Lecture slides (PDF) | Section No. | Lecture videos on YouTube w/ closed captions (CC) | Additional Resources |
Lecture 1 Course Introduction | L1-01 | Textbook Instructor Website | |
| L1-02 | Policy Grading Objectives | |
| L1-03 | What are ceramics | |
| L1-04 | Traditional ceramics and glasses | |
| L1-05 | Ceramics for mechanical applications | |
| L1-06 | Ceramics for thermal applications | |
| L1-07 | Functional ceramics | |
| L1-08 | Ceramics atomic and micro structures | |
| L1-09 | Ceramic processing and materials tetrahedron | |
| L1-10 | Overview and tentative schedule | |
| L1-11 | Mini-proposal guideline | |
| L1-12 | No plagiarism | |
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Lecture 2 Powder Preparation | L2-01 | Introduction to powder preparation | |
| L2-02 | Raw materials | |
| L2-03 | Powder preparation methods | |
| L2-04 | Mechanical milling | |
| L2-05 | Mechanochemical synthesis | |
| L2-06 | Solid state reaction | |
| L2-07 | Solution precipitation | |
| L2-08 | Solvent removal | |
| L2-09 | Gel routes | |
| L2-10 | Vapor phase reactions | |
| L2-11 | Thermodynamics vs kinetics | |
| L2-12 | Lab safety | |
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Lecture 3 Powder Characterization | L3-01 | Introduction to powder characterizations | |
| L3-02 | Composition analysis techniques | |
| L3-03 | XRD phase analysis | |
| L3-04 | Elemental analysis techniques | |
| L3-05 | Depth profiling | |
| L3-06 | Electron based and other composition analysis techniques | |
| L3-07 | Particles and their classifications | |
| L3-08 | Particles size and size distribution PSD | |
| L3-09 | Particles size analysis techniques | |
| L3-10 | Powder surface area and porosity introduction | |
| L3-11 | Surface area and porosity from gas adsorption introduction | |
| L3-12 | Measurement of gas adsorption isotherms | |
| L3-13 | Gas adsorption isotherm classification and example | |
| L3-14 | Langmuir adsorption isotherm | |
| L3-15 | BET adsorption isotherm and BET surface area | |
| L3-16 | Pore analysis from gas adsorption | |
| L3-17 | From gas adsorption isotherm to pore size distribution | |
| L3-18 | Specific pore volume and porosity from gas adsorption | |
| L3-19 | Pore analysis by mercury porosimetry | |
| L3-20 | Porosity from pycnometry | |
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Lecture 4 Additives | L4-01 | Introduction and classification for ceramic processing additives | |
| L4-02 | Solvents | |
| L4-03 | Dispersant introduction | |
| L4-04 | Surfactant as dispersant | |
| L4-05 | Polymer as dispersant | |
| L4-06 | Ions and molecules as dispersant | |
| L4-07 | Binders | |
| L4-08 | Coagulants | |
| L4-09 | Plasticizers introduction | |
| L4-10 | Polymer melting point Tm and glass transition temperature Tg | |
| L4-11 | Polymer elastic modulus vs temperature | |
| L4-12 | Plasticizer effect on polymer Tg | |
| L4-13 | Other additives | |
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Lecture 5 Colloidal Processing | L5-01 | Introduction to colloidal processing | |
| L5-02 | Van der Waals forces between particles | |
| L5-03 | 3 ways to stabilize colloidal suspensions | |
| L5-04 | 3 ways to develop particle surface charges | |
| L5-05 | Point of zero charge PZC | |
| L5-06 | Electrical double layer EDL over particle surface in solutions | |
| L5-07 | Debye length and repulsion between particles | |
| L5-08 | Surface potential and surface charge density | |
| L5-09 | Electrostatically stabilized colloids | |
| L5-10 | Debye length examples | |
| L5-11 | Electrophoresis, mobility and zeta potential | |
| L5-12 | Stern model for EDL and zeta potential | |
