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IEEE 58th International
Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems

August 2-5, 2015, Fort Collins, Colorado Climbing to New Heights

Travel & Local Info


Fort Collins and Colorado State University are located about 70 miles to the north of Denver International Airport (DIA).

Two companies that operate shuttles to Fort Collins:

For more transportation information, please visit the CSU Conferences Site.

Local Info


Visit the Fort Collins Convention & Visitors Bureau for more information about what to do in Fort Collins.
Here is a short informational video about Fort Collins and its history.
Other things to be aware of:

If you don’t like the weather, just wait 15 minutes…

Fort Collins is high up (round about 5000ft) and the weather can be unpredictable. On average, highs will be in the 80s & 90s (Farenheit), and lows will be in the 50s & 60s. The nearby mountains will be cooler.

Because you will be at a high elevation, make sure to drink plenty of water during your stay and for a couple of days before you arrive. This will help alleviate any physiological response you might have to the elevation.

We look forward to seeing each of you here, and to helping you have a great time while you're in Colorado.

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