Ellison Carter headshot.

Ellison Milne Carter

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Ellison Carter joined the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department as an Assistant Professor in January 2017. She earned a B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in Spanish in addition to a minor certification in Chemistry from Indiana University. After working with forest and marine ecologists in Costa Rica, she went on to complete M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering (Environmental and Water Resources program) from the University of Texas at Austin, focusing on indoor air quality and interventions, particularly in low-income housing. Carter then moved to a postdoctoral position at the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota, where she carried out field-based studies in China concerning air quality, climate, energy, and health. Her current research combines interests and expertise in air quality, exposure science, and chemistry and aims to answer questions relevant to energy policy and housing and transportation planning and their impacts on air pollution exposure and human health.

Contact Information


Academic Areas

Research Focus Areas

  • Air Quality
  • Exposure Science
  • Surface Chemistry
  • Health Impacts of Air Pollution
  • Housing and the Built Environment


  • B.A. 2004, Indiana University – Spanish
  • B.S. 2004, Indiana University – Biology
  • M.S. 2009, University of Texas at Austin – Civil Engineering
  • Ph.D. 2013, University of Texas at Austin – Civil Engineering