screen. Where it normally shows "Computer", we have changed it so that it shows the computer name, followed by the user name in parantheses. For example, it may read "ENGR-ADMIN1 (joeuser)". We just need to know the computer name, which is the part before the parantheses.

Linux, Solaris or other Unix Computer

  1. Open a command window.
  2. For IP address, type the following and press enter: ifconfig.
    You will need to wade through the results to find an IP-looking address.
  3. For computer name, type the following: hostname.
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Engineering Technology Services

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Call (970) 491-2917

Stop by an ETS Help Desk:
Main Help Desk (Glover 100)
Foothills Campus Help Desk (Atmospheric Science 107)
Academic Village Help Desk (AVB C142, next to the Orion Design Studios)