Frances V. Davenport
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Frances Davenport’s research explores fundamental questions related to global climate and the hydrologic cycle, extreme climate events, water resources, and climate change impacts on human and natural systems. Her work uses multiple methods, including observational data from in-situ monitoring networks and remote sensing; global climate models; and computational analysis tools, including machine learning. Recent projects have included: analyzing causes of increasing extreme precipitation in the U.S. Midwest, understanding the consequences of less snow in the western U.S. in a warmer climate, and quantifying the economic damages associated with historical flooding and climate change. She has also collaborated on research studying extreme heat events and landslides. Davenport earned her B.A. and B.E. degrees in Engineering Sciences from Dartmouth College, and her Ph.D. degree in Earth System Science from Stanford University. From 2014-2017, she worked as a surface water engineer in Denver, CO. Prior to joining the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in April 2023, Frances was a postdoctoral fellow in CSU’s Department of Atmospheric Science from 2022-2023.