Our mission is to advance water resources and environmental solutions to achieve a sustainable future. We aim to build camaraderie between graduate students working in environmental and water resources related fields at Colorado State University. Our goal is to develop members’ professional skill sets and networks within the environmental and water resources community at large.
Please contact us at: ewri.colostate@gmail.com to be placed on our mailing list
The Environmental & Water Resources Institute is ASCE’s technical source for environmental and water-related issues. EWRI is one of nine ASCE technical institutes.
Its members include professionals whose focus areas are:
- the Environment;
- Groundwater;
- Surface Water;
- Hydraulics and Waterways;
- Irrigation and Drainage;
- Planning and Management;
- Urban Water Resources;
- Water Supply, Wastewater, and Stormwater;
- Watershed; and
- Domestic and International Interdisciplinary Issues

Contact Information
Current Officers
President – Julianne Robinson: julianne.robinson@colostate.edu
Vice President – Kayla Schultz: kayla.schultz@colostate.edu
Treasurer – Rahel Pommerenke: rahel.pommerenke@colostate.edu
Secretary – Alex Thorton-Dunwoody: alex.thornton-dunwoody@colostate.edu
Seminar Chairs:
Joe Pugh (jepugh@colostate.edu)
Harshit (harshit@colostate.edu)
Advisory Committee:
Brady Jones (brady.jones@colostate.edu)
Md Fahim Hasan (Fahim.Hasan@colostate.edu)
For more information or to get involved in EWRI, please contact the EWRI at ewri.colostate@gmail.com