- 05/2023: Declan was selected for the School of Biomedical Engineering Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award. Congratulations!
- 04/2023: Kristen was awarded the 2023 SB3C Diversity Travel Award. Congratulations!
- 02/2023: Dr. Wang released a podcast with the Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging at Colorado State University discussing the heart as we age. Check it out here!
- 06/2022: Wenqiang and Kristen gave podium presentations at SB3C 2022. Congratulations!
- 05/2022: Wenqiang successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations!
- 04/2022: Check out our recently published research article in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Multiscale Contrasts Between the Right and Left Ventricle Biomechanics in Healthy Adult Sheep and Translational Implications!
- 03/2022: Kellan’s SB3C abstract was selected for the ASME-BED MS Student Paper Competition. Congratulations!
- 03/2022: Kristen’s EB abstract was selected for presentation at the EB Welcome Ceremony. Congratulations!
- 03/2022: Wenqiang’s EB abstract was selected for a podium presentation. Congratulations!
- 02/2022: Michael successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations!
- 02/2022: Michael was awarded the Professional Development and Supply Award from the CSU Graduate School. Congratulations!
- 12/2021: Check out our recently published research article in Bioengineering: The Interventricular Septum Is Biomechanically Distinct from the Ventricular Free Walls!
- 09/2021: Check out our recently published research article in the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering: Different Passive Viscoelastic Properties Between the Left and Right Ventricles in Healthy Adult Ovine!
- 08/2021: Michael was awarded the Shrake Culler Scholarship. Congratulations!
- 06/2021: Check out our recently published review paper in American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology: Current Status of Myocardial Restoration via the Paracrine Function of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells!
- 06/2021: Wenqiang and Michael presented their podium presentations at the virtual SB3C 2021.
- 05/2021: Michael was awarded the Diversity Participation Award from SB3C. Congratulations!
- 05/2021: Michael and Wenqiang’s SB3C abstracts were accepted as podium presentations.
- 05/2021: Courtney and Megan were awarded College Honors for their poster presentation at CURC. Congratulations!
- 03/2021: Check out our recently published book chapter in Extracellular Matrix – Development and Therapeutics: Extracellular Matrix in Cardiac Tissue Mechanics and Physiology: Role of Collagen Accumulation!
- 12/2020: Wenqiang passed his Preliminary Exam. Congratulations!
- 12/2020: Michael passed his Preliminary Exam. Congratulations!
- 10/2020: Courtney presented her poster at the virtual BMES Annual Meeting 2020.
- 10/2020: Check out our recently published review article in the Special Issue “Electrospinning for Tissue Engineering” of Bioengineering: Mechanical Considerations of Electrospun Scaffolds for Myocardial Tissue and Regenerative Engineering!
- 09/2020: Check out our recently published research article in Journal of Integrative Cardiology: Correlations between the right ventricular passive elasticity and organ function in adult ovine!
- 08/2020: Welcome new mechanical engineering Ph.D. student, Kristen LeBar.
- 08/2020: Michael was awarded the Graduate Teaching Fellowship. Congratulations!
- 08/2020: Michael wrote about the value of mentorship in a PLOS Early Career Researcher Community blog article.
- 07/2020: Michael was awarded the Professional Development and Supply Award from the CSU Graduate School. Congratulations!
- 06/2020: Michael was awarded the Sjostrom Family Scholarship. Congratulations!
- 06/2020: Wenqiang was awarded 2nd place in the ASME-BED PhD Student Paper Competition at SB3C 2020. Congratulations!
- 06/2020: Wenqiang and Michael presented their talks at the virtual SB3C 2020.
- 06/2020: Check out our recently published research article in Animal Models and Experimental Medicine: Establishment of adult right ventricle failure in ovine using a graded, animal-specific pulmonary artery constriction model!
- 06/2020: Welcome new mechanical engineering undergraduate, Kellan Roth.
- 05/2020: Welcome summer REU student, Ambrina Abbasi, from CU Boulder!
- 05/2020: Courtney was awarded College Honors for her poster presentation at CURC 2020. Congratulations! Award
- 05/2020: Michael was awarded the SBME Scholarship for Leadership and Innovation. Congratulations! Article
- 05/2020: Courtney was awarded the Outstanding Junior Researcher Award. Congratulations!
- 05/2020: Michael’s SB3C abstract was accepted.
- 05/2020: Wenqiang’s SB3C abstract was selected for the ASME PhD Student Paper Competition. Congratulations!
- 04/2020: Courtney presented her virtual poster at CURC 2020.
- 03/2020: Michael and Wenqiang’s Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium 2020 abstracts were accepted as podium (oral) presentations.
- 02/2020: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduates, Matt Ahern, Shervin Kazemi, and Katie Evans.
