
Graduate Exam Abstract

Alexander Meadows

Ph.D. Preliminary
October 20, 2023, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
ERC A210 - Computer Classroom
High-Energy, Few-Cycle Beamline for Ultra-High Field Nanophotonics

Abstract: Ultra-high intensity lasers have been used to produce a variety of intense radiation sources through the irradiation of nanostructured targets, including high-brightness x-ray sources, energetic collimated sources of ion and electron beams, and quasi-monoenergetic pulses of neutrons. However, these experiments have previously been constrained to the use of multi-cycle laser pulse drivers with duration of ~40-50 fs. At Colorado State University, we are developing a few-cycle laser beamline for the irradiation of nanostructured solid targets at relativistic intensities. This laser will delivery pulses of 5 fs duration produced through spectral broadening in a hollow-core optical fiber filled with noble gas. This pulse will create a dramatically different plasma environment than that in typical solid target laser-plasma experiments.
Simulations of this regime show that electrons will be accelerated un-obstructed into single nano-bunches by electric fields up to an order of magnitude larger than those of the laser itself, producing collimated attosecond bursts of intense x-ray and gamma ray radiation. The interaction will also produce a volume of extremely hot-plasma in which heavy atoms will be stripped of most of their electrons (producing charge states such as Au+70), potentially leading to intense beams of highly charged ions. Moreover, the ultrashort pulse duration will allow us to reach relativistic intensities up to 1 x 1020 W/cm2 with only modest laser pulse energies that compact lasers can generate at very high repetition rates. This strategy will open a path towards relativistic solid target experiments at kHz repetition rate, greatly increasing the possibility of translating fundamental research findings into applications.

Adviser: Jorge Rocca
Co-Adviser: N/A
Non-ECE Member: Dylan Yost, Physics
Member 3: Carmen Menoni, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Addional Members: Jesse Wilson, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Y. Wang, H. Chi, C. Baumgarten, K. Dehne, A. R. Meadows, A. Davenport, G. Murray, B. A. Reagan, C. S. Menoni, J. J. Rocca. 1.1 J Yb:YAG Picosecond Laser at 1 kHz Repetition Rate. Optics Letters, 45: 6615 (2020).

H. Wang, A. Meadows, E. Jankowska, B. A. Reagan, C. S. Menoni, J. J. Rocca. Laser Induced Damage in Coatings for Yb:YAG Room Temperature and Cryogenic Active Mirror Amplifiers. Optics Letters, 45: 4476 (2020).

H. Chi, C. M. Baumgarten, E. Jankowska, K. A. Dehne, G. Murray, A. R. Meadows, M. Berrill, B. A. Reagan, and J. J. Rocca. Thermal Behavior Characterization of a kW-Power Level Cryogenically-Cooled Yb:YAG Active Mirror Laser Amplifier. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 36: 1084 (2019).

Program of Study: