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- M. Balcerek, A. Pacheco-Pozo, A. Wyłomańska, and D. Krapf, “Analytical results for the distribution of first return times of non-backtracking random walks on configuration model networks” arXiv [cond-mat]: 2501.10472 (2025) preprint
- M. Balcerek, A. Pacheco-Pozo, A. Wyłomańska, K. Burnecki, and D. Krapf, “Two-dimensional Brownian motion with dependent components: turning angle analysis” Chaos (accepted, 2025) preprint
- D. Lev-Ari, I. Tishby, O. Biham, E. Katzav, and D. Krapf, “Analytical results for the distribution of first return times of non-backtracking random walks on configuration model networks” arXiv [cond-mat]: 2412.12341 (2024) preprint
- A. Pacheco-Pozo and D. Krapf, “Effectively detecting anomalous diffusion via deep learning” Nat. Comput. Sci. 4, 731 (2024) pdf
- A. Pacheco-Pozo, M. Balcerek, A. Wyłomańska, K. Burnecki, I.M. Sokolov, and D. Krapf, “Langevin equation in heterogeneous landscapes: how to choose the interpretation” Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 067102 (2024) preprint
- M. Jabloñski, F.A. La Spina, L.J. Schiavi Ehrenhaus, C.I. Marín-Briggiler, M.D. Gómez-Elías, D. Krapf, P.E. Visconti, D. Krapf, G.M. Luque, and M.G. Buffone, “Dual role of Valosin-Containing Protein (VCP/p97) in mouse sperm during capacitation” Reproduction 168 (2), e240069 (2024) full text
- A.G. Novero, P. Torres Rodríguez, J.L. De la Vega Beltrán, L.J. Schiavi-Ehrenhaus, G.M. Luque, M. Carruba, C. Stival, I. Gentile, C. Ritagliati, C.M. Santi, T. Nishigaki, D. Krapf, M.G. Buffone, A. Darszon, C.L. Treviño, and D. Krapf, “The sodium-proton exchangers sNHE and NHE1 control plasma membrane hyperpolarization in mouse sperm” J. Biol. Chem. 300, 107932 (2024) pdf
- A. Pacheco-Pozo and D. Krapf, “Fractional Brownian motion with fluctuating diffusivities” Phys. Rev. E 110, 014105 (2024) pdf
- M. Jabloñski, G.M. Luque, M. Gómez-Elías, C. Sanchez-Cardenas, X. Xu, J.L. de la Vega-Beltran, G. Corkidi, A. Linares, V.X. Abonza Amaro, D. Krapf, D. Krapf, A. Darszon, A. Guerrero, and M.G. Buffone, “Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization”, eLife 13, RP93792 (2024) full text
- A.G. Novero, C. Curcio, T.J. Steeman, A. Binolfi, D. Krapf, M.G. Buffone, D. Krapf, and C. Stival, “A Versatile Kinase Mobility Shift Assay (KiMSA) for PKA Analysis and cyclic AMP detection in sperm physiology (and beyond)”, Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 12, 1356566 (2024) pdf
- A.N. Leek, J.A. Quinn, D, Krapf, M. Tamkun, “GLT-1a glutamate transporter nanocluster localization is associated with astrocytic actin and neuronal Kv2 clusters at sites of neuron-astrocyte contact”, Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 12, 1334861 (2024) pdf
- G. Muñoz, H. Bachimanchi, J. Pineda, B. Midtvedt, M. Lewenstein, R. Metzler, D. Krapf, G. Volpe, and C. Manzo, “Quantitative evaluation of methods to analyze motion changes in single-particle experiments [Registered Report Stage 1 Protocol]”, figshare. Journal contribution. (2023) pdf
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- M. Balcerek, A. Wyłomańska, K. Burnecki, R. Metzler, and D. Krapf, “Modelling intermittent anomalous diffusion with switching fractional Brownian motion” New J. Phys. 25, 103031 (2023) full text
- C. Agudo-Rios, A. Rogers, I. King, V. Bhagat, L.M. Nguyen, C. Córdova-Fletes, D. Krapf, J.F. Strauss III, L. Arévalo, G.E. Merges, H. Schorle, E.R.S. Roldan, M.E. Teves, “SPAG17 mediates nuclear translocation of protamines during spermiogenesis”, Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 11, 1125096 (2023) pdf
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- Z.R. Fox, E. Barkai, and D. Krapf, “Aging power spectrum of membrane protein transport and other subordinated random walks”, Nat. Commun. 12, 6162 (2021) full text, SM
- G.M. Luque, X. Xu, A. Romarowski, M.G. Gervasi, G. Orta, J.L. De la Vega-Beltrán, C. Stival, N. Gilio, T. Dalotto-Moreno, D. Krapf, P.E. Visconti, D. Krapf, A. Darszon, and M.G. Buffone, “Cdc42 localized in the CatSper signaling complex regulates cAMP-dependent pathways in mouse sperm”, FASEB J. 35, e21723 (2021) preprint
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- J. Janczura, M. Balcerek, K. Burnecki, A. Sabri, M. Weiss, and D. Krapf, “Identifying heterogeneous diffusion states in the cytoplasm by a hidden Markov model”, New J. Phys. 23, 053018 (2021) pdf
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- M.E. Teves, E.R.S. Roldan, D. Krapf, J.F. Strauss III, V. Bhagat, and P. Sapao, “Sperm Differentiation: The Role of Trafficking of Proteins”, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 3702 (2020) pdf
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- D. Krapf, N. Lukat, E. Marinari, R. Metzler, G. Oshanin, C. Selhuber-Unkel, A. Squarcini, L. Stadler, M. Weiss, and X. Xu, “Spectral content of a single non-Brownian trajectory”, Phys. Rev. X 9, 011019 (2019) pdf, SM
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