Geotechnical engineering faculty contribute to first manual of practice in the field

Cover of ASCE Geoenvironmental Engineering manual.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Three CSU geotechnical engineering faculty provided significant contributions to the new Geoenvironmental Engineering Manual published by the American Society for Civil Engineering.  Associate Professor Christopher Bareither, Associate Professor Joe Scalia, and Professor and Department Head Charles Shackelford authored or co-authored four chapters in the publication, which is the first manual of practice for the…Read more

Chávez gives keynote address at Irrigation International Symposium in Uruguay

Four people stand in corn field.

Chávez gives keynote address at Irrigation International Symposium in Uruguay Earlier this month, Professor José L. Chávez delivered a keynote address at an International Irrigation Management Symposium in Colonia, Uruguay. The symposium was a gathering of experts in irrigation and agriculture sharing innovations for improving irrigation water management in Latin America and the Caribbean. Chávez spoke…Read more

Graduate student participates in shake-table testing in San Diego

John van de Lindt and graduate student stand in front of shake table simulator in California.

This January, CEE graduate research assistant Prashanna Mishra and Professor John van de Lindt participated in the second phase of the NSF-funded Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Converging Design project. This phase tested the structural integrity of a full-scale six-story timber building using a shake-table to simulate earthquake level force at the University of…Read more