In order to become a member of Tau Beta Pi, three things are needed:
One-time membership fee of $85.
- Payment can be submitted to the Tau Beta Pi mailbox in the Engineering Success Center (on the first floor of the Scott Bioengineering Building) or at the Drop-In Information Session (see below for further details). The payment should be in the form of a check for $85 made out to Tau Beta Pi Colorado Delta.
Catalog Card
- Fill it out at (Only takes a few minutes)
- Chapter: Colorado Delta
- Pin Number: 0604.
Statement of intent located here. (Be brief)
The deadline to submit these items is Friday, March 29th by 5 pm. Please stop by our information session with any questions you might have (details below). If you have any questions or need to set up a different time to turn in your payment, please email us at
Drop-In Information Session Details:
Who: Tau Beta Pi Invitees
When: TBT
(You only need to stay long enough to grab some pizza, ask questions, and turn in your initiation payment. The longer time is provided to ensure that all invitees have a chance to stop in during their day.)
Where: TBT
Why: Learn more about Tau Beta Pi, turn in initiation dues and fill out required info, ask questions, and enjoy lunch.
Initiation Details:
Who: Tau Beta Pi Initiates
When: Thursday, April 18th 5:45pm – 7pm
Where: The Pendulum (Physics Wing of Engineering)
Attire: Business Casual