
Our lab focuses on the architecture and dynamics of mammalian cells. The main expertise of the team is in single-molecule biophysics experiments at the nanometer scale. We place particular emphasis on the cytoskeleton and its role in the dynamic organizations of the plasma membrane and cytoplasm.

Research Projects


  • July 2024 – New article in PRL
    Congratulations to Adrian! Our article on the interpretation of the Langevin equation for diffusion in heterogeneous environments was accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.
  • June 2024 – New article in Reproduction
    Our article on the role of VCP in sperm during capacitation, in collaboration with the Buffone Lab was accepted for publication.
  • June 2024 – New article in PRE
    Congratulations to Adrian! Our article on fractional Brownian motion with fluctuating diffusivities was accepted for publication.
  • June 2024 – Welcome to Pilar, Lucila, Anna, and Ben
    Pilar Ameijeiras (IBYME), Lucila Gomez Olivieri (IBYME), Anna Mellizo Kroll (CU Boulder), and Benjamin Brown (UW) are spending the summer in our lab.
  • May 2024 – Welcome to Michał
    Michał Balcerek is visiting our lab from Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
  • May 2024 – Outstanding Faculty Award
    Diego Krapf was awarded the Outstanding Faculty Award of the School of Biomedical Engineering
  • April 2024 – Welcome to Mariana
    Mariana Olivares Urbano is visiting our lab from the UNAM.
  • December 2023 – Welcome to Bram, D’andre, and Lydia!
    Bram Copeland, D’andre Rogers, and Lydia Seese joined our group within the Scott Undergraduate Research Experience program.
  • October 2023 – Welcome to Emily!
    Emily Kaplan started an MS degree in our group.
  • September 2023 – New article in Science Advances
    Congratulations to Matt! Our article linking nucleosome mobility to acetylation and transcription state was accepted in Sci. Adv.
  • August 2023 – Welcome to Analía!
    Analía Novero from IBR, Argentina, is visiting the lab from August to October to work on sperm capacitation signaling pathways.
  • May 2023 – New postdoc in the lab
    Adrián Pacheco has accepted a postdoctoral position in the lab starting in October.
  • February 2023 – Welcome to Arturo!
    Arturo Matamos Volante joined our team as a postdoctoral researcher. He will be working on the sperm capacitation project.
  • October 2022 – New article in Nature Communications
    Our article on MSSR as a single frame superresolution tool in collaboration with the Guerrero group was accepted for publication in Nat. Commun.
  • September 2022 – New R01 award
    We have been awarded an R01 grant by NIH (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1R01HD106968). The title of our new project is Regulation of Soluble Adenylate Cyclase During Mammalian Sperm Capacitation.
  • August 2022 – Welcome to Snehal Patil
    Snehal, a new graduate student in the lab, will be working on on microRNA-based gene regulation.
  • August 2022 – New article in Chaos
    Our article on multifractional Brownian motion has been accepted for publication in Chaos.
  • May 2022 – Congratulations to Ryan Roessler
    Ryan completed his B.S. in Physics at CSU and he is starting his M.S. degree in Bioengineering in our group.
  • January 2022 – New article in New J. Phys.
    Our article in collaboration with Aljaz Godec about using the intermediate scattering function and the dynamic structure factor to identify multi-state dynamics.
  • November 2021 – New article in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
    Congratulations to Grzegorz. Our article on the empirical anomaly measure for Gaussian processes was accepted for publication.
  • September 2021 – New NSF grant
    We have received the award 2102832, “NSF/BSF: Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression: From Molecular Interactions to the Network Level” by the program Physics of Living Systems. The project is an international collaboration with Tim Stasevich (CSU), Eytan Katzav, and Ofer Biham (Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
  • September 2021 – Welcome to a new Senior Design Team
    Jack Burford, Macklin Harrington, and Michelle Hefner are joining the lab as a BME Senior Design team.
  • August 2021 – Welcome to Reshma Sunny
    Reshma, a new graduate student in the lab, will be working on 3D superresolution imaging.
  • August 2021 – Welcome to Ryan Roessler
    Ryan joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher.
  • May 2021 – New article in FASEB J
    Our article, in collaboration with the Buffone Lab, about Cdc42 localization role in mouse sperm, was accepted in the FASEB Journal.
  • March 2021 – New article in NJP
    Our article about identifying diffusive states in live cells using a hidden Markov model was accepted for publication in New Journal of Physics.
  • March 2021 – New NIH award
    In collaboration with the Teves lab at Virginia Commonwealth University, we have received the R03 grant “Trafficking of proteins: relevance to male fertility”.
  • January 2021 – New article in JCIS
    Congratulations to Hasan! Our article “Dynamics of long-term protein aggregation on low-fouling surfaces” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Colloid & Interface Science.
  • December 2020 – New article in NJP
    Congratulations to Samu Thapa! Our article on the large deviations test for Brownian motion was accepted for publication in New Journal of Physics.
  • July 2020 – Congratulations to Terrance
    Terrance Bishop has submitted his MS thesis to the graduate school.
  • June 2020 – New article in PRL
    Our article about heterogeneous diffusion in the cytoplasm, in collaboration with Matthias Weiss, was accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.
  • May 2020 – Promotion to Full Professor
    Diego was promoted to the rank of full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at CSU
  • March 2020 – Welcome to Takuma Akimoto
    Takuma Akimoto is visiting our lab from Tokyo University of Science
  • March 2020 – Welcome to Erez Aghion
    Erez is visiting our lab from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
  • January 2020 –  6th CSMMM
    The 6th Colorado Single Molecules in Membranes Meeting is taking place at CU Denver on January 10.
  • November 2019 –  Article in Acta Biomaterialia
    Congratulations to Hasan! Our article on surface characterization techniques has been accepted for publication.
  • August 2019 –  Article in Physics Today
    Our article has been accepted for publication in Physics Today and is appearing in the September issue.
  • August 2019 –  Welcome to Dominic
    Dominic Asebiah, a graduate student in materials science is starting a 10-week rotation in our lab.
  • July 2019 –  Congratulations to Eric!
    Eric has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.
  • May 2019 –  New article in Scientific Reports
    Our article on mu-opioid receptors in collaboration with the Hentges lab has been accepted to Scientific Reports
  • January 2019 –  César Milstein Award
    Diego Krapf received a Milstein award to spend four months in the IBR (Rosario) and the IBYME (Buenos Aires) in Argentina.
  • December 2018 –  New article in PRX
    Our article on the power spectra of individual fractional Brownian motion trajectories was accepted in Physical Review X.
  • December 2018 – New article in PRE
    Our article on the identification of the diffusive type of motion in the plasma membrane using ARFIMA models was accepted for publication.
  • November 2018 – George T. Abell Outstanding Mid-Career Faculty Award

    Diego Krapf received the Outstanding Mid-Career Faculty Award from the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering at CSU


PI: Diego Krapf
Electrical and Computer Engineering and School of Biomedical Engineering
Colorado State University

Phone: (970) 491-4255
E-mail: diego.krapf@colostate.edu

Our labs are located in the third floor of the Scott Bioengineering Building.