Graduate Admission Overview

We value the diversity and rich history that different individuals and populations bring to our academic community, which is the embodiment of the University’s land grant mission and heritage. We seek applicants from a broad range of backgrounds, talents, experiences, and viewpoints.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering reviews all completed applications. Each piece of your application informs our admissions committee about what you can bring to the program and how our program can accentuate your skills and potential.

We want your graduate admission process to be stress-free, and we are here to support you!

Graduate Application Requirements

All of our graduate programs require an online graduate application. Below are the required items necessary to complete your application.

There is a $60 non-refundable application fee for domestic students or a $70 fee for international students. The fee is submitted in the online graduate application.

There are several opportunities for an application fee waiver. Read our FAQs below and visit the Graduate School’s page on ways to apply for free.

The application includes seven short-answer questions pertaining to your professional background, research interests, and other areas. Be sure to adhere to the word-count limit.

The application requires a Statement of Purpose addressing why you want to attend graduate school at Colorado State University. Be sure to adhere to the word-count limit.

Identify three individuals who can speak to your abilities as a student, engineer, scientist, and/or researcher.

If you are currently a student, two of the three letters of recommendation should be from faculty.

The graduate application system will email the individuals you specify. Be sure to inform your references they will be receiving the automated email request so the message is not lost in spam.

Provide an up to date resume or curriculum vitae reflecting your educational, professional, and research experience, including any presentations and publications.

Our departmental Graduate Admissions Committee can use unofficial transcripts to review graduate applications and make admission decisions. Students must submit official transcripts before or during their first semester.

Unofficial Transcripts:

  • Upload unofficial transcripts from each college or university attended to the application portal. Transcripts must include all previous undergraduate and graduate work.
  • Transcripts must be provided in the native language. For languages other than English, English translations must be included.

Official Transcripts:

  • Students must submit their official transcripts from each institution they’ve attended to CSU Graduate Admissions before or during their first semester of classes.
    • Students have the option to deliver official transcripts to the Graduate School upon arrival to campus. You may request your to have your official transcripts returned to you after processing.
    • Current CSU students do not need to request CSU transcripts. Admissions will automatically attach your CSU transcript once your application is complete. 
  • For more details, review the Graduate School’s information on how to submit official transcripts.

International applicants must meet CSU’s Graduate School English proficiency requirements.

Submit official original test scores as outlined at the website above (institution code 4075).

If the Department recommends you for admission to a graduate program, you will be contacted by the Department to submit official transcripts and documentation to CSU.

Check the status of your application at any time online at

Once you are admitted (congratulations!), here are your next steps.

Professor addressing a full classroom.


Application Deadlines

Our department evaluates applications as they are received (rolling admissions process). Students studying on a visa should allow at least three months for visas to be issued and should plan accordingly.

Applications received by the priority deadline will automatically be reviewed for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) consideration. Learn more about our assistantships.

Fall Term (August) Start
Priority Deadline
Final Deadline
Spring Term (January) Start
Priority Deadline
Final Deadline

Virtual Information Sessions

To help guide you through the graduate application process, we host a series of virtual information sessions each semester.
Register for a session below to receive the Zoom link a few days before the session.

General Information Sessions
(On-Campus Graduate Programs)

Learn more about our on-campus graduate degree options, the application process, application fee waiver information, and have your questions answered!

Monday, February 10
7:30 - 8:15 a.m. (MST)
Wednesday, March 26
12:00 - 12:45 p.m. (MST)

General Information Sessions
(100% Online Master of Engineering)

Learn more about our fully online Master of Engineering program, the application process, application fee waiver information, and have your questions answered!

Wednesday, February 26
12:00 - 12:30 p.m. (MST)

Applying Without a Civil Engineering Degree

Students admitted to our graduate program who do not have a B.S. in Civil Engineering are required to take additional coursework in their chosen area of specialization. Students should work with their academic advisor to identify specific courses and complete the courses as early as possible.

A plan for completing the background courses is to be prepared by the student and their advisor, then submitted to the department for approval by the start of the registration period for the student’s second semester. Courses taken to fulfill these requirements must be taken for credit and a traditional letter grade. An overall GPA of 3.0 must be maintained in background coursework.  The highest grade for any repeated background course will be counted toward the GPA requirement.

Water Resources, Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Related Graduate Specializations:

  • CIVE 300 Fluid Mechanics (3)
  • CIVE 322 Hydrology (3)

Structural Engineering, Solid Mechanics, and Related Graduate Specializations:

  • CIVE 360 Mechanics of Solids (3)
  • CIVE 367 Structural Engineering/ Structural Analysis (3)

Geotechnical, Geo-Environmental Engineering and Related Graduate Specializations:

  • CIVE 355 Geotechnical Engineering (3)
  • CIVE 360 Mechanics of Solids (3)

Environmental Engineering and Related Graduate Specializations:

  • CIVE 300 Fluid Mechanics (3)
  • CIVE 339 Environmental Engineering Concepts (3) OR CIVE 438 Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering (3)

Students not satisfying the above requirement will be expected to take six or more upper-division civil and environmental engineering credits (300-400 level).

Generally, the required undergraduate courses should be most related to the intended specialization and/or used as prerequisites for the student’s graduate classes. The number of upper-division credits required varies with the graduate programs.

With the recommendation of the advisor and graduate committee, students may petition the Department Chair for waiver of specific courses on the basis of extensive experience, completion of similar courses, or a professional engineering license.

  • Calculus through MATH 261 Calculus for Physical Scientists III (4 credits each)
  • MATH 340 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (4)
  • PH 141 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (5)
  • CHEM 111 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CIVE 260 Engineering Mechanics-Statics (3)
  • CIVE 261 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics (3)
  • CIVE 300 Fluid Mechanics (3)
  • CIVE 360 Mechanics of Solids (3)
  • Six or more upper-division civil and environmental engineering credits (300-400 level)
    • Generally these should be required undergraduate courses most related to the intended graduate specialization and/or used as prerequisites for the student’s graduate classes. The number of upper-division credits required varies with the graduate program area.

Completion of courses listed as prerequisites for the courses listed above is also generally required.

Courses required of our undergraduates (including CIVE 401, 466 and 467) may not be used for graduate credit according to Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering policy.

The above requirements are in addition to those normally required for a graduate degree. Students with a degree in engineering technology are encouraged to obtain a B.S. in civil engineering before entering the graduate program.

Student sitting in encapsulating booth working on laptop.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. You are not required to secure a faculty advisor prior to submitting your application materials.

Yes. Our Master of Science and Ph.D. students are frequently offered graduate teaching assistantships (GTA) or graduate research assistantships (GRA). These assistantships typically include full coverage of tuition along with a monthly stipend. Visit our assistantships page for more details.

We do not provide GTA or GRA funding to students seeking a Master of Engineering (coursework only) degree or graduate certificates. These students are generally self-funded. Review funding opportunities and options on the Graduate School webpage.

Our Graduate Admissions Committee considers applications holistically and will review all completed applications. We are not able to provide a preliminary review, but will fully review all completed graduate applications.

No. The GRE is no longer required by our department for admissions. Students who did take the GRE and have strong test scores may upload their test scores as supplemental materials to their application. Doing so may help strengthen your overall application package if your application has weak areas.


  • Visit the Graduate School’s page on ways to apply for free.
  • The CEE Department has limited funds to pay for application fees for graduate students who submit a full application, including unofficial transcripts (without the application fee). To request an application fee waiver, email our Graduate Advisor:

The English proficiency requirement is established by the CSU Graduate School, not by our department.

For the most current guidelines, visit

If you do not meet the posted requirement, it is recommended you retake an English proficiency test.

Students who apply to the Ph.D. program without a master’s degree must have significant research and publication experience. If you do not have significant research and publication experience, please apply for the Master of Science degree.

Students should not apply for admission past the final deadline unless a faculty member has offered you a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA).

Apply to the Ph.D. program in “Civil Engineering” then under “Area of Interest/Study” you will indicate “Construction Management” on the application.

When asked to provide the names of 2-3 faculty you are interested in working with, be sure to include faculty from both CEE and CM Departments.

Note: Applicants to the joint Ph.D. program must have a prior master’s degree. 

See more about our joint Construction Engineering and Management Ph.D. program.

Student placing pin on a world map.

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