| L5-13 | Al2O3 TiO2 AgI colloids zeta potentials – ionic strength effect | |
| L5-14 | Colloids isoelectrical point IEP | |
| L5-15 | Zeta potential on green structure examples of SiO2 Al2O3 | |
| L5-16 | Colloids steric stabilization by polymer adsorption and repulsion | |
| L5-17 | Polymer coverage of particles – concentration, MW, and solvent effects | |
| L5-18 | Unadsorbed polymer effect in colloidal solutions | |
| L5-19 | Polymer coverage, MW, and solvent effects on colloid steric stabilization | |
| L5-20 | Colloid electrosteric stabilization by polyelectrolyte adsorption | |
| L5-21 | Rheology of colloidal suspensions | |
| L5-22 | Newtonian and non Newtonian behaviors in rheology | |
| L5-23 | Zeta potential effect on colloidal suspension rheology | |
| L5-24 | Polymer adsorption MW solvent effects on colloid rheology | |
| L5-25 | Polyelectrolyte effect on colloid rheology | |
| L5-26 | Solid loading effect on colloid rheology | |
| L5-27 | Particle shape and size effects on colloid rheology | |
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Lecture 6 Green Body Formation | L6-01 | Introduction to green body formation | |
| L6-02 | Green body formation methods | |
| L6-03 | Regular packing of monosized spheres | |
| L6-04 | Random packing of monosized particles | |
| L6-05 | Random packing of bimodal spheres | |
| L6-06 | Random packing of bimodal nonspheres | |
| L6-07 | Packing of practical powders | |
| L6-08 | Mechanical compaction | |
| L6-09 | Powders vs granules for mechanical compaction | |
| L6-10 | Die compaction – pressure effects | |
| L6-11 | Die compaction – powder size distribution effect | |
| L6-12 | Die compaction – granule hardness effects | |
| L6-13 | Die compaction – die powder interaction effects | |
| L6-14 | Release from die and defects in mechanical compaction | |
| L6-15 | Isostatic pressing | |
| L6-16 | Casting for green body formation | |
| L6-17 | Slip casting | |
| L6-18 | Tape casting | |
| L6-19 | Other casting techniques | |
| L6-20 | Plastic forming by extrusion and injection molding | |
| L6-21 | Drying after casting or plastic formation | |
| L6-22 | Binder removal from green bodies | |
| L6-23 | Green body characterization | |
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Lecture 7 Sintering | L7-01 | Introduction to sintering | |
| L7-02 | Pressureless sintering setups | |
| L7-03 | Monitoring of sintering by density and dilatometry | |
| L7-04 | Isothermal vs constant heating rate sintering | |
| L7-05 | Multi stage heating schedules for sintering | |
| L7-06 | Constant heating rate sintering | |
| L7-07 | Atmosphere effects on sintering | |
| L7-08 | Other sintering techniques | |
| L7-09 | Hot pressing HP | |
| L7-10 | Hot isostatic pressing HIP | HIP intro video by Isostatic Pressing AssociationEquipment considerations Metal HIP w a metal capsule by Bodycote HIP w/ rapid cooling by Quintus |
| L7-11 | Microwave sintering | |
| L7-12 | Spark plasma sintering SPS | |
| L7-13 | Flash sintering FS | |
| L7-14 | Classification and microstructural evolution in sintering | |
| L7-15 | Driving force for coarsening vs sintering | |
| L7-16 | Necessary condition for densification | |
| L7-17 | Grain size and pore size evolution in sintering | |
| L7-18 | Vapor pressure and vacancy concentration in sintering | |
| L7-19 | Mass transport mechanisms determine densification vs coarsening | |
| L7-20 | Sintering kinetics | |
| L7-21 | Coarsening and grain growth in sintering | |
| L7-22 | Factors influencing pure solid state sintering | |
| L7-23 | Liquid phase sintering | |
| L7-24 | Constrained sintering | |
| L7-25 | Reaction sintering | |