Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Shane Garland

Research Associate

Mechanical Engineering

Research Associate in Dr. Todd Bandhauer led REACH CoLab

ARPA-e INTEGRATE Program: In partnership with Colorado School of Mines, Kohler Power Systems, and Air Squared, Inc., the team is focused on designing a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell and internal combustion engine hybrid system with a 70% energy generation efficiency. 

Cross-disciplinary collaboration with Dr. Tiezheng Tong (Civil Engineering) to develop a waste heat powered membrane desalination system. 

Serve as a technical advisor for two Turbo-Compression Cooling Technologies, one focused on the manufacturing sector (sponsored by DOE EERE) and the other for naval applications (DOD)


  • M.S. 2018, Colorado State University – Mechanical Engineering
    • Thesis: Waste Heat Driven Turbo-Compression Cooling
  • B.S. 2015, Bradley University – Mechanical Engineering