- 12/2019: Check out our recently published review article in the Special Issue “Advances in Biological Tissue Biomechanics” of Bioengineering: Current Understanding of the Biomechanics of Ventricular Tissues in Heart Failure!
- 12/2019: Congratulations to Brian for graduating CSU with his M.E. in biomedical engineering! We wish you luck in your future endeavors!
- 12/2019: Michael and Wenqiang’s Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium 2020 abstracts were accepted.
- 11/2019: Michael’s poster was presented at the AHA Scientific Sessions 2019 in Philadelphia, PA.
- 10/2019: Michael was awarded the Sjostrom Family Scholarship. Congratulations!
- 10/2019: Michael presented his poster at the 2019 BMES Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.
- 08/2019: Michael’s AHA Scientific Sessions 2019 abstract was accepted.
- 07/2019: Michael’s 2019 BMES Annual Meeting abstract was accepted.
- 06/2019: Wenqiang presented his poster at SB3C 2019 in Seven Springs, PA.
- 09/2019: Welcome new mechanical engineering undergraduate, Megan Frederes.
- 05/2019: Congratulations to Elisabeth (Lizzy) for graduating CSU with her B.S. in chemical and biological engineering. We wish you luck in your future endeavors!
- 05/2019: Wenqiang was awarded the SB3C Diversity Travel Grant. Congratulations!
- 05/2019: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Emily Hoffmann.
- 04/2019: Lizzy was awarded College Honors for her poster presentation at CURC 2019. Congratulations! Award
- 04/2019: Lizzy presented her poster at CURC 2019 in Fort Collins, CO.
- 04/2019: Michael presented his poster at EB 2019 in Orlando, FL.
- 03/2019: Wenqiang’s SB3C 2019 abstract was accepted.
- 03/2019: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Eddie Kitahara.
- 03/2019: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Courtney Doherty.
- 03/2019: Check out our recently published research article in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology: Beneficial Effects of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Delivery via a Novel Cardiac Bioscaffold on Right Ventricles of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertensive Rats!
- 02/2019: Michael was awarded the VPR Graduate Student Fellowship. Congratulations! Article 1; Article 2
- 02/2019: Welcome new biomedical engineering M.E. student, Brian Funfgeld.
2018 and Before
- 11/2018: Michael was awarded the Founder’s Award-Top Scholar for his presentation at the CSU Graduate Student Showcase. Congratulations! Article 1; Article 2
- 11/2018: Wenqiang presented his poster at the AHA Scientific Sessions 2018 in Chicago, IL.
- 11/2018: Wenqiang presented his poster at the USA-China Cardiovascular Symposium 2018 in Chicago, IL.
- 10/2018: Michael presented his poster at the 2018 BMES Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA.
- 10/2018: Michael received the SBME Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations!
- 10/2018: Michael’s CSU Graduate Student Showcase abstract was accepted.
- 09/2018: Check out our recently published book chapter in Cardiac Extracellular Matrix (Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology): Biomechanical Properties and Mechanobiology of Cardiac ECM!
- 08/2018: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Ethan Barron.
- 08/2018: Wenqiang’s AHA Scientific Sessions 2018 abstract was accepted.
- 08/2018: Welcome new SBME Ph.D. student, Wenqiang (Eric) Liu.
- 07/2018: Michael received the 2018 BMES Student Travel Award. Congratulations! Article
- 07/2018: Michael’s 2018 BMES Annual Meeting abstract was accepted.
- 05/2018: Congratulations to Wenqiang (Eric) for graduating CSU with his M.E. in biomedical engineering!
- 05/2018: Congratulations to Collin for graduating CSU with his B.S. in mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering. We wish you luck in your future endeavors!
- 05/2018: Check out our recently published research article in the Journal of Applied Physiology: Organ-level right ventricular dysfunction with preserved Frank-Starling mechanism in a mouse model of pulmonary arterial hypertension!
- 04/2018: Michael and Wenqiang presented their posters at EB 2018 in San Diego, CA.
- 04/2018: Congratulations to the SBME undergraduate design team (2017-2018) for the hypoxia chamber and controller design and construction. The team won 2nd place at the College of Engineering E-Days. Article
- 04/2018: Michael and Wenqiang each received the SBME Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations!
- 02/2018: Michael and Wenqiang’s Experimental Biology (EB) abstracts were accepted.
- 01/2018: Welcome new chemical, biological and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Elisabeth Gray.
- 01/2018: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Joanna Dunne.
- 01/2018: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Mauri Richards.
- 12/2017: Dr. Wang received the FY18 Quarterly Strategic Investment Funding from the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR). Congratulations!
- 08/2017: Welcome new bioengineering M.E. student, Wenqiang (Eric) Liu.
- 08/2017: Welcome new bioengineering Ph.D. student, Michael Nguyen-Truong.
- 08/2017: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Collin Dieckgraeff.
- 01/2017: Welcome new mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering undergraduate, Tyler Parker.