Office: Scott 306, Powerhouse 213
Phone: 970-491-6341
Email: john.volckens@colostate.edu
Website: jv.colostate.edu
Dr. John Volckens
Director, Center for Energy Development and Health
Mechanical Engineering
School of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Volckens is a professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of the Center for Energy Development and Health at Colorado State University (CSU). He holds affiliate appointments in Environmental Health, Biomedical Engineering, the Colorado School of Public Health, and the CSU Energy Institute. His research interests involve air quality, low-cost sensors, exposure science, and air pollution-related disease. He is a founding member of the CSU Partnership for Air Quality, Climate, and Health – an organization that seeks to develop practical, science-vetted solutions to intertwined problems of air quality, climate, and health that we face as a society.
He holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Vermont and M.S., Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Engineering from the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He then went on to a Postdoctoral position at the U.S. EPA’s National Exposure Research Laboratory in Research Triangle Park, NC. At CSU, he has pioneered the development of several new pollution sensor technologies, which have been deployed for public health research in over 30 different countries and as far away as the International Space Station. He is a co-founder of Access Sensor Technologies, LLC – a company started through his research collaborations at Colorado State University. Dr. Volckens is the recipient of the ‘Best Paper’ award from the American Industrial Hygiene Association (1999, 2017) and the Journal of Indoor Air (2013). He is a 2018 finalist for the NASA Earth, Space, Air Prize. He has published over 100 manuscripts related to exposure science, aerosol technology, and air pollution-related disease and has been the principal investigator for over $20M in funded research from the US EPA, NIH, CDC, and NASA.
- Ph.D. 2003, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill—Environmental Engineering
- M.S. 1999, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill—Environmental Engineering
- B.S. 1996, University of Vermont—Civil Engineering
Research Interests
- Air Pollution
Honors and Awards
- 2014 – Cover Issue, Annals of Occupational Hygiene
- 2014 – Best Paper, Indoor Air
- 2011,2010 – Best of Session Presentation, AIHce
- 2011 – Outstanding Project Team, Inhalable Particles Roundtable-AIHA
- 2010 – Cover Issue, Annals of Occupational Hygiene