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Welcome to the Electronic–PhotoniC Systems Design (ECSyD) Laboratory!

Members Open Positions News Research Sponsors Alumni

Members (ECSyD Family!)

Principal Investigator

Dr. Mahdi Nikdast received his Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2013. He is currently as Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Colorado State University (CSU). Dr. Nikdast is the director of the Electronic–PhotoniC System Design (ECSyD) Laboratory Lab. at CSU. His research interests focus on the design and development of emerging computing and embedded systems employing emerging technologies for high-performance computing systems and applications.

My Current and Future Collaborators 

I am delighted to work with an amazing team of graduate and undergraduate students: 

Ph.D. Students (at CSU)

Zahra Ghanaatian Jobzari (Ph.D. SP 2023 – present)

Zahra received her B.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering from Shiraz University, Iran in 2018, and her MS degree in Telecommunication Engineering at Polytechnique University of Milan, Italy. She is  currently pursuing her PhD in ECSyD at Colorado State University. Her research interests include silicon photonics, optical communications, and wireless communications. Cooking, hiking, and playing Santoor are some of her favorite activities.

Mohammad Amin Mahdian (Ph.D. FA 2022 – present)

Mohammad Amin received his M.Sc. degree from Kashan University, Iran, in Electronics Engineering in 2018. His research interests are integrated photonics and terahertz systems. In addition to integrated photonics, he enjoys swimming, biking, and cooking.

Rashadul Kabir (Ph.D. FA 2021 – present)

Rashadul received his B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from American Intl. University –Bangladesh in 2011, and MS in Electrical Engineering from State University of New York at New Paltz in 2014. From September 2015 to July 2021, he worked as a lecturer and later as an assistant professor at Presidency University, Bangladesh. His research interests include High-Performance Computing, Silicon Photonics, and Machine Learning. During his free time, he likes to spend time with his family or play guitar.

Amin Shafiee (Ph.D. SP 2021 – present)

Amin has completed his BSc degree in Electronics Engineering at Shiraz University, Iran in 2018, and his MS in Integrated Electronics and Optoelectronics at Polytechnique University of Turin (Politecnico di Torino), Italy in 2020. His research interests include Silicon Photonics, Photonic devices, and Photodetectors. Putting academic aside, he enjoys playing violin and reading publications on Quantum physics.

This could be you: we are currently looking for motivated students with a B.Sc./M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or Integrated Photonics. Please read the information on this page and follow the instructions before sending an email to Prof. Nikdast!

Ph.D. Students (outside CSU)

Sanmitra Banerjee (Ph.D. SP 2020 – SUM 2022)
Co-supervised with Prof. Chakrabarty at Duke University (now at Arizona State University). 

M.Sc. Students


Ahmed Mohammad (FA 2022 – )

Ahmed has completed his BSc degree in Computer Engineering at Colorado State University, Fort Collins in 2022. His research interest is on Silicon Photonics Biosensors. He is also interested in Machine learning and Coding. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three kids, playing video games and watching sports.

Undergraduate Students


Joseph Thompson (SUM 2022 – )

Ryan Gloekler (SP 2021 – )

High School Students

Kacy Larson (SUM 2023)

Kacy Larson is currently working on her high-school diploma at Rocky Mountain High School. She is completing an internship here at CSU specializing in silicon photonics. She enjoys reading, paddle boarding, and playing the violin.

Julia Zheng (SUM 2023)

Julia Zheng is currently working on her high-school diploma at Fossil Ridge High School. She is completing an internship at CSU specializing in silicon photonics. In addition to silicon photonics, Julia also likes to explore other fields of computing, like coding & sustainable device design. In her free time, she likes to swim, travel, and play violin.

Kate Glover (SUM 2023)

Kate Glover is currently working on her high-school diploma at Fort Collins High School. She is completing an internship at CSU specializing in silicon photonics. She’s also interested in the fields of data science and statistics. Outside of school, Kate enjoys traveling, playing tennis, and reading murder mystery novels.

Noah Mulvaney (FA 2018- SP 2019, Capstone Project: Sensing and Deep Learning) 

Noah is a high school student in Broomfield who is doing his capstone project in ECSyD Lab. Noah particularly loves studying mathematics, physics, and computer science. He also loves hiking and being outside with his four siblings and parents.


Research Sponsors:

Past Members:

Dr. Asif Mirza (Ph.D., SP 2018 – SUM 2024). Thesis: Design Exploration and Optimization of Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits under Fabrication-Process Variations..
Co-supervised with Sudeep Pasricha. First Position: Silicon Austria Labs (SAL), Austria.
Dr. Ebadollah Taheri (Ph.D., FA 2019 – SP 2024). Thesis: Design and Optimization of Efficient, Fault-Tolerant and Secure 2.5D Chiplet Systems.
Co-supervised with Sudeep Pasricha. First Position: HP Labs, CA, USA.
Dr. Febin Sunny (Ph.D., SP 2018 – SP 2024). Thesis: Hardware-Software Co-Design of Silicon Photonic AI Accelerators.
Co-supervised with Sudeep Pasricha. First Position: AMD, TX, USA.
Lekha Rane (M.Sc. FA 2019 – SUM 2021). Project: Automated and In-Package Testing of Silicon Photonics Integrated Circuits. First Position: Silicon Design Engineer at AMD!
Siddhi Sawant (M.Sc. FA 2019 – SUM 2021). Project: Automated Analysis of Fabrication-Process Variations in Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits. First Position: SoC Design Engineer at Intel!
Shruti Parab (M.Sc. FA 2019 – FA 2020). Project: Photonics Neural Networks. First postion: Firmware Engineer at Seagate Technology, CO, USA!
Mohadeseh (Shadi) Manafi Avari (Visiting Ph.D. Student, FA 2019 – SP 2020.) Project: Intelligent Resource Management in Optically Interconnected Exascale Computing Systems. Current position: Ph.D. student in CS department at CSU!
Aniruddha Vyawahare (M.Sc. FA 2018 – SP 2020). Project: Electronic-Photonic Co-Design and Cosimulation. First position: SoC Design Engineer at Intel, TX, USA!
Mihir Pakhale (M.Sc. Project, SP 2018 – SUM 2019). Project: Eye of Horus (EoH): A Real-Time Surveillance System to Protect Citizens. First position: Firmware Engineer at Seagate Tech., CO, USA!
Sakshi Bhatnagar (M.Sc. Thesis, FA 2017 – SP 2019). Thesis: Performance Assessment of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Interconnects Using Advanced Polynomial Chaos Schemes. Publications: [C27]. First position: Software Engineer at Productiv, Palo Alto, CA!

Undergraduate Students (SDP: Senior Design Project)

Ali Algedheebi (FA 2023 – SP 2024)
Gavin Looney (FA 2023 – SP 2024)
Ben Morrison (FA 2023 – SP 2024)
Ashlen Grote (FA 2022 – SP 2023)
Mason Higgins (FA 2022 – SP 2023)
Joshua Laskie (FA 2022 – SP 2023)
Qianya Zhu (FA 2022 – SP 2023)
Garrett Anderson (SP 2022 – SP 2023)
Alexander Benson (SP 2023)
Peter Walsh (FA 2019 – FA 2020)
Bronson Wong (FA 2019 – FA 2020)
Calvin Tai (FA 2019 – SP 2020)
Nick Daly (SP 2019 – SP 2020)
Chris Fueg (SP 2020)
Andy Worcester (SP 2020)
Zach Burpoe (SP 2020)
Eric Lyu (FA 2019 – SP 2020), SDP
Gi Hong (FA 2019 – SP 2020) , SDP
Aly Ammar (FA 2019 – SP 2020), SDP