Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Graduate Exam Abstract

Eve Klopf
M.S. Final
Apr 02, 2008, 3pm
Engr. A203
Development of a Direct Detection Receiver Module at 18.7 GHz
Abstract: Numerous studies have demonstrated strong relationships between terrestrial snow and the Earths climate. The links among basin hydrology, snow cover and global climate change, however, are less well defined. In river basins where water supply is dominated by winter
snow accumulation, accurate monitoring of key hydrologic variables (snow accumulation, precipitation, snow climatology and soil moisture) is important for effective water supply
Microwave radiometers on-board satellites such as SMMR, SSM/I, AMSR-E and WindSat have been used to estimate snow water equivalent (SWE) from 19 and 37 GHz brightness temperatures on a global basis. With a ground resolution of 25 km, these remote sensors can measure snow accumulation over large areas, but are less satisfactory for retrievals in mountainous terrain or in shallow or deep snow. In these regions, higher resolution information on snowpack must depend on a synthesis of ground-based and airborne measurements.
To this end, a direct detection multi-chip module receiver has been developed for use in a 19 GHz radiometer to measure snow cover (SWE) from small, lightweight, low-cost unmanned airborne vehicles (UAVs). In the longer term, this may constitute part of a microwave
radiometer measuring at 19 and 37 GHz to demonstrate high-resolution, long-duration measurement from aircraft in mountainous terrain and to improve the accuracy of SWE retrieval algorithms. Key advantages of this new technology are its low mass, volume and
power consumption.
Adviser: Dr. Reising
Co-Adviser: NA
Non-ECE Member: Dr. Krueger (Physics)
Member 3: Dr. Bringi (ECE)
Addional Members: NA
Program of Study: