Welcome to the Colorado State University student chapter of the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers. This industrial society is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to building a world-wide network for professionals who work in a biotechnology field.
As students, we can take advantage of this by being exposed to professionals who have agreed to mentor us.
Through this we learn what the pharmaceutical industry really is, the best ways to succeed in the industry and most of all, we are given opportunities to build lasting friendships with these individuals.
The student chapter helps facilitate this learning.
- Our members are able to participate in professional conferences across the United States, in which we can sit side-by-side with CEOs and have dinner with them!
- We offer private tours of local pharmaceutical facilities where we are allowed to see the inner workings of the plant.
- We have guest speakers come to our university to tell us about the industry.
It’s never too early to start building friendships with people in the industry who can offer you jobs!

Contact Information
Current Officers
President: Anna Trunzo
Treasurer: Kelcie Biondelillo
Secretary: Ava Cecil
For more information or to get involved in ISPE, please contact the ISPE President or Secretary or Brian Munsky munsky@engr.colostate.edu (academic adviser).